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河南大学 硕士学位论文 开封菜肴名称的语言文化探析 姓名:陈延平 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:语言学及应用语言学 指导教师:张俐 2011-04 I 摘 要 语言的表现形式是多种多样的,菜肴的名称属于其中重要的一种,开封菜肴名称带 有明显的地域文化烙印。开封菜肴的名称与开封地理概况有着密切的联系。开封菜肴的 名称反映了开封饮食文化的历史和发展, 正是深厚的饮食文化底蕴和独具特色的饮食风 俗塑造了开封丰富多彩的菜肴名称。开封菜肴的名称使用了多种修辞手法。这些修辞手 法的使用不仅便于饮食消费者理解、记忆、识别菜肴,还能直接影响和刺激广大饮食消 费者的消费欲望。菜肴名称还对饮食文化的传播与交流、引导广大饮食消费者的消费动 向起着重要的作用。而良好的修辞效果在这一过程中有着相当重要的作用。揭示开封菜 肴名称所使用的修辞手法和修辞的表达效果,有利于促进菜肴名称的规范化、合理化运 用。开封菜肴的名称从命名的艺术手法来看分为写实类菜名和写意类菜名。写实类菜肴 名称呈现出朴实无华的特征。写意类菜肴的名称大多借助联想、想象等手段采用各些修 辞手法,例如借代、比喻、象征、用典等修辞手法来美化菜肴。也由于这修辞手法的使 用,这类菜肴名称常呈现出不同的风格特征,要么古朴典雅,要么诙谐幽默。写意类菜肴 名称很难从名称上看出菜肴的原料构成和口味类型, 但是写意类菜肴名称能够使消费者 眼前一亮,产生“心意相通”的感觉,使消费者能够从菜肴名称产生联想,进而意会写 意类菜肴名称的含义。开封菜肴的名称与我国的传统文化同样有着深刻的联系。开封菜 肴的名称体现了我国传统文化的精神核心。 我国的传统文化好似一颗根深叶茂的参天大 树,饮食文化便是这棵大树上繁衍出的枝叶,从传统文化的母体中汲取丰富的营养。开 封菜肴的名称体现了丰富的饮食文化内涵,饮食文化又折射着我国的传统文化。所以我 们说开封菜肴的名称包含着深厚的传统文化意蕴。 以口味命名类的菜肴所体现了我国古 代的五行生克、阴阳消长的哲学思想,即开封菜肴名称与我国阴阳五行的哲学思想有着 重要的内在联系。开封饮食文化所追求的“原形、原物、原汁、原味”离不开我国古代 道家“自然清淡”思想的影响。对“色、香、味”的追求,是开封菜肴名称的一大特点, 这一特点深受我国儒家食精脍细的美学思想的影响。 同时开封菜肴名称也反映了我国原 始神话的一些印迹。神话是远古人民对自然、社会现象的认识,是人类社会生活和心理 生活的复杂结晶。作为我国一种古老的社会文化现象,原始神话一直影响着人们的日常 生活,处于其氛围之中的饮食活动必然会受其影响。我国远古神话对开封菜肴名称的影 II 响突出表现在龙、凤、麒麟、鱼等菜肴原料的命名上。开封菜肴名称的词汇构成有一定 的特点。本文对开封菜肴名称的词汇构成进行深入的分析,揭示出开封菜肴名称常用词 汇的特点。原料类词语、调料类词语和烹饪术语、数字、地名、人名、某些颜色类词语 或某些色彩鲜明的器物类词语也可进入开封菜肴的名称。 这些词语进入开封菜肴的名称 之后,在形式上和意义上便构成了一个固定的整体,成为有着新的能指和所指的语言符 号,专门指称某道开封名菜。开封菜肴名称具有一定的命名理据。其命名具有一定的任 意性。然而语言符号不仅仅具有任意性,还包含着一定的理据性。开封菜肴名称命名的 任意性受理据性制约,其任意性只能在它的理据性所规定的范围之内运作。我们把开封 菜肴命名的词内理据主要分为原料类理据、造型类理据、颜色理据、味道理据和数字理 据。开封菜肴的命名除了具有词内理据外,还具有其词外理据即文化理据。其文化理据 主要体现在菜肴名称中数词的应用及某些器物类词语的应用。本文以实地调查、网络调 查和搜集开封的一些菜谱得来的菜肴名称为基本语料,运用文化语言学、修辞学、社会 语言学、语言理据等相关理论,来描写分析开封菜肴名称,揭示其修辞特征、文化特征 和词汇构成。指出开封菜肴名称中出现的不规范现象,并提出相应的对策进行规范,力 争做到描写充分、解释全面。 关键词:开封菜肴名称,修辞手法,传统文化,词汇构成,命名理据,语言规范 III ABSTRACT The language form is many and varied; the dish name is an important kind of language form. Dish name of Kaifeng has the obvious region culture brand mark. The dish name of Kaifeng and the Kaifeng geography survey have the close relationship. The dish name of Kaifeng had reflected the Kaifeng deep diet culture history and the development. Its just the deep culture and long history mode so many kinds of dish name. The dish names of Kaifeng have many rhetorical devices. With these rhetorical devices ,it is easy for many people to understand 、remember and identify different dish names. It also can stimulate many customerspurchase desires. But the good rhetoric effect has the quite vital role in this process. Promulgating rhetorical device and rhetoric expression effect which the Kaifeng dish names have used is advantageous in the promotion of Kaifeng dish name standardization and the rationalization. The name of dish of Kaifeng can be divided into the realistical name and abstractive name, according to the naming artistic technique. The realistical name of the dish presents the plain characteristic while the abstractive name is in the help of association and imagination in means and uses the rhetorical devices to beautify the cooked food, such as metonymy, analogy, and symbol. Because of the use of this rhetorical device, the name of dish often shows different stylistics, either elegant plain or jokily humorous. It is difficult to tell the raw material and its taste from the name but it can attract the consumer at once and make them feel “touch the cord”. The abstractive names of the dish make the consumer associate and then get the meaning of the name. There is a profound link between the name of Kaifeng dish and our countys traditional culture. The name of Kaifeng dish manifests the spirit cord of the traditional culture. Our countrys traditional culture seems a deep-rooted and flourishing towering tree, while the diet culture is its branches and leaves that derives the rich nutrition from the traditional culture. The name of Kaifeng dish performs the connotation of the rich diet culture which in return reflects our countrys traditional culture. Therefore, we may say the name of Kaifeng dish contains profound traditional culture. The dish named after the taste shows the philosophy of Wu Xing (co-exist and conflict) and Yin Yang (increase and decrease), namely, the name of Kaifeng dish and the Wu Xing and Yin Yang have the important inner link. The diet culture of Kaifeng pursues “the original form, original things, raw juice, original taste” which was influenced by Taoism nature and light .It is another character of the name of Kaifeng dish to pursue that the color is nice ,savor fantastic, taste good. This gets the influences from the Confucionists aesthetics IV thought to fine food. Meanwhile the name of Kaifeng dish also reflects the trace of our countrys primitive myth. The myth was the ancient peoples understanding to nature and social phenomenon and also the complicate production of the human social and psychological life. As an old social culture phenomenon, the primitive myth has always affected peoples daily life and thus the diet culture which carried on in this atmosphere would be definitely influenced. The in
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