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课堂教学综合训练教程 教案课堂教学综合训练教程指导老师:上课教室:姓名:学号:学院:专业:年级:成绩: Sandstorms in Asia Lesson PlanningTeaching objectives1 .Main objectives: a) Students are able to use the new words learned in this class to make sentences. b) Students are able to pronounce the new words correctly. c) Students are able to be familiar with infinitive. d) Students are able to describe sandstorms in English by using the new words. e) Students are able to predict some information about the text by using True/False question with their own common sense.2. Simultaneous objectives: a) Students should be able to learn new words in the context. b) Motivating students enthusiasm and interest to this unit by setting the scene. c) Students are able to know some information about sandstorm from the presentation.Teaching Contents1. Vocabulary:forecast fkst (fore-/ cast)预报,预测earthquakekwek (earth/quake) 地震sandstormsndstrm(sand/storm)沙尘暴 citizenstz()n(city)居民lastla:st持续 signsan迹象 survivesvav幸存 experteksp:ts专家 processprses过程 situationstje()n情境 frighteningfrat()n可怕的 dustdst灰尘 blowbl吹 cyclesak()l骑自行车2. Phrases: cut down砍伐 dig up 挖光3. Information about sandstormsFocal points and difficult points: Pronunciation and correctly pronounce the long wordsTeaching materials1. Introduction materials: Talk about the weather in Beibei and the reasons why I like it. By comparing with other cities, come to the topic.2. Disclosing materials: Talk about four frightening natural disasters (flood, typhoon, drought and earthquake)3. Intensified materials: Words, pronunciation4. Extension materials: Usage of the words; phrase (more meanings besides the one in the text)5. Regression materials: Summary for new words (guide the students to think about what they have learned)6. Examination materials: Do some exercisesTime allotment 40 minutes in one classIntroducing materials: 4minsDiscovering materials: 12minsStrengthening materials: 15minsExtending materials: 3minsRegressing materials: 3minsTesting materials: 3minsProcedures and methods1. Introduction (ppp model method)Stage 1 Greetings (make students clear about the planning of this module) T: Good afternoon, boys and girls! Ss: Good afternoon! T: The topic of this module is Sandstorm in Asia. Now, please look at the ppt. This is our planning of this module. Yesterday, you have finished the tasks before class of this module in the Learning Guide. Today, we will step into the first part-introduction. T: You know that Beibei rains a lot. But sometimes the weather here is so wonderful, just like the picture here. So there are many people who love Beibei very much. But there are still some people who complain about it. What about you? Do you like it or not? Why? Now I will give you two minutes to think about it and talk with your partner, and then Id like to invite some of you to share your idea with us. T: Time is up. Is there any volunteer to share your opinion with us? S1:. S2:. .2. DiscoveringStage 2 Presentation Step 1 Make preparation for introducing the topic Task 1 Look at the pictures and guess the reasons. (Task-based teaching method)T: As a citizen of Beibei, I do like it very much. Do you know the reasons? Can you just guess according to these pictures? S3: .S4: .T: Yes, you two did a great job! Now, Id like to tell you some reasons. From these pictures, we can see that Beibei is covered with trees and grasses. The air is fresh. There is no dust on the road. It is so nice to live here. Whats more, it is a safe city without big disasters. The citizensstz()n here is so lucky. But many people living in other places often suffer some big natural disasters. Do you know dust? (Picture: The thick dust makes the sky difficult to see.)Step 2 Teach the new vocabulary including meanings and pronunciations and get them into the topic. Task 2 Look at the following pictures and talk about some big natural disasters. T: Now, I will show you some pictures about some frighteningfrat()n natural disasters. Lets look at the first picture. Are there any volunteers to describe this picture for us? S5: . T: It looks so frightening ,right?And it is so hard to survivesvav in such a terrible situationstje()n. And then lets look at the second one. Are there any volunteers to describe this picture for us? S6: .flood droughttyphoonfrightening natu
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