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Period Two Learning about Language,.核心单词 单词拼写 1.The boy looked at his father _(满怀希望地) because he thought his father had brought him a present. 2.He has devoted his whole life to world _ (和平). 3.Christophe Pires was born and brought up in France,but he speaks English _ (流利地). 4.They failed to reach a settlement,because they _ (不同意) too much with each other.,知 识 梳 理,5.Men and women must be treated _ (平等地) in education and employment. 6.We can eat out if you like,but I would _ (更喜欢) to stay in.,答案 1.hopefully 2.peace 3.fluently 4.disagreed 5.equally 6.prefer,.重点短语 根据提示写出短语 1._ 为了特殊的目的 2._热爱 3._人类 4._ 把送进监狱 5._更糟 6._ 生病 7._ 丧失勇气或信心 答案 1.for a special purpose 2.show love for 3.the human race 4.put.in prison 5.get worse 6.fall ill 7.lose heart,.单句语法填空 1.Are you familiar with the music? Yes.There was a time _ this kind of music was quite popular. 2.Maria has written two novels,both of _have been made into television series. 3.They will fly to Washington,_ they plan to stay for two or three weeks. 4.Wind power is an ancient source of energy _ which we may return in the near future. 5.Stephen Hawking believes that the earth is unlikely to be the only planet _ life has developed gradually.,6.Is it in this room _ the great writer Mo Yan once lived _ he finished his famous novel? 7.We are now living in a wonderful period _ many things can be done on the Internet. 8.In 1978 we moved to Bozhou,_ my grandparents lived.,答案 1.when 2.which 3.where 4.to 5.where 6.where;that 7.when 8.where,【知识链接】 lose ones heart to爱上、倾心于 learn sth by heart背诵,牢记 put ones heart into专心于 break sbs heart使某人很伤心 heart and soul全心全意,完全地 Dont lose heart when in face of difficulty,for a way out will come up.遇到困难时不要丧气,总会有出路的。 She lost her heart to the soldier.她爱上了那位战士。 He learned the poem by heart. 他背下了那首诗。,单句语法填空 Encouraged by his friends,Jack didnt lose_ and kept on trying it. He lost _ heart to her at the first sight. We must serve the people heart _ soul in the future. Nothing is too difficult if you put _ heart into it. 答案 heart his and your,
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