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专项三 介词和介词短语,一、介词辨析 (1)against (表示方位)倚靠着; (表示态度)反对;(表示对比)以为背景 (陕西高考)An agreement seems to be impossible because the majority of the committee members are against it. 看来意见达成一致是不可能了,因为大多数委员会成员都表示反对。,Part,规律印证 考 点 落 实 , 步 步 为 “ 赢 ”,边 做 边 悟,(2)off (表示位置)在的外面,在的沿海; (表示方向)偏离;从离开 (辽宁高考)The Well Hotel stands in a quiet place off the main road at the far end of the lake. Well Hotel坐落于湖尽头的大路附近一个非常安静的地方。 (3)over (表示位置)在的正上方;在的上面; (表示方向)越过;(表示等级或数目)高于,在之上,超过;(表示时间或过程)在期间,(山东高考)Im sorry I didnt phone you, but Ive been very busy over the past couple of weeks. 很抱歉我没有给您打电话,但是在过去的两周里我一直很忙。 (4)beyond (表示位置)在另一边;在更远处; (表示程度)超出; 非所能及 (全国卷)Everybody was touched beyond words after they heard her moving story. 听了她感人的故事,大家都被感动得无以言表。,(5)with (表示关系)和在一起 ;(表示状态)具有,带有;(表示方式)用;凭借 ;(表示对象)关于 ;(表示伴随)随着;(表示原因)由于,因为 (重庆高考)The dictionary is what I want, but I dont have enough money with me. 这本词典是我想要的东西,但我身上没带那么多钱。,(6)through (表示位置)穿过;(表示时间)整个;(表示手段、媒介)依据,经由 (重庆高考)Graduation is a good time to thank those who have helped you through the tough years. 毕业时是向那些在艰难岁月里帮助过你的人表示感谢的好机会。,(2013新课标全国卷) 没有一些数学知识,不可能有严谨的物理研究。 A serious study of physics is impossible _ some knowledge of mathematics. (2013新课标全国卷) 为了完成这个项目,我们简直是在和时间赛跑啊。幸运的是,我们做到了。 It was a real race _ time to get the project done.Luckily, we made it. (北京高考)你觉得这件衬衣的肩部是不是太紧了? Do you think this shirt is too tight _ the shoulders? 答案 without against across,二、介词短语辨析 介词的固定搭配考查有两种:一是考查固定搭配中的介词;二是考查介词短语。 (1)in in the meanwhile 同时 in the way 阻挡 in time 及时;最终 in detail 详细地 in favour of 同意 in case 以免;万一 in return 作为回报 in exchange for 用以交换,(2)for be praised for 因为受到表扬 for life 终生 for the benefit of 为了的利益 as for 就而论;关于 be trained for 被训练为 for lack of 由于缺乏 (3)of of great/much抽象名词,(4)on on behalf of 代表 on the contrary 相反 on condition that 以作为条件 (5)with have an appointment with 与有约会 with regard to 关于 (6)above above average 在平均数以上 above all 首先;最重要的是 (7)by by chance 偶然;碰巧 by name 用名字 by the dozen 按打(出售),(8)from apart from 除之外 far from 远非 (9)against warn sb against (doing)sth 警告某人不要做某事 (10)out of out of place 不在合适的位置;不适当的 (11)to To ones delight/ surprise/ sorrow/ joy/regret.令某人高兴的/吃惊的/悲伤的/快乐的/遗憾的是,(2013陕西卷) 我和史密斯先生有个约会,但我需要改一下。 I _ Dr.Smith, but I need to change it. (2013山东卷) 史密斯夫妇因其教养孩子的方式而受到赞扬。 The Smiths _ the way they bring up their children. (2013江苏卷) 收到你的电子邮件,我总是很开心。至于七月一日的聚会,我很乐意参加。 I am always delighted when I receive an email from you._ the party on July 1st,I shall be pleased to attend.,(2013辽宁卷)我代表在场的所有人祝您归国旅途愉快。 _ everyone here, I wish you a pleasant journey back to your country. 答案 have an appointment with are praised for With regard to On behalf of,1【误】 Sometimes our opinions differ because what we choose to observe and how we deal with what weve observed. 【正】 Sometimes our opinions differ because of what we choose to observe and how we deal with what weve observed. 解析 because 是连词,其后接句子;而 because of 是介词短语,其后接名词、代词、动名词或名词性从句等。,考 点 警 示,2【误】 How long have you been an actor? In 1995, when I graduated from college. 【正】 How long have you been an actor? Since 1995, when I graduated from college. 解析 结合问句的语境,只有 since 后接时间点与现在完成时(问句)呼应。,3【误】 In those days,we had no phones,so we had to keep in touch with writing often. 【正】 In those days,we had no phones,so we had to keep in touch by writing often. 解析 by 在这里表示方式,by writing 意为“通过写信”。,4【误】 How amazing it is that astronauts are exploring outer space ! It s a challenge, I guess,for man against nature. 【正】 How amazing it is that astronauts are exploring outer space ! It s a challenge, I guess, of man against nature. 解析 答句中的 I guess 是插入语,因此所填介词与 challenge 连用,构成 a challenge of “ 的挑战”。,貌似分词的介词 concerning:意为“关于”、“就来说”(with regard to,with reference to),一般用于较正式的文体或场合。 关于她的下落,我们仍无消息。 We still have no information _ her whereabouts. considering:意为“考虑到”或“鉴于”,“就而论”(taking.into consideration,in view of)。 就她的年龄而论,她显得十分年轻。 _ ,she looks quite young.,易 错 防 范,regarding意为“关于,至于”(with reference to,about)。 关于改革的前途,我们是有信心的。 We have confidence _. owing to意为“因为、由于”(because of,on account of)。 因为下雨,这场篮球赛已被取消了。 _ ,the basketball game has been cancelled. given如果考虑到,假定 考虑到他们缺乏经验,这个工作他们做得不错。 _ ,they have done a good job.,judging from/by ( to judge by)“由来判断”,用作介词。 由他所说的来判断,他一定是个诚实的人。 _ what he said, he must be an honest man. 答案 concerning Considering her age regarding the future of reform Owing to the rain Given their inexperience Judging from/by,
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