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华中科技大学 博士学位论文 异构无线网络中的多媒体通信研究 姓名:莫益军 申请学位级别:博士 专业:信息与通信工程 指导教师:王芙蓉 20070801 I 华华 中中 科科 技技 大大 学学 博博 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文 摘摘 要要 无线通信近年来发展迅猛,我国移动用户数已达5亿,逐渐形成了GSM、CDMA 为主、WiFi和蓝牙为辅的无线接入格局,极大地满足了人们日益增长的移动和业务 需求。同时,人们仍期待着更高速率、更高容量和更大覆盖范围的无线接入技术, 以及更多高带宽的多媒体业务。在此背景下,迫切需要研究异构无线网络中的多媒 体通信。 针对无线网络呈现出的异构性、移动性和资源受限等特点,以及多媒体通信呈 现出来的时延敏感性、带宽多样化和人感官的容忍性,本文将从异构无线网络的组 织形式、多媒体数据的传输调度算法、缓存机制以及通信协议四个方面展开研究。 异构无线网络中,由于各种无线接入技术的覆盖范围,网络带宽及资源分配方 式存在较大差异,加上节点的移动性容易产生链路中断,造成端到端的带宽变化较 大。为此,迫切需要对异构无线网络的连接性进行研究。本文从异构无线网络的组 织模型出发,提出了一种多维自组织模型以便为多媒体通信提供可靠的连接基础, 并讨论了相关的构造算法、维护算法和路由算法。该模型受益于无线资源分配过程 和P2P文件查找过程的相似性,将无线测量报告当作文件分布地存储在网络中,无线 资源分配过程被映射为文件查找过程。为了提高查找效率,该模型在CAN网络的基 础上引入位置坐标和实体平面,使得多维自组织模型中的逻辑拓扑和地理拓扑相匹 配,降低了网络维护开销,缩短了测量报告查找时延,降低了切换时延,提高了系 统的连通率。 多维自组织模型除了为异构无线网络提供了可靠连接之外,还提供了多径路由。 正是在多径路由的基础上,本文接着提出了多级多径调度算法。该算法包括节点内 分类排队、节点间互斥调度以及多径路由间的协作带宽分配三个层面。其中节点内 分类排队根据多媒体业务的等级进行排队,保证实时高优先级的业务数据优先发送, 并分析了队列长度与排队时延之间的关系;而节点互斥调度算法则是通过发送令牌来 降低同域节点间发送数据的冲突概率, 从而提高系统的整体容量;最后多径路由协作, 则是充分利用多维自组织模型提供的多径路由,以多描述编码为基础,将多媒体流 分割为若干个子流,通过多条路径传送。一方面提高了多媒体通信的端到端带宽,另 一方面降低了丢包率,即使某条路径上的数据包丢失,也能保证多媒体通信不中断。 II 华华 中中 科科 技技 大大 学学 博博 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文 多级多径调度算法为多媒体通信提供了基本的服务质量保证,但由于路由建立 时的搜索过程将会影响到多媒体通信建立时延,而且如果网络发生变化,源目的路 由的带宽和时延波动,会造成服务质量的波动,并会影响到节点通信的流畅性。为 此,本文又在多级多径调度算法的基础上提出了分层Cache机制。一方面对源目的路 由根据其存活周期进行缓存;另一方面,充分利用源目的路由中的中间节点,根据 节点间的端到端时延保存一定数量的媒体数据。在进行媒体缓冲前,还辅助提出了 一种路由的合并和裂变算法。通过一系列的Cache机制,缩短了多媒体通信的启动时 延,保证了服务质量的稳定性。 文章最后,将多维自组织模型、多级多径调度算法和分层Cache机制全部融合到 异构无线网络的多媒体通信协议中。该协议引入了跨层的思想,以SIP为基础,对SIP 协议的消息和流程进行自组织化的改造,系统地满足了异构无线网络中的多媒体通 信需求。文中还以切换业务和流媒体业务为例说明了本文提出算法和协议的可行性。 关键词:关键词:异构无线网络 多媒体通信 多维自组织模型 多级多径调度算法 分层Cache机制 跨层P2P-SIP协议 III 华华 中中 科科 技技 大大 学学 博博 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文 Abstract Currently, wireless communication have developed rapidly, mobile users have reached 0.5 billions. The mainly deployed wireless networks consist of GSM, CDMA, Wifi and Bluetooth, which satify the requirements for user mobility and services. Meanwhile, people expect more wirless access technologies with higher rate, larger capacity and wider range, as well as multimedia services with higher bandwidth. Therefore, researching on multimedia communcation in heterogeneous wireless network becomes more urgent. Because wireless networks tend to be heterogeneous, dynamic and limited, while multimedia communication is sensitive to delay, bandwidth, but can be tolerated by peoples organs. So we will study the multimedia communication in heterogeneous wirless network from 4 aspects: network organization, transmission scheduling, cache mechanism and commincation protocol. In heterogeneous wirlesss network, all kinds of wireless access technologies vary in cover range, bandwidth, and the nodes always move around, which cause link disruption and heterogeneous bandwidth. Therefore, research on connectivity in heterogeneous wireless network is needed. In the paper, a multi-dimensional self-organization model is proposed to provide stable connectivity for multimedia communication, then relative construct algorithm, maintenance algorithm and routing algorithm are also been discussed. In the model, the wireless measurements are stored distributely as files, which are searched before resource allocation. To promote the efficiency of searching, geography coordinations and realities have been introduced into the model based on CAN. In multi-dimensional self-organization model, logical toplogy matches with physical topology, which decreases network maintenance overhead, reduces measurement report searching time and handover delay, and improves the system connectivity. Except stable connectivity, multi-dimensional self-organization model provides multipath route. Multi-class multi-path collaborative scheduling is presented based on the multipath route, which consist of intra-node queueing, inter-node exclusive transmission and multi-path collaboration. In intra-node queueing algorithm, the transmission data are queued according to their priorities in the node, the data with high priority will be scheduled first. We analyse the relationship between the queue length and queueing delay; in inter-node exclusive transmission scheme, the transimission collision is decreased via IV 华华 中中 科科 技技 大大 学学 博博 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文 token, and the system capacity is promoted; in multi-path collaboration scheduling, a multimedia streaming has been dived into several sub-streamings based on MDC, then transmit the sub-streamings via several paths. The scheme improves the end-to-end bandwidth, reduces the packet loss propability. Even packets were lost, the communication can be kept with low quality. Multi-class multi-path collaborative scheduling provides basic QoS, but the route searching procedure influences on the communication setup time, and network changes influences on end-to-end bandwidth, delay and QoS, which causes communication disruption. Therefore, we propose a hierachical cache mechanism based on MMCS. The mechanism caches routes according to the TTL (Time to live) of the routes, and caches media data in the intermediate node
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