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金牌奥赛天天练小学英语三年级超级试卷(十五)姓名 班级 第三十九天【能力聚焦】例 1 用所给动词完成下列句子。go; stand;watch;meet;touch;see1. Its time to _ to school.2. _ your nose.3. Nice to _ you4. Lets go and _ 5. In the evening I _ TV.6. _up,please.解答 1. go 2Touch 3meet 4. see 5watch 6Stand题型透视 这道题检查行为动词词义的理解和掌握情况。高分方略 在学习行为动词时,最好将它们放进具体的语境中进行体会、揣摸,这样就会记得准确、记得牢。例 2 选择正确答案。( ) 1. Can we _ TV now?A. look B. look at C. watch( ) 2. We _ up at six thirtyA. go B. get C. come( ) 3. I cant _ his eyesA. look at Bsee C. look( ) 4. Its time to _ a gameA. do B. come C. play( ) 5. How old is he? _ !A. Guess B. guess C. Think解答 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. A题型透视 这道题检查动词词汇的运用。高分方略 动词词汇的掌握,不仅要求记住词义,还要记住一些固定搭配、习惯表达、词义辨析等。如 1. watch 指“观看”,watch TV 也算是固定搭配。2. get up“起床”是固定词组。3. see 指“ 看见”。4 “做游戏”固定词组。5. Guess 是“猜”的意思,句首大写。【触类旁通】仿做 1 根据首字母提示,完成下列句子。1. I cant P _ football.2. Lets c _ the classroom.3. Its time to g _ up.4. E _ meWhats the time,please?5. Can you s _ the photo?仿做 2 判断下列句子正误,对的打“”,错的则打“” ,并改正。( ) l. Nice to see you( ) 2. Time to go school( ) 3. Can I have a look your pen?( ) 4. Lets go to bed.( ) 5. Go your seat,please.【天天精练】习题 1 翻译下列词组。1. 踢足球 _ 2. 睡觉_3. 吃早饭 _ 4. 看电视 _5. 做游戏_ 6. 回家 _7. 去看一看_ 8. 上学_9. 听我(讲)_ 10. 起立_习题 2 判断第二句与第一句意思是()否()相同。( ) 1. Let me see.Let me think.( ) 2. Lets go and have a lookLets go and see.( ) 3. Nice to see you.Glad to meet you( ) 4. Have a seat, pleaseSit down, please.( ) 5. Time to play a game.Its time to play games.第四十天 情态动词【知识备忘】A. 进一步掌握 to be、to have 和行为动词。B. 掌握情态动词的概念及用法:情态动词表示说话人的语气和情态,如命令、请求、拒绝、意愿、义务、可能、需要筹。情态动词的特点是:1没有人称和数的变化。2后面跟动词原形。目前学到的两个是 can(能、会、可以 )和 may(可以) 。【能力聚焦】例 1 选择正确答案。( ) 1. I can _ you and Mary can _ you,too.A.see;see B.see;sees C. look;look( ) 2. Your sister _ go home now.A. may B. mays C. is( ) 3. Sir, you _ sit here;its for women only.Aarent B. can C. cant( ) 4. Can I have an apple?Yes,you _.A. are B. can CCant解答 1. A 2. A 3. C 4. B题型透视 这道题检查情态动词的含义特点及用法。高分方略 首先记熟情态动词的含义和特点,然后具体分析各句。如 1.情态动词后跟动词原形,且行为动词要“看见” 的意思,所以选 A。2情态动词没有人称和数的变化,所以选 A。3. 根据句意“先生,你不能坐这儿,它只给妇女(坐) 。 ”cant 是不能,所以选 c。4.“Can.” 问句的肯定回答是“Yes,.can” ,所以选 B.【触类旁通】仿做 选择正确答案。( ) 1. What _ you see in the picture?A. are B. is C. can( ) 2. Who can play football?I_.A. am B. Can C. is( ) 3. Its four thirty.We _ home.Aare go Bgo Ccan go( ) 4. Mike _ an egg.He may _ the egg.Ahave;has B. has;have C. has;has( ) 5. Can he go to bed? No,he_.A. cant B. can Cisnt【天天精练】习题 翻译下列句子。1你可以回家了。2我可以(能)吃根香焦吗 ?可以。3你能摸到你的脚吗? 能。4我能坐这儿吗?不能,这是麦克的座位。参考答案第三十九天 仿做 1:1. play 2. clean 3get 4. Excuse 5. see 仿做 2:1. 2.,gogo to 3., looklook at 4. 5. GoGo to 习题 1.1. play football 2.go to bed 3. have breakfast 4. watch TV 5. play games 6. go home 7. go and see(go and have look)8. go to school 9.isten to me 10stand up 习题 2:1.2. 3. 4. 5.第四十天 仿做 1. 1.C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A 习题 1:1. You man (can)go home2. May(can) I have a banana? Yes,you may(can).3. Can you touch your foot?Yes, I can.4.Can I sit here? No, you cant, Its Mikes seat.
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