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Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?,单元知识盘点,单元知识盘点,Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?,常用短语,ever since 自从 be full of 满是的;(有)大量的;(有)丰富的 hurry up 赶快;急忙(做某事) grow up 长大 in two weeks 两周后 give up 放弃 wait for 等待,单元知识盘点,one.the other. (两者中的)一个,另外一个 such as 例如 finish doing sth. 结束做某事 country music 乡村音乐 hope to do sth. 希望做某事 one another 互相 belong to 属于,单元知识盘点,at the end of . 在末尾 do some research on sth. 对某事进行研究,单元知识盘点,经典句型,1. Have you read Little Women yet? 你读过小妇人了吗? 2. Steve, have you decided yet which book to write about for English class? 史蒂夫,你决定英语课写哪一本书了吗? 3. Ive already finished reading it! 我已经把它读完了!,单元知识盘点,Have you at least read the back of the book to see what its about? 你至少看过这本书的背面,了解了它的大致内容了吧? 5. Who else is on my island? 还有谁在我的岛上呢? I named him Friday because that was the day I met him. 我叫他星期五,因为那是我遇见他的日子。,单元知识盘点,Listening to The Toms is a good way to wake up. 听汤姆乐队(的音乐)是醒来的一种好方法。 It made Sarah think about her family and friends back in the US. 这使萨拉想起了在美国的家人和朋友。 9. Ever since then, she has been a fan of American country music. 从那时起,她就成了美国乡村音乐的一名“粉丝”。,单元知识盘点,Sarah hasnt been to Nashville yet, but it is her dream to go there one day. 萨拉还没有去过纳什维尔,但她梦想有一天去那里。 11.She knows that there is the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum in Nashville. 她知道在纳什维尔有一个乡村音乐名人堂与博物馆。 12.I hope to see him sing live one day! 我希望有一天能看到他现场演唱!,单元知识盘点,语法点睛,现在完成时(一):现在完成时的概念和基本结构(have/has+过去分词) 现在完成时的句式 变化 与现在完成时连用的时间状语,单元知识盘点,课文再现,When Sarah was young, she used to fight with her family. Later, she went to 1._ and studied there. One day, she heard a song 2. _was full of feelings 3._ returning home. It made Sarah think about her family and 4._ back in the US. She realized how much she actually 5._ all of them. Ever since then, she has become a fan of American country music.,单元知识盘点,England,which/that,about,friends,missed,课文再现,Sarah dreams of 6._ to Nashville, the home of country music. She hasnt been there, 7. _she wants to visit it one day. She also hopes to see Garth Brooks sing 8. _.,单元知识盘点,going,but,live,
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