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Period Two ,Learning about Language & Using Language,课前预习 基础落实,课堂讲义 核心突破,当堂达标 检测巩固,栏目索引,1. adj. 牢的;紧的;紧密的 adv. 紧地;牢牢地 2. adj. (动作)稳定有力的;坚定的 adv. 坚固地;稳定地 3. n. 咽喉;喉咙 4. n. 典礼;仪式;礼节 5. n. 勇敢;勇气,答案,tight,tightly,firm,firmly,throat,ceremony,bravery,词语识记,课前预习 基础落实,.单词检测,adj. 勇敢的 6. vt.&vi. 治疗;对待;款待; n. 款待;招待 n. 治疗 7. vt. 涂;敷;搽;应用;运用; vi. 申请;请求;使用;有效 n. 应用;用途;申请 8. n. 压力;挤压;压迫(感) v. (被)压;按 9. n. 救护车,答案,treat,treatment,apply,application,pressure,press,ambulance,brave,.短语检测 1. 充当 2. 描述为;称为 3. 太多 4. 若干;许多 5. 找到 6. 区别对待;有影响;起(重要)作用,act as,describe as,too much,a number of,put ones hands on,答案,make a difference,.课文判断正(T)误(F) 1.The man attacked Anne Slade because he was stealing something and found by her.( ) 2.John slowed the bleeding of Anne Slades injuries by putting pressure to the wounds.( ) 3.John was presented with an award because he seized the murderer.( ),课文预读,答案,F,T,F,.课文阅读理解 1.Why did John receive the Lifesaver Awards? A.He was brave. B.He carried out lifesaving first aid on his neighbor. C.John took part in the Young Lifesaver Scheme at his high school. 答案 B,答案,1,2,4,3,2.How did John perform the first aid to his neighbor? A.He asked someone for help. B.He and his father carried out the act. C.He used towels to dress the most severe injuries and slowed bleeding by applying pressure to the wounds. 答案 C,答案,1,2,4,3,3.What does the text indicate? A.A knowledge of first aid can make a real difference. B.John was a brave person. C.We can learn a knowledge of first aid. 答案 A,答案,1,2,4,3,4.John Jansons story tells us that . A.it is very important for us to learn some knowledge of first aid B.we should be brave as John Janson when someone is in danger C.how to perform first aid,答案,1,2,4,3,A,返回,firmly,语境感悟,重点单词,(1)(教材P37)Tie a bandage firmly over the burnt area,when a bandage is necessary. 如果有必要,就用绷带缠住受伤的部位。 (2)I didnt think the chair is firm enough to stand on. 我觉得这椅子不够稳固,不能站人。,课堂讲义 核心突破,归纳拓展,(1)firmly adv.坚固地;稳定地 (2)firm adj.(动作)稳定有力的;坚定的;稳固的;结实的;n.企业;小公司(类似:company);v.确定;敲定,(1)写出下列句子中firm的词性和汉语意思 The sofa cushions are fairly firm. He has set up a firm of his own. Carl replied with a polite but firm “no”. (2)用所给词的正确形式填空 They have earned lots of money,so I (firm) believe that the business is a success.,答案,adj.结实的,n.公司,adj.坚定的,firmly,即时跟踪,present,语境感悟,(1)(教材P38)John was presented with his award at a ceremony which recognized the bravery of ten people who had saved the life of another. 在颁奖大会上,约翰被授予奖赏。大会共表彰了抢救他人生命的十个人的勇敢行为。 (2)The headmaster presented the prizes to the winners of the English speech contest. 校长把奖品颁给了英语演讲比赛的获胜者。,归纳拓展,present v.授予;颁发;赠给;adj.出席的,在场的(用作表语或后置定语);现在的,当前的(作前置定语);n.礼物;赠品;现在;目前 present sb.with sth.present sth.to sb.把某物授予/颁发/赠给某人,(3)The present headmaster presented each of the graduates present with a diploma. 现任校长给在场的每一位毕业生颁发了毕业证书。,写出下列句子中present的词性及汉语意思 (1)There are twenty professors and experts present. (2)There is very little profit in selling newspapers at present. (3)They presented flowers to their teacher. (4)The present government is taking strong measures against dangerous drivers. (5)The children unwrapped their Christmas presents with delight.,答案,adj.出席的,在场的,n.目前,v.赠给,即时跟踪,adj.现在的,n.礼物,treat,语境感悟,(1)(教材P38)John used these to treat the most severe injuries to Ms Slades hands. 约翰就用这些东西把斯莱德女士手上最严重的伤口包扎起来。 (2)Well treat you to dinner.我们请你吃饭。 (3)Its my treat.What would you like to eat? 我请客。你们想吃什么? (4)He took us to the cinema as a treat. 他请我们看电影。,归纳拓展,(1)treat vi.& vt.治疗;对待;款待;n.款待;招待 treat.as/like.把当作;像一样对待 treat sb./oneself (to sth.) 请客() be ones treat 由/该某人请客 as a treat作为招待 (2)treatment n.对待;治疗 under treatment正在接受治疗,易混辨析 treat/cure/heal (1)treat治疗,指通过药物、特别的食品或运动治疗病人,强调治疗过程。treat sb.for sth.医治某人的病。 (2)cure治疗,治愈,指病后恢复健康,后接表示疾病的名词或代词,多用于cure sb. of sth.“医治某人的病”。另外,cure还可作“矫正,纠正”解,借喻消除社会上某种不良现象或个人恶习等。 (3)heal(伤口或断骨)愈合,复原,多指创伤,也可指矛盾,分歧等。,(1)用treat/heal/cure的正确形式填空 Do you think you can me like a schoolboy? The wound hasnt yet. I can give you some medicine to you of your headache. (2)单句语法填空 The pain worked off because he received timely (treat). She wishes to be treated nothing more than a common girl. She is still treatment in a stable condition.,答案,treat,healed,cure,即时跟踪,treatment,as,under,(3)单句改错 She treated him with movies. The doctor treated him with his cold.,答案,withto,withfor,apply,语境感悟,(1)(教材P38)He slowed the bleeding by applying pressure to the wounds until the police and ambulance arrived. 他使劲地按住伤口,使血流得慢些,直到警察和救护车的到来。 (2)New technology is being applied to almost every industrial process. 新技术正被应用到几乎所有的工业流程。 (3)We are applying ourselves to our study. 我们正致力于我们的学习。,归纳拓展,(1)apply vt.涂;敷;搽;应用;运用;vi.申请;请求;使用;有效 apply (to sb.) for sth. (向某人)申请某物 apply to适用于 apply sth. to.把某物运用于 apply oneself to (doing) sth. 专注于某事;专心做某事 (2)application n.请求;申请;申请者;申请书;应用;运用 (3)applican
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