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四年级英语下册期末复习题 3 姓名 班级 分数 听力部分一、听辨单词,将听到的单词的字母编号写在括号里,每题读两遍。( 10 分 )1.( ) A. shirt B. skirt 2.( ) A. jeans B. dress 3.( ) A. socks B. shorts 4.( ) A. pair B. hair 5.( ) A. sheep B. cheap 6.( ) A. now B. new 7.( ) A. slippers B. sneakers 8.( ) A. plate B. plane 9 .( ) A. red B. bed 10.( ) A. your B. you 二、听音,填入句子所缺的单词,每句读两遍。( 20 分 )1. This is my farm . We have many_in it .2. Look at the sky . It s _today .3. My schoolbag is heavy . I have_books in the bag .4. It s nine oclock now . It s time for_class.5. The _are fresh . How much are they ?6. The _is on the second floor .7. This is _book , that is _book .8. Wow! The dress is 100 yuan . How _!9. It s 6:00 . It s time to_.三、听音,在你听到的表格中有关人物的其中两项内容的方格打“ ”。( 20 分 )jacketshirt sweaterjeansskirt bootsdressshortspantsAmyJohnDavidJimSarah笔试部分一、填入单词所缺的字母。(10 分 )1. l_mb 2. w_ _ther 3. gr_ _n 4. br_ _kfast 5. w_ll6. b_g 7. r_ _ny 8. g_ _den 9. g_m 10. th_ _teen二、选择填空。( 10 分 )1. Look at those boots . How much _they ? A. is B. am C. are2. This is my father . He looks very _.A. short hair B. long C. strong3. Can I wear my shirt ? Yes , you _. A. can B. are C. cant4. Its snowy in Harbin . It is very_too . A. cold B. rainy C. hot5. What are your parents ? They are_.A. farmer B. teacher C. doctors6. I want a pair_sneakers_my mother . A. for B. of for C. for of7. _shoes are they ? They are my brothers .A. Whose B. What C. Where8. How many_are there in your family ?A. student B. member C. people 9. It is five oclock . It s time_go home . A. for B. to C. of10. There are many animals at the farm . I like _.A. sheep B. goat C. horse三、B 栏里找出 A 栏的正确答句,把它的字母编号写在对应的问句前的括号里。( 10 分 )A B( )1. Are they your parents? A. Thirty yuan .( )2. What is the weather like today ? H. I am eleven .( )3. How much is the nice shirt ? C. No . It s time for math .( )4. Is it time for English ? D. No , they aren t .( )5. Whose dresses are those ? J. I d like some chicken .( )6. What are these ? F. They are my mother s .( )7. How old are you ? G. She s a nurse .( )8. How many erasers do you have ? B. They are hens .( )9. What would you like for dinner ? I. I have nine .( )10. What s your mother ? E. It s cloudy and cool .四、根据单词首写字母以及中文提示填上正确的单词。( 20 分 )Welcome to our school. In my c_(教室)you can see a chair , a t d_(讲台)and a b_(写字板). Look , there is a pencilcase ,a c_(电脑)and a lamp on the desk . In the pencilcase there are three _(钢笔).
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