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Welding Inspection Technology Workbook焊接检验技术手册Module 10第十单元Visual inspection and other NDE methods and symbols目视检验和其他无损探伤方法和符号请不要在此书上书写!Dont write in this book!Q10-1 下列哪种无损探伤方法仅限于表面的不连续(Which of the following nondestructive testing methods are limited to the detection of surface discontinuities?)a. 目视(visual)b. 渗透(penetrant)c. 射线(radiographic)d. 上述的a和b (a and b above)e. 上述的b和c (b and c above)Q10-2 为了更加有效,目视检验应在什么时候进行(To be most effective, visual inspection should be performed:)a. 焊接前(before welding)b. 焊接时(during welding)c. 焊接后(after welding)d. 所有以上的(all of the above)e. 无以上任何一个(none of the above)Q10-3渗透液保留在部件表面,并使其渗入至表面不连续中的时间段称为:(The time period during which the penetrant remains on the surface of the part allowing it to be drawn into any surface discontinuities is called:)a. 等待时间(waiting time)b. 渗透时间(penetrating time)c. 吸入时间(soak time)d. 驻留时间(dwell time)e. 无以上任何一个(none of the above)Q10-4 什么样的磁化电流可以使铁粒具有最佳的流动性(Which type of magnetizing current provides the best iron particle mobility?)a. 交流电(AC)b. 直流电(DC)c. 直流反接(DCEP)d. 上述b和c (B and c above)e. 所有上述的(All of the above)Q10-5 什么样的磁粉探伤技术可以用于发现纵向缺陷(What MT technique could be used for the discovery of longitudinal flaws?)a. 工件磁化(环形磁场)(head shot (circular magnetism))b. 侧向通电(side shot)c. 线圈通电(纵向磁场) (coil shot (longitudinal magnetization))d. 上述a和b(a and b above)e. 上述b和c(b and c above)Q10-6 下列哪种磁化方法可以在试件上产生环形磁场(Which of the following magnetizing methods produce a circular magnetic field in the test piece?)a. 工件磁化(head shot)b. 让一电流通过一部件(passing an electrical current through the part)c. 磁棒(prod)d. 所有上述的(all of the above)e. 无以上任何一个(none of the above)Q10-7 下列哪种磁化方法可以在试件上产生一种纵向磁场(Which of the following magnetizing methods can produce a longitudinal magnetic field in the test piece?)a. 工件磁化(head shot)b. 线圈通电(coil shot)c. 磁轭(yoke)d. 上述的a和b(a and b above)e. 上述的b和c(b and c above)Q10-8 哪种无损探伤是最适合于评估表面下的气孔(What NDT method is best for evaluating subsurface porosity?)a. 渗透(PT)b. 磁粉(MT)c. 射线(RT)d. 目视(VT)e. 所有上述的(All of the above)Q10-9 下列哪种说法对于射线探伤是正确的(Which of the following statements is correct for radiographic testing?)a. 减少厚度将在胶片上形成一个较亮的影象(A reduction in thickness will produce a lighter image on the film.)b. 低密度的不连续将会产生一个较亮的影象(A low density discontinuity will produce a lighter image on the film.)c. 高密度的不连续将会产生一个较亮的影象(A high density discontinuity will produce a lighter image on the film)d. 上述的a和b(a and b above)e. 上述的b和c (b and c above)Q10-10 射线探伤可以使用下列哪种设备进行(Radiographic testing (RT) can be performed using which of the following?)a. X射线机(X-ray machine)b. 铯137(Cesium 137)c. 铱192(Iridium 192)d. 钴60 (Cobalt 60)e. 所有上述的(All of the above)Q10-11 大多数情况下磁粉探伤可以有效地检验下列:(MT can be used most effectively to inspect which of the following?)a. 在碳钢上的奥氏体不锈钢焊缝(austenitic stainless steel welds on carbon steel)b. 在不锈钢上的奥氏体不锈钢焊缝(austenitic stainless steel welds on stainless steel)c. 在碳钢上的碳钢焊缝(carbon steel welds on carbon steel)d. 上述的a和b(a and b above)e. 上述的b和c(b and c above)Q10-12 下列哪些不连续通常无法被射线探伤所发现(Which of the following discontinuities will not usually be revealed using RT?)a. 裂纹(crack)b. 未焊透(incomplete joint penetration)c. 气孔(porosity)d. 分层(lamination)e. 无以上任何一个(none of the above)Q10-13 在射线探伤中,用什么样的装置可以显示射线的分辨率(What device is used during radiography to indicate the resolution sensitivity of a radiograph?)a. 透度剂(IQI)b. 放射量测定仪(Dosimeter)c. 铅屏(Lead screen)d. 所有上述的(All of the above)e. 无以上任何一个(None of the above)Q10-14 哪种无损探伤方法使用声能作为探测介质(Which nondestructive test method uses sound energy as a probing medium?)a. 磁粉(MT)b. 射线(RT)c. 超声波(UT)d. 渗透(PT)e. 涡流(ET)Q10-15 用超声波来显示试验标准中的尺寸,这个过程称为:(The process whereby ultrasonic indications are related to dimensions in a test standard is referred to as:)a. 设置(setup)b. 校验(calibration)c. 标准化(standardization)d. 同步(synchronization)e. 无以上任何一个(none of the above)Q10-16已经焊完的坡口焊缝,通常使用什么技术进行超声波检验(As-welded groove welds are usually inspected ultrasonically using what technique?)a. 纵波(straight beam)b. 横波(shear wave)c. 斜波(angle beam)d. 上述的b和c(b and c above)e. 所有上述的(all of the above)Q10-17 毛细现象在哪种无损探伤中起作用(Capillary action plays a role in which NDT method?)a. 涡流(ET)b. 超声波(UT)c. 射线(RT)d. 渗透(PT)e. 磁粉(MT)Q10-18 哪种无损探伤被认为是一个真正地测定容积的试验(Which NDT method is considered to be a true volumetric test?)a. 射线(RT)b. 超声波(UT)c. 渗透(PT)d. 磁粉(MT)e. 涡流(ET)Q10-19 哪种无损探伤使用的是一个交流线圈(Which NDT method uses an alternating current coil?)a. 磁粉(MT)b. 超声波(UT)c. 涡流(ET)d. 上述的a和c(a and c above)e. 上述的b和c(b and c above)Q10-20 用什么样的无损探伤方法可能测得热处理中的变化(Changes in heat treatment can be measured using which NDT method?)a. 涡流(ET)b. 射线(RT)c. 磁粉(MT)d. 超声波(UT)e. 无以上任何一个(None of the above)Q10-21 下列哪种无损探伤可能探测到表面裂纹(Which of the following NDT methods can detect surface cracks?)a. 射线(RT
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