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Unit 8 Pets,.根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词 1.My son always likes to hide ( 躲藏 ) in the garden. 2.My little brother often fights ( 打架 ) with his classmates at school. 3.Dont touch ( 触摸 ) this kind of animals.They are dangerous. 4.At the end ( 结尾 ) of the story,the girl went back home. 5.Tom is old enough to take care ( 照顾 ) of himself. .根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Shall we go camping ( camp ) next Sunday? 2.My grandpa likes hearing the birds sing ( sing ) every morning. 3.My cat often hides when someone comes ( come ) to visit us. 4.Tom is the smallest ( small ) child in the family.He has a brother and a sister. 5.The people there are very kind.They are all very friendly ( friend ) to me.,.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1.如果遇到任何麻烦,务必告诉我。 If there is any trouble ,do let me know. 2.我会保守这个秘密直到世界末日。 Ill keep the secret till/until the end of the world. 3.他用木头制作了一个模型船。 He built/made a model ship out of wood. 4.当我不在家时,他睁大眼睛找我。 With eyes open wide ,he looks for me when I am not at home. 5.彼得从不担心,因为埃米能好好照顾她自己。 Peter never worries because Amy can take good care of herself.,.单项填空 ( B )1.My dog is very friendly.He never barks bites. A.and B.or C.but D.with ( D )2.( 淮安中考 )The girl has to her grandma because her parents are working in another city. A.look at B.look into C.look through D.look after ( B )3.I go to bed my father came back. A.wont;till B.didnt;untill C.will;till D./;when,( D )4.You should play with your pet for every day. A.sometimes B.some times C.sometime D.some time ( B )5.Jack,I have working out the Maths problem. Dont worry.Let me help you. A.fun B.trouble C.question D.interest,.补全对话 A:There are many new animals in the zoo.Do you know? B:Oh?1. A A:Giraffes,elephants,pandas and lions. B:Lets go and see them. A:Good.2. F B:I want to see koalas first. A:3. G B:Because they are very cute.4. E A:I like giraffes. B:5. D A:Because they are lovely.,.完形填空 Heres a story about a seeing-eye dog.We call the dogs seeing-eye dogs 1 the dogs are the “eyes” of the blind( 盲的 ) man and they help him 2 . One day,a seeing-eye dog and a blind man got on a bus together.The bus was full of people and there were 3 seats. One man,however,soon got up and left his seat.The dog 4 the blind man to the seat,but there was very 5 space.The dog began to push the people on each side with his nose.He pushed and pushed 6 the people moved down and finally the space was 7 enough for two people.The blind man then sat down and the dog 8 on the seat at the side of the blind man.He lay down and put his head on the legs of the blind man.He was very comfortable and soon went to 9 .Everyone on the bus began to smile at the 10 dog.,( A )1.A.because B.when C.this D.so ( C )2.A.look B.find C.see D.listen ( D )3.A.many B.some C.enough D.no ( A )4.A.took B.told C.pushed D.asked ( C )5.A.few B.a few C.little D.a little,( B )6.A.when B.until C.after D.that ( D )7.A.clean B.good C.small D.big ( A )8.A.got up B.went down C.came over D.moved away ( C )9.A.walk B.write C.sleep D.sing ( B )10.A.dirty B.clever C.clean D.fresh,.阅读理解 Keeping pet dogs Is your family interested in buying a dog?A dog can be a good friend to your family,but if you choose the wrong kind of dog,it can cause a lot of trouble. Family should sit down and discuss the problems before buying a dog.Even if the children in your family are the ones who want the dog,the parents are the ones who are really responsible( 有责任的 ) for seeing that the animal is properly cared for.If you dont know much about dogs,its a good idea to go to the library for books about different kinds of dogs,as well as books about how to train a young dog.Dogs of different kinds change in popularity as the years go by.One of the most popular dogs these days is the German shepherd( 牧羊犬 ).This is because it provides( 供给 ) protection.The family should be warned( 被提醒 ) that these dogs grow up to be very big,and may be too powerful for children.If your house is not big enough,a toy dog may be a good choice.These dogs are very small and easy to train.They dont need to be walked daily.,( B )1.According to the passage,who should take care of the dog? A.Children. B.Parents. C.Family. D.Friends. ( A )2.The writer suggests( 建议 ) one can get information about the different kinds of dogs . A.by reading books about dogs B.by buying a dog from a pet shop C.by watching dogs in a zoo D.by asking some friends,( A )3.The popularity of dogs changes as the go by. A.years B.books C.libraries D.dogs ( D )4.The toy dog is a good choice when . A.you have small children B.you live in the city C.you are afraid of large dogs D.your living space is not large ( C )5.The passage is mainly about . A.how to take care of dogs B.different kinds of books about dogs C.how to choose the right dogs for family pets D.different kinds of dogs,
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