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The Power of Power Napping发布时间:2012-04-21文章出自:PsychCentral原文链接:点击查看At best, napping is viewed as a luxury or indulgence. At worst, its seen as a slothful activity.Maybe youve also felt the pangs of guilt after awaking from a short snooze. Or judged someone else for falling asleep at their desk.But napping doesnt make you a lazy worker, and it doesnt pillage your productivity. In fact, its quite the opposite.Napping actually offers a slew of benefits, which might make you reconsider your stance on midday slumbers and add them to your routine.“Napping leads to improvements in mood, alertness and performance such as reaction time, attention, and memory, ” according to Kimberly Cote, Ph.D, Professor of psychology and neuroscience at Brock University. (Her 2009 review, co-authored with researcher Catherine Milner, summarizes the research on these many benefits.)Research at NASA demonstrated that pilots who had a 26-minute nap in the cockpit were more alert by 54 percent and had improved performance by 34 percent. Studies using advanced tools such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) also have found performance benefits for nappers. Studies have even suggested that napping may produce the same memory gains as a full nights slumber, as shown on tasks that tested declarative memory, motor memory and spatial memory.Tips for a Truly Beneficial NapAll naps arent created equal. For instance, a two-hour nap may leave you feeling disoriented and groggy, and even disrupt your nighttime slumber. So whats the best nap to take?An ideal nap is a short one. According to research, 10 to 20 minutes is best, Cote said. “Longer naps will allow you to enter deeper sleep, which will contribute to the grogginess also called sleep inertia experienced upon awakening and disrupt nighttime sleep, ” she said. Napping for 10 minutes is especially helpful at work, because you get the maximum benefits with less grogginess, she said.Such short naps primarily consist of stage 1 and stage 2 sleep. Stage 2 sleep may offer the most benefits. A 2005 study found that participants who were awakened after spending just three minutes in stage 2 sleep were alert and showed an improvement in performance. Participants awakened after five minutes in stage 1 sleep felt less tired and sleepy, but their performance deteriorated.In their review, based on the evidence, Cote and Milner suggested that people who get enough sleep at night can nap later in the day. But people who are sleep-deprived do better with earlier naps.In general, experts recommend sleeping between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. or between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. According to the National Sleep Foundation, also important is snoozing in a dark and quiet room with a comfortable temperature.Take a nap wheelSleep researcher Sara Mednick, Ph.D, who calls napping her secret weapon in her book, Take a Nap! Change Your Life, created a “ nap wheel” to help people figure out their optimum naptime.When Napping Isnt HelpfulFor people struggling with insomnia who have a tough time either falling asleep or staying asleep naps may sabotage nighttime sleeping even more, Cote said, especially if their naps are longer or later in the evening.If you are struggling with insomnia, consider finding a psychologist who specializes in treating insomnia with cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). You might be surprised to learn that CBT is actually the first line of treatment for insomnia not medication.Last reviewed: By John M. Grohol, Psy. D. on 10 Apr 2012Published on PsychCentral.com. All rights reserved.打盹的好处发布时间:2012-04-21文章出自:译言原文链接:点击查看 打盹,常常被认为是一个奢侈的嗜好,或者是躲懒的方式。 也许你也有过小憩初醒时候的负罪感,或者瞧不起某个趴在桌子上打盹的家伙。 但是,打盹没有使你变成一个懒惰的员工,它也没有影响你的生产力。实际上,它有相反的功效。 打盹实际上有诸多好处,多到让你需要重新审视你白天的小憩,并使之成为惯例。 “打盹改善了心情,提升了人的机警和表现力,比如反应时间,专注程度,和记忆力,” Brock大学心理与神经科学教授,Kimberly Cote博士说。(她2009年和Catherine Milner研究员合作的一篇综述中总结了关于上述益处的研究。) 来自NASA的研究表明在座舱里小憩26分钟的飞行员机警程度提升了54%,同时反应力提升了34%.使用了诸如功能性磁共振成像等先进技术的研究同样发现了小憩的好处。研究甚至表明小憩对于记忆力的提升和整夜的睡眠是一样的,这个结论来自于陈述性记忆,运动记忆和空间记忆的测试。 打盹攻略 打盹和打盹是不一样的。比如一个两小时的午睡会使你晕头转向,昏昏沉沉,甚至扰乱你晚上的睡眠。所以,怎样好好的打一个盹呢? 一个理想的小憩时间不要太长。研究表明10分钟到20分钟是最好的。“长时间的小憩会使你进入深度睡眠,并使你变的昏昏沉沉-也被称为睡眠惰性-表现在睡醒的时候,并且扰乱你夜间睡眠,”Cote说。而十分钟的睡眠有助于你的工作,而又不至于使你感觉昏昏沉沉。 如此短的睡眠主要包含睡眠的前两个阶段,第二阶段有最多的好处。2005年的一个研究发现在第二阶段睡眠3分钟的人醒来后机警和表现力都提升了。而在第一阶段睡眠5分钟的参与者只是感觉不那么困了,但是他们的表现力反而更差了。 在这个综述中,Cote和Molner建议,晚上睡够的人白天可以晚些时候打个盹,而欠缺睡眠的人,则可以在白天早些打个盹儿。 国家睡眠基金会的专家建议打盹一般在下午一点到三点或者两点到四点间,并且选择昏暗,安静且温度适宜的房间也是很重要的。睡眠研究员有Sara Mednick博士在她的书中把小憩称为她的秘密武器。她在小憩改变你的生活这本书制作了一个“打盹轮”来帮助人们挑出最适宜的打盹时间。 在打盹没有帮助的时候 对于那些被失眠困扰的人们-他们常常被无法入睡保持睡眠困扰-小憩可能更进一步破坏晚上的睡眠,Cote说,特别是当他们长时间的小憩或者在傍晚打盹的时候。 如果你在失眠中挣扎,可以考虑找一个在通过认知行为治疗来治疗失眠有专长的心理医生。你可能会惊奇的发现认知行为治疗是治疗失眠的最佳方法,而不是药物治疗。课后测试第 1 个,共 10 个functionalfknl语境:Studies using advanced tools such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) also have found performance benefits for nappers.释义:adj. 功能的psyc
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