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第一单元测试卷 (考试时间:120分钟 总分:150分) 听力部分(共30分) .听句子,根据听到的内容选择正确答语。每小题念两遍。(共6小题,每小题1分;满分6分) ( ) 1. AAll right. BYou are right. CYou are welcome. Thank you so much, Jill. ( ) 2. AYes, I can. BYes, she can. CNo, I dont. Can you play the guitar,Lisa?,C,A,( ) 3. AShe likes yellow. BShe is black. CMy mother likes red. What color does Linda like? ( ) 4. AIm nine. BIm fine. CHow are you? How old are you, Tom? ( ) 5. AI can dance. BYes, I can. CI want to dance. Can you dance or sing?,A,A,A,( ) 6. AYes, I do. BNo, I dont. CYes, I am. Are you good with old people? .听句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片,并将代表图片的字母填在相应题号后的横线上。每小题念两遍。(共4小题,每小题1分;满分4分),C,7_ 8_ 9_ 10_ 7Peter likes painting. 8Anna always wins in the chess game. 9I like playing the guitar very much. 10Jack plays the piano very well. .听对话,根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。每小题念两遍。(共10小题,每小题1分;满分10分) ( ) 11. AYes, he likes. BNo, he doesnt. CNo, he isnt. W:Do you like singing? M:No, I dont.I like drawing. Q:Does the man like singing?,B,D,C,A,B,( ) 12. AShe can play basketball. BShe can play soccer. CShe can play volleyball. M:Tina, what can you do? W:I can play volleyball. Q:What can Tina do? ( ) 13. AYes, I can. BYes, he can. CNo, he cant. W:Can you play pingpong,Tom? M:Yes, I can.But I cant play soccer. Q:Can Tom play pingpong?,C,B,( ) 14. AShe likes basketball. BShe likes baseball. CShe likes soccer. M:Whats your favorite sport? W:I like soccer.How about you? M:I like it,too.And I also like basketball. Q:What sport does the woman like? ( ) 15. A8432323. B8433235. C8433233. M:Whats your phone number? W:Its 8433233. Q:Whats the girls phone number?,C,C,( ) 16. AYes, she can. BYes, she does. CNo, she doesnt. W:Sam,I want to join the music club. M:Sounds great.You like playing the piano very much.I can sing and dance.I ill join the music club,too. Q:Does the woman like playing the piano? ( ) 17. AYes, it is. BNo, it isnt. CWe dont know. M:Alice,is this your schoolbag? W:No,mine is in the bookcase.Maybe its Bobs. M:OK,I will ask him. Q:Is this Bobs schoolbag?,B,C,( ) 18. APears. BStrawberries. CApples. M:Mom,I want to eat some pears. W:We have no pears.But there are some strawberries. M:Its also OK. Q:What fruit can the boy eat? ( ) 19. AHe wants to join the running club. BHe wants to join the swimming club. CHe wants to join the English club. W:Jim,I guess you may join the running club,right?You likes running. M:Maybe.But I want to join the swimming club.I learned swimming last vacation. Q:What club does Jim want to join?,B,B,( ) 20. AFive dollars. BTen dollars. CFifteen dollars. M:How much are the socks? W:7.5 dollars for a pair. M:OK.I will take two pairs. Q:How much will the man pay? .听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文念三遍。(共5小题,每小题2分;满分10分) ( ) 21. How old is Lisa? AShe is twelve years old. BShe is fourteen years old. CShe is sixteen years old.,C,A,( ) 22. Does Lisa have a brother? AYes, she does. BNo, she doesnt. CWe dont know. ( ) 23. What can Lisa and Joe do? AThey can dance. BThey can sing. CThey can sing and dance. ( ) 24. Can Lisa play the guitar? AYes, she can. BNo, she cant. CWe dont know.,A,C,B,( ) 25. What can David do? AHe can play baseball. BHe can play chess. CHe can play chess and baseball. Lisa is a twelveyearold girl.She likes playing the piano and she plays it very well, too.She can sing and dance very well, too.But she cant play the guitar.She has a brother,Joe.Joe can play chess very well.He can also sing and dance.David is Lisas friend.He can play chess.And he is also good at playing basketball.,B,笔试部分(共120分) .单项选择。(共10小题,每小题1.5分;满分15分) ( ) 1. I can play _ soccer and my sister can play _ piano. Athe; the B/; the Cthe; / D/; / ( ) 2. Please call me _ 8708866. Aat Bin Cwith Don ( ) 3. I can play the guitar, _ I cant play the violin. Aand Bbut Cso Dor,B,A,B,( ) 4. Mary is a _ student.She learns very _ Agood; well Bwell; good Cgood; good Dwell; well ( ) 5. Our English teacher always helps us _ our English. Aon Bfor Cinto Dwith ( ) 6. You like swimming.I think you can join the swimming club. _ AIm fine, thank you. BWhat about you? CCan I? DSounds good.,A,D,D,( ) 7. Miss Read is good _ music.She can be good _ children in the music club. Aat; at Bwith; with Cat; with Dwith; at ( ) 8. Can you _ it in English? Im sorry.I can only _ a little English. Aspeak; say Bspeak; tell Csay; speak Dsay; talk ( ) 9. I can speak Chinese.What about you? I can speak it, _ Atoo Balso Call Dor ( ) 10. Can you play chess?_But I cant play it well. AYes, you can BNo, you cant CYes, I can DNo, I cant,C,C,A,C,.完形填空。(共10小题,每小
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