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Unit 1Passage A1. Sixteen is a prideful/自豪的,骄傲的age.2. A decent person who kept his word/遵守诺言 and respected himself too much to do wrong.3. Yet,encourage by the pervasive/普遍的 profanity on television and music,kids dont think twice about aggressive and vulgar/粗俗的 language.4. When those who know you best put their confidence in/对.有信心 you.Passage B1. Bemoaned/抱怨 their young president.2. Hed risen through the ranks only to see his institution faltering/变弱,衰退3. “No matter what incentives i provide,”he said,”They wont shake off this gloom/忧郁,绝望 and doom/厄运.”4. The boss,who was married,was having an affair with/与.私通 an employee.5. Which arise from/由.引起 the hard choices we have to make in life.6. This question demonstrates a quandary/困惑,窘况 of our modern life.7. The bedrock/基本原则 of our lives.8. With the inside-out approach,private victories precede/先于,处在.之前 pubic victories.9. They can be a mundane/单调的,乏味的as a commitment to exercise every day.10. A promise like this may sound inconsequential/不重要的,微不足道的.Passage C1.Here are some points to remember when you need to redeem yourself/使免受责难.Unit 2Passage A1. Motivational superstars refuse to buy into/相信 the victim mentality.2. Not living life on purpose consist of expending just enough effort to get by/勉强通过 with the least amount of problems.3. A luxury car or a million dollars is nice,but the problem is that practically/几乎,简直.4. One of the most electrifying/令人激动的 speakers.5. Thats the power of perseverance/锲而不舍.Passage B1. A related fanaticism/狂热 exists today.2. Evil spirits always fall for/被骗 the pierced ear trick.3. He could claim his dual-citizenship and avoid winding up/以.告终 in jail.4. With this minor celebrity/名声,he attracted many students.5. One of his admonitions/告诫.6. Lee kills a lot of people in retaliation/报复.Passage C1. Emphasizes characters motivations/动力,诱因 for actions.2. His best acting performances are roles that required him to show a constrained/装出来的,不自然的.Unit 3Passage A1.With a nightmare existence I was destined to/命中注定 suffer for months.2.I told myself and nowhere/无处 would the pieces ever be put together again.Passage B1. She had been a vital/充满活力的 woman.2. I returned home,silently introspective/反省的 ,thinking how fortunate we really have.3. I became a surrogate/替代的 mom to my sister. 4. I saw my smiling mother on the sidelines/旁观.5. Spontaneously/本能地,I moved toward her,and then I saw that,though she was smiling,her eyes were briming/充满 with tears.Passage C1. Poor people receive coupons to use at the supermarket in lieu of/以.代替 money.2. I wrote my sons university and explained our families financial straits困境/.3. It was sink or swim/不管成败 for me,because I was completely responsible for text selection.4. When assailed/困扰 by self-doubts about my ability to teach or get through the slog of/一段时间的艰苦努力 writing the MA thesis.Unit 4Passage A1. A different/缺乏自信的 British scientist.2. Such phenomenon take-up/认购率,接受率 is what the phone manufacturers and networks hope will be emulated/效仿 in Europe.3. Yet there is another factor at play/起作用的 here.4. His father snatched the machine away/夺走.Passage B1. Electronic money will start to take off/开始流行.2. In the future this habit will catch on with/受欢迎 the consumer.3. But the broader solution to e-cashs acceptance will be what moneymen/金融专家 call multi-functionality/多功能性.Passage C1. The solution,envisioned/想象,展望 by Hewlett.2. Not to mention/更不用说 those wearing tennis shoes.3. Putting everything and everyone on the Net will open up/提供 new commercial opportunities.4. Makes it simpler to interconnect/使互相联系 different kinds of business computing systems.5. To engage in/参与 a video conference with a client from wherever she happens to be.Unit 5Passage A1. Dont make waves/惹麻烦.2. I summoned/鼓起 the courage to speak up/清楚地表明看法.3. If you want to make sure youre in line for/很有可能获得.的 one of the few pay-raises.4. There is no one simple way to get ahead/成功.5. At many companies you are eligible for/有资格获得 a raise only if youve had a review.6. Your manager will notify you in advance of a forthcoming/即将到来 appraisal/评估评价.7. Have a hackup plan/备用计划.8. Most raises are predetermined/预先决定.9. They usually try to bring up/提高 the salaries.10. Its time to polish up/改进 your CV/履历 and search for another job.11. I put in for/正式要求 the job even though i knew i was a few credentials short.Passage B1. But that makes it harder to patch up/平息争吵,解决分歧 problems.2. If the wronged person takes the initiative/采取主动 and apologizes.3. Give your friend opportunity to admit that hed screwed up/搞乱.4. But deep down,she did not want to break off/中断 ties.Passage C1. If by chance/碰巧 you know a very short story.2. Throw out/随口说 that you do not love to tell stories.3. Some things that the acceptable in one situation is highly improper/不适当的 in anther.4. It may be offensive,by being ill-timed/不
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