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Vocabulary & reading,Cloning and DNA,Work in pairs. Look at the title of the passage and the words in the box. Decide which ones youre likely to see.,acid bacteria embryos enzyme experience gene human tissue organism plant psychological stem cell structure upbringing,Work in pairs and answer the questions. What is_?,1. DNA,the fundamental component of life,Scannig:,2. a clone,an organism which is genetically identical to another,3. a stem cell,4. the genetic make-up of a person or a plant,a cell that can develop into every other type of cell,the particular genes that give a person their physical characteristics,5. bacteria,very small organisms that cause diseases,chemicals formed in the body,6. an enzyme,Paragraph 1(1953),Into the text:,Read the passage again and find the paragraphs which describe: a. When the structure of DNA was discovered,Paragraphs 2,3(take the DNA from a single cell to create another identical individual),b. How to clone something,c. four possible reasons for cloning,Paragraphs 4(as optional treatment for couples who find it difficult to have children), 5(to reproduce the talents of exceptional people), 6(to obtain a supply of stem cells), 7(to help farmers grow resistant crops),Paragraphs 4(a clone would be under unknown psychological pressure), 5(a clone may possess new vices instead of existing virtues), 6(embryos made from clones would be wasted which some people would find unacceptable), 7(to rely on a few cloned animals or crops would restrict biodiversity),d. the disadvantages of cloning,Read the text again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). The science of genetics was discovered by two scientists, Watson and Crick at Cambridge University. ( ) 2. Stem cells in embryos can help someone recover from a disease, repair human tissue and so on. ( ),F,T,3. The child who was a clone of one of his parents would have psychological pressure throughout his childhood. ( ),T,2. A pattern of chemicals within the cell of a living thing that controls what it is like,According to the definition, find the proper words.,Words revision:,thin enough to be seen through,gene,transparent,3. The same or exactly alike 4. Be likely to cause argument or disagreement 5. Can be chosen freely 6. Bad habit or personal quality 7. Can change or be changed to adapt to new needs,identical,controversial,optional,vice,flexible,8. Put into force by orders or by the law 9. Useful or simple to use 10. The natural watery liquid produced in the mouth,compulsory,handy,saliva,Its certainly true that in 1953, two scientists discovered the structure of the acid DNA. It was in 1866 that Mendel first recorded the results of growing pea plants.,Key sentences:,3. He discovered a procedure to use enzymes to unzip the DNA and cut out a sequence of genes. 4. A clone is an organism which is genetically identical to another one.,5. A prize cow which resist bacteria or disease, or to sow a cloned crop which can resist rot or pests. 6. To rely on a few cloned animals or crops would restrict the biodiversity of the breed.,Language points:,1. A clone is an organism which is genetically identical to another one. 1) 同一的;同样的 We are identical in our views of what should be done. 我们双方对应当怎么办的看法是一致的。,This is the identical hotel that we stayed in last year. 这就是我们去年住过的那家旅馆。,2) (常与to连用) 完全相同的 These two designs are almost identical. 这两种式样几乎完全相同。 My opinion is identical to his. 我的意见和他的意见相同。,1). 意为“抵抗;反抗;”。如: The rebel army resisted the police. 叛军与警察对抗。,2. A prize cow which resist bacteria or disease, or to sow a cloned crop which can resist rot or pests.,2). 意为“经得住;不屈从”, 常用于否定句。如: Jill couldnt resist making jokes about his boldness. 吉尔忍不住拿他的秃顶开玩笑。 She couldnt resist sweets. 她看到甜食就想吃。,词汇拓展 resistance n. (不可数)抵抗,对抗; resistant adj. 抵抗的,有抵抗力的,随堂练习,根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母提 示,写出该单词的正确形式。 The two words are i_ in meaning. That is, you can use one in place of the other. 2. This is an o_ painting by Picasso, not a copy one. 3. They lost their home and all their p_ in the storm.,dentical,riginal,ossessions,4. They have o_ one million dollars from the government. Their next step is to find a business partner. 5. This is a box with f_ height and width. It can expand to contain as much as five kilos. 6. Thanks to the doctors timely treatment, he r_ his health soon. 7. Membership of the club is r_ to men only. Women are not allowed in.,btained,lexible,ecovered,estricted,8. C_ education is education provided by governments, which children are required by law to receive. 9. The box has a t_ plastic lid so you can see whats inside. 10. The first step in the p_ for making a kite is to build a frame.,ompulsory,ransparent,rocedure,
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