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PK 中考英语安徽 语法专题一 名词,20122016年安徽中考考情总览,根据表格的内容可知,安徽中考单项填空主要对名词辨析进行考查。 在完形填空中,每年都会对名词辨析进行考查,2016年有5道题查考名词。,在2017年安徽英语中考中: 1.单项填空可能有1至2题对名词进行考查,考查的对象仍以名词在语境中的辨析为主。 2. 完形填空同样会对名词进行考查。题量在5至6道题之间。,命题趋向,中考名题体验,1.(2016年江西)Some old people need a _ because they feel lonely. A. gift B. stick C. pet D. watch 2.(2016年青岛)Nancy took her temperature and found she had a _. A. cough B. toothache C. cold D. fever,C,D,3. (2016年重庆B卷)Its cold today. Take your _ with you when you go out. A. knife B. coat C. brush D. key 4.(2016年黑龙江龙东地区) How far is your home from school ? About _ walk. A. five minutes B. five minutes C. five minutes,B,B,中考名题体验,语法探究,一、可数名词 可数名词有单、复数形式。 (一)名词复数形式的规则变化 1:一般在词尾加-s exercise deskdesks 2:以s,x, sh, ch 结尾的加-es watchwatches boxboxes 3:以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词,把y变i,再加-es factory ladyladies,exercises,factories,语法探究,4:以f 或fe结尾的词,一般把f 或fe 改为v,加-es 。 wolf knifeknives 5:以o结尾的可数名词,有生命的加-es, 无生命的加-s。 potatopotatoes pianopianos,wolves,(二) 名词复数的不规则变化 1.单复数同形 ChineseChinese sheepsheep JapaneseJapanese 2.改变元音字母 manmen womanwomen footfeet toothteeth policewomanpolicewomen 3.只有复数形式的名词 trousers scissors pants glasses shoes 4.其他变化 mousemice childchildren,(三)名词修饰名词的复数构成 1.通常名词作定语修饰名词时,复数形式是将后面的名词变为复数。如boy students。 2.将两部分都变为复数的。如 women teachers、men singers。 3.sport修饰名词时,不论中心词是单数还是复数,sport通常用复数形式。 a sports club、sports shoes,(四)集体名词的数 1.通常做复数的集体名词。如police,people。 2.通常做不可数名词的集体名词。如furniture(家具),equipment(装备)。 3.既可作单数也可作复数的集体名词。如audience(观众),class(班级),family,goverment,public(公众)。如将这些词视为一个整体时,其后的谓语动词用单数;如强调的是集体的各个成员时,其后的谓语动词用复数。,二、不可数名词 1.概念:不可数名词只有一种形式,无单、复数之分。不可数名词不能以个数计算。物质名词和抽象名词和专有名词通常为不可数名词。物质名词表示构成各种物体的物质和材料的词。如rice,glass,mutton,paper,air,wood等。抽象名词是表示状态、品质、行为、感情的词。如knowledge ,danger,health,homework,happiness等。,2.用法:不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。不可数名词其前不能用不定冠词a,an和数词修饰。但可以用the 修饰。 (1)不可数名词可以用little,a little of ,some ,any,a lot of,lots of,much等表示不定量的词修饰 。 一些 牛奶 a lot of water 许多水 注意:a lot of /lots of /some 等词既可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词。,a little milk,(2)不可数名词计数要用单位词。常见的单位词有 a piece of,a bottle of,a cup of,a pair of,a group of,a bag of等。若要表复数概念,要把单位词变复数。 a piece of news 一则消息 两瓶牛奶 注意:单位词既可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词。 如a group of people。,two bottles of milk,三、既可以作可数名词,也可作不可数名词的词,但意义有所不同。,四、名词所有格 名词所有格通常是用来表示一个名词和另一个名词之间的所属关系。 1.构成,2.of 所有格 无生命的名词的所属关系一般要用介词of短语来构成。如a map of China,at the end of this term 。但表时间、距离、世界、国家、城市、团体、机构等无生命的名词直接在词尾加-s或-。 five minutes walk,3.双重所有格 表示所属物的名词前有冠词(a/an),数词(one,two.),不定代词(some,all,any.),物主代词(my,your.),指示代词(this,that.时,常用“of +s所有格”形式,即双重所有格来表示所属关系。 a photo of my sisters 我妹妹的一张照片 this book of my classmates 我同学的这本书,五、名词修饰名词 名词作定语,要用单数名词修饰名词。如要变复数,只是被修饰词变复数。 two apple trees 两棵苹果树 health problem 健康问题,专项集训,1.We need some more_. Can you go and get some, please? A. potato B. potatos C. potatoes D. potatoe 2.Please remember to give the horse some tree_ . A. leafs B. leaves C. leaf D. leave 3. Can we have some _? -Yes, please. A. banana B. oranges C.apple D. pear,C,B,B,4.Did you hear any strange _ when the quake happened? No, I was in my garden with my flowers and was enjoying the beautiful _ of my birds at that time. A.voice; noise B.noise; sound C.whisper; sound D.sound; voice 5. Would you like_tea? No, thanks. I have drunk two_. A. any; bottles of orange B. some;bottles of orange C. many; bottles of oranges D. few, bottle of oranges,B,B,6.Mr Li was sent to teach Chinese in an American high school last year. Yes, I know.He told me he would never forget his pleasant _ while working there. A.experiments B.expressions C.experiences D.explorations 7.On the table there are five_. A. tomatos B. piece of tomatoes C. tomatoes D. tomato,C,C,8.The theme park is about _ ride from the museum.You should start out right now. A.two hour B.two hours C.two hours D.two hours,C,
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