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I. Listening (15 %) Section A/Section BII. Vocabulary (20%) Section A/Section BIII.Translation (15%)IV. Reading (30%) 3 - 4 passagesV. Writing (20%)Task 1 (short notes, e-mails, memos) Task 2 (letters, short reports, comments, etc.) II. Vocabulary (20%) Section A/Section B感谢喻成松、陆大鹏、马玮伟、张晶、徐承、吴志伟为本次考试所做的贡献(在大家打印文档时,本段需要亲自删除,否则他们就 0 分了) 欢迎大家再继续补充,从以往 MBA 班考试中获取灵感,分享到 1001发现问题,可以随时编辑、更新。1. People who buy shares in a company are called shareholders 2. Companies protect the copyright of their products and ideas through patents3. A company owned by another company is a subsidiary 4. When applying for a job you send a CV and a letter of application 5. Companies which specialize in recruitment are called headhunters6. People who apply for jobs are referred to as applicants 7. A selection of products may also be called a range of products.8. Shops and stores are also referred to as retail outlets.9. Large food retailers in out-of-town locations are known as superstores. 10. When a company sells the right to operate a business using its established system or format to another one this is called a franchise 11. A booking may also be called a reservation12. Managers delegate by giving responsibility to people working in their department.13. The amount of responsibility depends on the position a staff member holds in the hierarchy14. Charges for professional services are also called fees15. Banks have many offices or branches in different areas or towns. 16. Merchant banks do not deal with the public but with companies.17. Currency is the money used by a particular country. 18. To empower employees means giving them a say in decision-making.19. Recycled products are made from materials that have already been used.20. On the stock market you can buy bonds, which are loans to a company or governments.21. To issue shares means making available to investors units of a companys capital on the stock market.22. A tariff is a tax imposed on imported goods.23. A bill of lading is a shipping document which proves ownership or receipt of goods.24. In accounting, everything a company owns is referred to as its assets25. A companys liabilities are everything it owes.26. A statement of earnings shows how much revenue a company brings into a business. 27. A private company in the US is referred to by the abbreviation Inc.28. When two companies come together to form one company, it is known as a merger 29. The process of buying goods and services using the Internet is called e- commerce 30. The term used for a companys offices and buildings is premises1. Our company has over 1000 employees on its payroll 2. Regulators are necessary to ensure fair trading on the stock exchange. 3. The companys overheads,including rent, electricity and heating, have doubled this year.4. The market of beauty products is said to be an extremely lucrative one. 5. Our suppliers have never made a late delivery. 6. Dividends are paid to shareholders according to company earnings. 7. The company has a lot of financial problems to tackle before considering expansion.8. We are going to open a chain of supermarkets in France.9. Our innovations are protected by patents.10. In most companies major decisions are made high up the hierarchy. 11. Were expanding and Personnel is presently hiring new staff. 12. Who gave you the authority to sign this invoice? 13. The company usually sells off its surplus stock cheaply in the January sales.14. Keeping two sets of receipts will involve a lot of extra paperwork. 15. My broker advises me on which shares to buy. 1. We have decided to open a new company by setting up a joint venture with another company in the same line of business as us. 2. When we want to know what our company is worth at any given dates we consult our balance sheet3. Our rivals are worried about our growing market share.4. We have asked the shippers to send us their invoice as proof that the goods were sent.5. The auditor is checking our accounts for mistakes.6. The new advertising campaign fits our brand perfectly. 7. We merged with one of our rivals and we now form the biggest software company in the country.8. Once we get over the initial bureaucratic hurdles, everything will be fine. 9. When negotiating the agreement we must consider the imperatives of the shareholders.10. Our sales have increased thanks to our catchy advertising slogan 11. The profit and loss account shows how much the company is earning through sales as well as the costs and expenses incurred through sales. 12. Conflicts and clashes are inevitable between people with strong personalities. 13. We are setting up a subsidiary of the company In Spain, as part of our expansion programs. 14. With fully computerized production we are at the cutting edge of technology. 15. They are making our products under licence in their local factories. 市场营销迎来产品畅销Suzanne Peck 的一份历经 18 个月,关于壳牌石油公司测试其客户购买习惯的项目研究报告中显示出,一项全新的,具有发展潜力,并可以让顾客可以更快捷的燃料采购活动正在美国开展起来。三年
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