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这类试题的题干中常有the writers attitude toward(s), The author thought /think(s), According to the author, What does the author think about等。 作者的态度、倾向是指作者对陈述的观点是赞同、 反对还是犹豫不定, 对记叙或描写的人、物或事件等是赞颂、同情、冷漠还是厌恶、憎恨。作者的这种思想倾向和感情色彩往往隐含在文章的字里行间,或流露于修饰的词语之中。,推断作者的观点态度,因此,在推断过程中,应特别注意文中作者的措辞,尤其是表达感情色彩的形容词、副词、动词及所举的例子,推断出作者的弦外之音。干扰项具有三个特点: (1)可能是考生自己的某种观点。(易误选) (2)社会普遍的一种倾向, 但文中没有信息支持。 (3)与本文无关或与作者相反的观点等。 此外,还要注意区分作者态度或观点与引用的别人的态度或观点。,阅读下列短文的节选,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。 1. What is the authors attitude toward modern celebrity? A. Sincere. B. Skeptical. C. Disapproving. D. Sympathetic.,即学即用,解析: D 根据文章中的转折连词 “however”后面引出的内容可知现代的名人(celebrity)过得并不容易(a lot more difficult),担心(worrying)摄影记者,再根据后文中的形容词 troublesome可知成名会为名人带来一些问题,又根据动词 complain,短语 be tired of知道现代名人对自己的生活不满意,故可以推知作者对名人是同情(sympathetic)的,故选D。,2. What does the author think about Dr King? A. He is strict. B. He is unkind. C. He has the wrong idea. D. He sets a timetable for mothers.,解析: C 第一句作者说按四小时固定时间表喂养婴儿不但是unkind而且是dangerous的,第二句说Dr King正是倡导这种(不仁慈的,危险的)喂养的最早的专家,第三句作者说“我从末听过如此可笑的(ridiculous)观点”,可见,作者的观点是认为Dr King的说法是错误的,故选C。,3. (1)Why was the author surprised at not recognizing his colleagues handwriting? A. He had worked with his colleague long enough. B. His colleagues handwriting was so beautiful. C. His colleagues handwriting was so terrible. D. He still had a lot of work to do.,本文是一篇失叙失议的文章,通过一时辨认不出一位老同事的字迹及其回顾,对在电脑冲击下,书法受忽视感到惋惜,并认为中小学应当加强书法教学,而且是可行的。 解析:A 细节理解题。由第二段最后一句I had been working with this colleague for at least a year,maybe two,and yet I did not recognize her handwriting at that point 可知。,(2)People working together in an office used to_. A. talk more about handwriting B. take more notes on workdays C. know better one anothers handwriting D. communicate better with one another 解析:C 细节理解题。由第三段最后一句“辨认彼此的 笔迹就像辨别彼此的面部或声音一样”可知。,(3)The authors father wrote notes in pen_. A. to both his family and his staff B. to his family in small letters C. to his family on the fridge D. to his staff on the desk,解析:A 细节理解题。由第四段中的As a child visiting my fathers office,I was pleased to recognize,in little notes on the desks of his staff, the same handwriting I would see at home可知。,(4)According to the author,handwritten notes _. A. are harder to teach in schools B. attract more attention C. are used only between friends D. carry more message,解析:D 观点态度题。由倒数第二段,特别是expressive (富于表现力的),really getting to know their subjects is learning to read their handwriting (真正了解他们的主题,就是学会阅读他们的书法)可推知,“手稿或手写的东西比键盘打的东西携带更多的信息”,故选D。,(5)We can learn from the passage that the author _ . A. thinks it impossible to teach handwriting B. does not want to lose handwriting C. puts the blame on the computer D. does not agree with Florey,解析:B 观点态度题。倒数第三段的I dont buy it (我不认为这样)是对前段末“数字时代别指望人们用笔写字(people in a digital age cant be expected to learn to hold a pen) ”的直接否定,是赞成Florey的,“深切关注书法的衰落和学校没教学生书写”,排除D;由文章最后一句,可排除A;选项C在文中找不到支撑信息。由最后三段,特别是 expressive(富于表现力的),personal(有个性的),attractive (有魅力的)等形容词,可推测作者是“不想失去书法”,故选B。,
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