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2014年高考最后一击,高考英语科目各项目参考用时,第一部分 听力,第一节 短对话,主旨与要义 提问方式 What are the speakers mainly talking about? What is the conversation mainly about? What are the two speakers mainly discussing? ,方法:抓住关键词,总体把握,不要在不太明白的细节上纠缠,例: what are the speakers talking about? (NMET 08) The mans sister B. A film C. An actor W: I hate to say it, but Jacky isnt doing well in the film. M: Well, I think hes only playing a different role. My sister thinks hes still the best.,数字与计算: 方法: 1. 区别易混音,如-teen和-ty. 2. 留心一些与运算有关的词: double, twice, quarter, cut off, discount等。 3. 边听边记(简练易懂,用一些符号或开头字母代替单词),例:How much will the woman lend the man? (合肥四模10) A. $11 B. $6 C. $4 M: This pen costs 11 dollars, but Ive only got 7dollars. W: Ive got 6 dollars, so Ill lend you the rest.,谈话者意图、观点、态度 例: How does the woman feel? A. Worried B. Angry C. Surprised W: Look, its already 8. Tom said hed be here by 7. M: Yes, but you know what traffic is like this time of the evening. W: He said hes trying not to be late. Why does he always do this? Ive had enough this time.,方法: 注意语气、语调; 关键词:happy,angry, sad, agree等,but, however转折; 领会一些词句的含义 Would you mind? It couldnt be any /I cant agree more. You cannot be too . Im not myself today. ,再次强调:以下技巧: 听前浏览,作适当标注。 关键词 边听边记 某些词句的隐含义 不纠结,学会“放弃” 试音部分可利用,第二节 长对话(技巧与短对话相似,因为读两遍,难度较低,故略之),第二部分 单项选择,9(6),3,1,0,2,如何应对英语中的“陷阱题”?,陷阱一:利用“合理不合法”的现象,“合理”,即约定俗成;“不合法”即不合乎基本语法规范,不受语法规则制约。,对策:熟记一些固定表达。,1. Your story is perfect; Ive never heard before. A. the better one B. the best one C. a better one D. a good one 2. -Could you tell me the way to Johnsons, please? -Sorry, we dont have Johnson here in the village. A. the; the B. the; a C.不填;the D. The; 不填,C,B,陷阱二:改变正常的句型结构 对策:运用还原法。 再现真面目,主要用来解决一些非正常语序的题目,如被动句、疑问句、感叹句、倒装句、省略句等,我们可以先将其复原为陈述语序再来做题。,1. Every minute is made full _ of _ our lessons. A. use; study B. useful; to study C. use; to study D. used; studying 2. Who would you rather _ with you tomorrow, Tom or Smith? Ahave to go Bhave go Chave gone Dhad go 改为:You would rather _ who _ with you tomorrow,Tom or Smith?,还原为:We should make full _ of every minute _our lessons.,C,B,陷阱三:加入干扰成分 这类题往往在题干中加入干扰成分,增加句子的复杂 程度,从而达到干扰考生视线的目的。 对策:去掉插入成分,1.He believes in himself,_ in my opinion is of the most importance Athat Bwhich Cwhat DAs 2. He will tell you _ he expects will win such a match Awhy Bwhom Cwhich Dwho,( ),B,( ),D,1.The award will be given to_ he considers is the best 2. The award will be given to _he considers the best,比较下面两个句子:,陷阱四:巧设标点符号 标点符号在英语句式中的配合作用是不容忽视的,从英语的句型结构这一角度来看,它甚至是起着决定性的作用它决定着句子的单复形式,决定着选词造句等其他诸多问题。 对策:掌握英语中逗号的作用、常见句子结构及并列连词。,1.(1).“You cant catch me! ” Jennet shouted and _away. (2). “You cant catch me! ” Jennet shouted, _ _ away. A. run B. running C. to run D. ran 2. Last week, only two people came to look at the house, _ want to buy it. A. none of them B. both of them C. none of whom D. neither of whom,B,D,D,陷阱五:省略或暗设语境 对策:补充省略成分,确定正确选项,1.-What do you think made Mary so happy ? -_. A. Because of my passing the exam. B. I passed the exam. C. Because I passed the exam. D. Her passing the exam.,(made her so happy),D,2. -I cant find Mr. Morris. Where did you meet him yesterday ? -It was in the hotel _ he stayed. A. where B. which C. that D. the one,(that I met him yesterday),A,陷阱六:利用母语或文化差异的干扰,利用英语和汉语两种语言不同的表现形式、思维方式或表达习惯设题。,对策: 了解西方文化背景、风俗和思维习惯。,1. -Would you like some more tea? - ,please. A. No more B. Just a little C. Ive had enough D. Yes, I would,B,2.-Id like to invite you to dinner this Saturday, Mr. Smith. - _. A. Oh, no. Lets not. B. Id rather stay at home C. Im very sorry, but I have other plans D. Oh, no. Thatll be too much trouble.,接受邀请时用yes, I d love/like to ;yes, Id like that. 或yes, its very kind/nice of you; 在表示拒绝时, 一般用Im sorry, but / Im afraid, but/ Id like/ love to , but,C,陷阱七:思维定势干扰 所谓定势思维,就是习惯性地遵循某一单一模式进行的思维。 对策:运用意群及结构分析法 意群分析法 所谓意群,就是句子中根据句法结构和逻辑关系必须停顿的若干部分。划分意群时首先要保证语法和句子结构正确、规范,在此基础上再考虑意思是否完整通顺。,1.Whom was it up to _ the matter? Adecide Bto decide Cdeciding DDecided 2. Wang Ling was elected _ all he is the tallest. A. because B. because of C. for D. as,分析:这里考查it is up to sb to do sth这样一个句型。本句的意群应该这样划分:Whomwas it up toto decide the matter?如果不能正确划分意群,则很可能会想当然地误选A项。,B,B,More practice,1. Though he graduated three years ago, Tom has gained _ rich experience in _ teaching. A. the; the B. a; 不填 C.不填;不填 D.不填;the,考题预测,冠词题热点方向:抽象名词具体化序数词前 比较级、最高级前,2There being no witness on the spot, the police were delayed by the _of information about the crime. analysis B. disappearance C. absence D. consideration,【猜题理由】名词考查每年各地试题均有涉及, 一般考查同义或近义词或在短语中的搭配。10年出现了 beyond recognition,3 The
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