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第1篇第2篇第3篇第4篇第5篇更多顶部 目录 第一篇:乒乓外交致辞第二篇:外交部长杨洁篪在中国外交2014画册首发式暨蓝厅音乐会上的致辞第三篇:王毅部长为“外交小灵通”微博三周年发表视频致辞第四篇:外交文书第五篇:外交礼仪更多相关范文 正文 第一篇:乒乓外交致辞 the secretary of state washington message for the 40th anniversary celebration of ping pong diplomacy beijing, china, december 8, 2014 国务卿在庆祝乒乓外交40周年之际的致词 中国北京 2014年12月8日 i am delighted that our two governments are helping to support a visit of the u.s. table tennis association to china to celebrate the 40th anniversary of ping pong diplomacy. this is an important event not only for those with a love of sports but for those with an interest in diplomacy and the development of the u.s.-china relationship. 我高兴地看到我们两国政府协助美国乒乓球协会(u.s. table tennis association)派团访问中国,庆祝乒乓外交40周年。这不仅是对体育爱好者,而且也是对所有关心外交和美中关系发展的人的一项盛事。 ping pong diplomacy played an important role in the history of u.s.-china relations. one of my predecessors, henry kissinger, understood its significance, and recognized that as our two great nations opened lines of communication, the rest of the world would be affected. forty years later, we recognize how sports initiated a mutually beneficial relationship and how far we have come since ping pong diplomacy took center-stage in 1971. the u.s. mission in china is among our largest in the world, and the chinese government has six consulates in the united states that assist the many chinese citizens and businesses resident in america. 乒乓外交在美中关系史中发挥了重要作用。我的前任之一亨利?基辛格(henry kissinger)深知其重大意义,并认识到,我们两个伟大国家打开沟通渠道,将对全世界产生影响。40年后我们看到,体育为打开互利关系发挥了怎样的作用, 1 自乒乓外交在1971年登上舞台显要位置以来,我们已经取得多么长足的进展。美国驻华使团是美国最大的驻外使团之一,而中国政府在美国设有六个领事馆,帮助在美国的众多中国公民和常驻企业。 i have held two meetings with state councilor madame liu yandong to develop our u.s.-china consultation on people-to-people exchange, and we are committed to doing what we can to bring the citizens of our two countries closer together. and really, that is what it is all about. we americans benefit from knowing china in areas as diverse as the economy, education, culture and arts. i know the united states has shared its history and culture with china in a way that benefits chinese society as well. people-to-people exchanges play a critical role in moving us toward our goal of global peace and prosperity. 我与国务委员刘延东女士举行了两次会晤,推进美中人文交流磋商机制(us-china consultation on people-to-people exchange);我们致力于让我们两国公民建立更紧密的联系。的确,这是一切的实质所在。了解中国使我们美国人民受益在经济、教育、文化和艺术等各种不同领域。而我知道,美国与中国共同经历和分享的历史与文化也使中国社会受益。民间交流对于实现我们全球和平与繁荣的目标具有关键作用。 our two nations are dedicated to building a positive, cooperative, and comprehensive relationship that benefits the people of our countries and contributes to a safer and more productive world. ping pong diplomacy reminds us that it is the interactions of our private citizens that helped bring us together and that continue to strengthen the ties that bind us together. i wish all participants another 40 years of successful sports diplomacy. thank you. 我们两国致力于创建一个有利于我们两国人民的积极、合作和全面的关系,并为一个更安全、更富饶的世界作出贡献。乒乓外交提醒我们,是公民个人之间的互 动帮助我们走到一起,并将继续使连接我们的纽带坚强有力。我祝愿所有参与人再有一个成功的40年体育外交。谢谢各位。 第二篇:外交部长杨洁篪在中国外交2014画册首发式暨蓝厅音乐会上的致辞 外交部长杨洁篪在中国外交2014画册首发式暨蓝厅音乐会上的致辞 外交部长杨洁篪在中国外交2014画册首发式暨蓝厅音乐会上的致辞 2014年8月26日 remarks by foreign minister yang jiechi at the launch of chinas foreign affairs 2014 photo album and the lanting concert 26 august 2014 尊敬的驻华外交使团团长诺拉纳塔阿马大使阁下, 尊敬的各位驻华使节,各位来宾, 女士们,先生们: your excellency ambassador nolana ta ama, dean of the diplomatic corps in china, excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, 下午好。很高兴与大家共聚蓝厅,畅叙友谊,共同见证中国外交2014画册的正式发行。 good afternoon. it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to lanting to renew our friendship and witness the official launch of the photo album of chinas foreign affairs 2014. 中国外交2014画册是过去一年中国对外关系蓬勃发展的真实写照,它以2014年中国重大外交事件为主线,从不同角度再现了丰富多彩的外交场景,真实记录了中国坚持走和平发展道路的历程。画册通过300多幅精美图片,生动地展示了中国积极开展高层交往、促进与各国务实合作的重大活动,再现了在上海世博会、广州亚运会上中外友好交流的生动场景,彰显了中国建设性参与国际多边合作的政策理念,记录了中国政府全力维护海外侨胞合法权益的重大行动。希望通过这本画册,大家能更多地了解中国外交,更直接地感知中国与各国人民一道推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界的坚定信念。 the photo album gives a vivid depiction of the dynamic development in chinas external relations over the past year. with a focus on major diplomatic events involving china in 2014, the album captures from different angles the colorful moments of various diplomatic occasions and faithfully records chinas progress on the path of peaceful development. the over 300 pictures in the album provide a glimpse of the major activities through which china promoted high-level exchanges and practical cooperation with other countries; they reproduce the vibrant scenes of friendly exchanges at the shanghai world expo and the guangzhou asian games; they underscore chinas policy and philosophy of constructive participation in international and multilateral
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