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课后练习参考答案Chapter One Parts and Formats of Business Letters1. Use the following information to type a letter:Human Resources, Global SecuritiesWorld Financial Center, North Tower - 250 Vesey StreetNew York, NY 10281-1332July 20, 2007Professor Lyndon KentonBusiness Department, University of TennesseeKronxwille, Tennessee 37916Dear Professor Lyndon Kenton,We are considering Joanne Tucker for our Analyst Training Program at Global Securities. She is a promising candidate, and we need more detailed information about her education and your opinion of her ability to handle the rigors of training. Ms. Tucker submitted your name not only as her professor but also as her faculty advisor.In addition to the long hours involved in training, candidates must have a sound, logical approach to problem solving. We are looking for people who are not afraid to express their ideas and who exude confidence in their manner and deed. The job of financial analyst requires not only technical knowledge of the market but also extensive people skills, and we appreciate any information about Joanne Tucker that will help guide our decision.We need your letter of recommendation no later than May 30, but would appreciate it earlier, if convenient. Your evaluation will be kept strictly confidential in accordance with our governing by-laws. Thank you for your time on Ms. Tuckers behalf.Sincerely yours,Sandra Blackmon2. Read the following passage, list the main points and then discuss about it.(答案略)Chapter two Sales Letters1. Translate the following sales letter into Chinese:尊敬的顾客:我们P&S系统有限公司向您介绍即将为您提供的新系列产品,可确保您的办公室更加安全。18年来,P&$系统公司一直是安全产品行业的创新者,是北美电子报警设备的主要供应商之一。现在,我们正将这种安全扩展到东亚各公司和机构。我们新开发的TS801探测系列结合了两种先进技术:微波技术和无源红外线技术,以获得最大程度的可靠性。过去一年中,P&S为4500家企业安装了这种新的装置。大量市场反馈证明新产品是非常成功的。所有P&S产品可按客户需求安装。最近技术上的进步使得我们能以极具竞争力的价格出售我们的产品。P&S将很高兴派销售代表为您免费介绍产品。他们也非常乐意无偿登门拜访。只需您拨打1-800-000-0000电话号码即可。谨上2. Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English:1) Would you like to increase your turnover without tying up additional capital? Then why not add our line of products to your range of carpets? There are very few quality products which show such excellent profits without tying up capital in stock.2) Dont move to the moon if you need more space. Let us show you how to make the most of the space youve got!3) Let our company take the whole problem off your shoulders and advise you on the correct safety equipment for your particular operation. Our experts are only too eager to serve you and we have a complete range of safety equipment for every industrial situation. Remember - accidents increase production costs, lower morale, waste time and materials. Its good business to get good safety equipment for your employees. Our brand is the best. 4) Dont delay. Act now. Just fill in the bottom portion of this letter and return it to us in the enclosed envelope. We will do the rest.1. Read the following article and present your own opinion:(答案略)Chapter threeInquiries1. Link the sentences in Column A with those in Column B1. e)2. a)3. f)4. b)5. d)6. c)2. Please translate the following inquiry letter into English:Would you provide us with information regarding your HD_340 portable printer? We are interested in purchasing 34 lightweight printers that our account representatives can use with their Toshiba 1200XE notebook computers whey they travel. Specifically, I would like answers to the following questions:1. Is it a laser printer?2. Is it battery-operated? Since we wish to use the printer for traveling, such a feature is important.3. Does it come with at least a one-year warranty?We would appreciate your faxing us the information we need to make a purchase decision (Fax: 010-54367892).3. Letter writing:Gentlemen:The Japanese Embassy in Beijing has recommended you as one of the largest producers of MP4; we wish to know if you have ready stock for export.Our company is one of the largest MP4 dealers in our city, where MP4 is very popular and we have branches in five neighbouring towns. We feel that we will be able to market your goods where they will command immediate sales. With the rising living standard of the Chinese people and more and more young people pursuing fashion, the demand for this item is growing rapidly. If your prices are competitive and product quality satisfactory, substantial orders will most likely follow. We would also appreciate it if you could give special discounts on sizable orders.Please send us your catalogue with export prices, terms of payment and delivery guarantee, together with possible samples.We look forward to hearing from you soon.Sincerely yours,Chapter four Reply to Inquiries1. Translate the following terms into English:分销商distributor代理人representative老客户regular customer商品目录 catalogue现金折扣 cash discount
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