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2016年全市职业学校课堂教学大赛教案设计课题:Book 4 Unit 6 Reading Passage B The World Is Thirsty任课老师王兰翠任教课程English授课类型New teaching (Reading)授课学时1授课班级Computer(3+4)1401,35授课日期2016.5.5教学目标1.Knowledge objectives: The students will learn some knowledge about water shortage. The students will learn the usages of some new words and expressions related to it. 2. Ability objectives: The students will improve their reading skills.The students will be able to know and talk about the current situation and serious influence of water shortage. The students will be able to consolidate language points through retelling and discussing after reading.3.Emotion objectives: The students will further understand the importance of saving water and arouse their awareness of saving water.重点难点1.Teaching focuses The students will understand the passage and get information about water shortage. The students will be able to improve Students reading skills.2.Teaching focusesThe students will be able to consolidate language points through retelling and discussing after reading.方法手段Task-based Language Teaching Method, Communicative Approach Communicative Strategy,Cooperative Learning & Inquiry Learning教学手段Multi-media facilities , Power point a blackboard.学情分析They are in Grade Two of (3+4). Their major is Computer. They can take active part in the classroom activities and are interested in English.教材分析This unit is the sixth unit in Book 4 published by Jiangsu Education Publishing House. The topic is “Wheres your recycling box”. Unit 6 is mainly about environmental problems. Its divided into five parts: Warming-up , listening and Speaking, Reading and Writing and Real Life Skill. I select reading part as my main content. It mainly talks about water shortage. They are related to the topic and helpful to improve Ss integrated abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.教学流程RevisionRiddleLead inBrainstormingNew teachingQuestionsPhrasesCareful readingScanningSkimmingLanguage pointsConsolidationRetellingClozeTranslationDiscussionSummaryHomework教学理念In order to motivate the students interest in English learning, Ill design some classroom activities for them to take part in and give them some tasks to complete. Ill also encourage the students to use English. So, they will be learning English by using it, and they will be using it while learning.教学准备1.Teacher preparation:Time dividing:Time arrangement of each step the whole class;Material resources:Teaching plan, chalk,learning exercises, etc;Equipment resources:Multi-media,projector;Internet resources:related pictures;music。2.Students preparation:Review the first passage; Place desks and chairs in groups;English Books.教学过程设计教学步骤主要内容备注复习导入Step 1 Revision:1. Free talk:Do you like living in the countryside? Why?Do you like living in the city? Why?2. Complete the dialogue about living in the countryside or city:A: Do you like living in the city or the countryside?B: _.A: But I think the countryside is much better than the city for living.B: _?A: Because there is _in the city.(交通堵塞,噪音太多) B: _. I think the city is a wonderful place to live in, because we can go to parties and concerts every day if we like. _.(拥有更好的教育)A: Maybe you are right. _Step 2 Lead-in:1. Guess a riddleIts very important to all the animals and plants.Its also important to human beings.Its liquid at room temperature.Every day you keep in touch with it.You cant live without it.Whats it?(a thing)water2. Brainstorming: What is water used for?Water is used for But look at the picture: Whats wrong with the earth? Is it strange? We know there is much water in the earths surface.Do you know how much water of the earths surface there is?To appreciate the song “spring water” before class to create a relaxed learning atmosphere.To review what weve learnt last class using free talk and dialogue step by step. To stimulate Ss interest in learning so that Ss are aware of the importance of water preliminarilyTo activate Ss thinking and further make Ss aware of he importance of water in their daily lives.To arouse Ss desire of existing knowledge using related questions.新授内容及主要步骤Step 3 Skimming1. Ask Ss to skim the passage to find out the answer to the question:How much of the earths surface is covered with water? Check the answer:25%75%landwaterEarths Surface2. Find out the main idea of each paragraph
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