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Unit 1 Outskirts swept trimmed plot mighty shelterExpress halt lengthen terrific swing sway rumble progress bellowing at intervals blow the whistle old and gray ghastly grief seamed peril humbleness grandeur Vision fixed enduring beyond mishap extraordinary frosted sorcery feel tenderness resolve Bewildrement confusion disquietingPerplexity thin plod falter unfamilier Sorry mistrustful pinched meager Sag stubbornly surge up hostility timorous Stammer sick outskirts When reaching the outskirts of the old town, we began to speed up.On the outskirts of the city, he saw a number of buildings under construction.rumbleA flash of lightning lit up the sky, followed by rumbles of thunder, and thunderstorms occurred.She couldnt sleep well last night with the rumble of the subway near the hotel.bellowDoes a wild donkey bray when it has grass, or an ox bellow when it has fodder?The music was so loud we had to bellow at each other to be heard.stall upThe police are coming. Stall him up for a moment.In recent months, investors worldwide have been concerned that mounting government debt in Europe would stall up a global recovery.ghastlyThere was a ghastly smile on his face.If they succeeded, the most ghastly war of all time would follow, and history would know whom to be blamed.mishapYour claim, in our opinion, should be referred to the insurance company, as the mishap occurred after shipment.State officials and members of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration were investigating the mishap.sorceryBut this incident only made him fear Zhuge Liang more. Zhuge Liang was on Liu Beis side and his sorcery made him a danger to Wu.The dancing flames of an aurora will add a touch of sorcery to the scene.wrought intoTea has been closely wrought into the life of the Chinese people.The hate and fear which we have inspired in him, is wrought by our civilization into the very structure of his consciousness.disquietingBut your footsteps echo in chambers buried by the centuries, where feverish superstitions linger like a vague, disquieting mist.He heard from the kitchen the steady drip of the refrigerator, a rhythm demanding and disquieting.falter onThe old man was so sick that he walked unsteadily, but he still faltered on.surge upA flock of white swans surge up the blue sky.The scene of their faces lit by the dancing flames always surges up in my imagination.sullenNow he wanders around the house, sullen, full of self-pity and criticizing everything the children do.The day wore on and she preserved a sullen silence.timorousShe was timorous of expressing herself in English.The timorous rabbit ran away immediately when we approached.Unit 11. center 改成 centers2was 改成 were3. unprecedent 改成unprecedented4. for 改成as5. confront 改成confronting6. entering 改成 entered7. inhabitant 改成 inhabitants8. north 改成 northern9. sought 改成 seeking 10. of 改成 to Unit 2 reinforce - strengthen or support (an object or substance), especially with additional material; strengthen (an existing feeling, idea, or habit) They reinforced a coat by sewing pieces of leather onto the elbows. This evidence reinforces my view.modify - make partial or minor changes to (something), typically so as to improve it or to make it less extreme The heating system has recently been modified to make it more efficient. The industrial revolution modified the whole worlds access to certain goods.acquire - get knowledge or a skill by learning Ive acquired a taste for whisky. You must acquire the grammar of English.ongoing - continuing to exist or progress; still in progress The issues raised in the report relate directly to the Ministry of Educations ongoing work in this area. He used the club to ventilate an ongoing complaint.adjust oneself to sth. - become or make suited to new conditions; adapt to The body quickly adjusts itself to changes in temperature. Former soldiers have difficulty in adjusting to civilian life.two-way street - a situation or relationship involving mutual or reciprocal action or obligation Despite the old saying that “communication is a two-way street”, try to listen as much as you speak. The website works brilliantly as a two-way street of communication.assume - begin to act or exercise something; undertake; take on He assumes his new responsibilities next month. No doubt the renminbi will one day assume the role of a global reserve currency on the back of Chinas economic rise.dispose of - get rid of something that you no longer want or can not keep He was forced to dispose of all his art treasures. Do not spit anywhere in public. If you need to spit, cough into a
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