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Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag【单词情景识记】71 where w(r) adv 在哪里,到哪里 比较:hereh在这里theree; adv. 在那里Where did you meet him?你在哪里见到他的?Wheres Anna?安娜在哪里?2 table teibl n 桌子 ta它ble跛了这张“桌子”啊,“它”“跛了”,一条腿断了。She was sitting at the kitchen table eating a peach.她正坐在餐桌旁吃着桃子。3 bed bed n 床 象形字bed这三个字母组合正像一张床的样子。We finally went to bed at about 4am.我们最后在凌晨四点左右上了床。By the time we got back from dinner, Nona was already in bed.等我们吃完饭回来,诺娜已经上床了。4 bookcase bukkeisn书架;书柜 book书case柜子“书”“柜子”就是“书架”。Thisbookcasehasfiveshelves. 这书架有五格。5 sofa suf n. 沙发 谐音:沙发Sofa搜法无论搜什么东西,正确的“搜法”都是从“沙发”那儿开始的。Hesprangupfromthesofa. 他从沙发上猛然跳了起来。Theresenoughspaceto haveasofathere. 那里还有足够的地方放下一个沙发。6 chairt n 椅子 cha差ir一人搬“橘子”,现在还“差”“一人”,再搬一个就够了。He rose from his chair and walked to the window.他从椅子上站起来走到窗户旁。7 on n prep 在.上 on鸥鸟“鸥鸟”一定是“在”天“上”。He is sitting beside her on the sofa.他正挨着她坐在沙发上。On top of the cupboards are straw baskets.橱柜顶上是几个草篮子。8 under nd prep 在.下面 under问道儿你要是“问道儿”,那你就必须站“在”“下面”问,这样显得有礼貌。A path runs under the trees.一条小路在树下延伸。She held her breath for three minutes under the water.她在水下屏息了3分钟。9 come km v 来,来到 Two police officers came into the hall.两位警官来到大厅里。Come here, Tom.来这儿,汤姆。We heard the train coming.我们听见火车来了。10 come on km nphr. 来吧,跟着来,快点儿 Come on Doreen, lets dance.来吧,多琳,我们跳舞吧。Come on, darling, well be late.快点,亲爱的,我们要迟到了。11 desk desk n 书桌 desk打儿上课“打儿上课”就是让儿子爬到“书桌”上去。Hebrushed againstthedesk. 他触到了那张书桌。Hetooka dictionaryfrom thedesk. 他从书桌上拿了一本词典。12 think ik v 想,认为,思考 think他好用脑壳“他好用脑壳”,那就是说,他喜欢“想”问题,“思考”问题。She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to think.她闭了一会儿眼,想好好思考一下。I have often thought about this problem.我经常思考这个问题。Tell me, what do you think of my theory?告诉我,你认为我的理论怎么样?13 room ru:m n 房间 r入oom门“入”了“门”就进入了“房间”。A minute later he excused himself and left the room.一分钟后他告辞了,离开了房间。The largest conference room could seat 5,000 people.最大的会议室可坐5千人。14 their pron 他们(她们,它们)的 the这ir洋人“这”“洋人”,“他们的”想法真是难以琢磨。Have youlooked attheirreport? 你看过他们的报告了吗?15 hat ht n 帽子(一般指有边的帽子) 比较:what 什么这是“什么”?这是“帽子”。Myhatis upstairs,could youcarryitdownforme? 我的帽子在楼上,请你替我把它拿下来,好吗?16 head hed n 头;头部 he河;喝;呵;和ad岸多;俺的;俺打要找“头”容易,“河”“岸多”着呢。今年河里满是淹死的人,捞上来都摆在河岸上呢。“呵”斥“俺的”那个人就是俺的“头”,唉,官大一级压死人呢。“和”“俺打”的那个人就是俺的“头”,哼,俺才不管他是不是头呢,惹恼了我,我谁都打。谐音:害的“头”爱害人,我就是被头“害的”走投无路了。She turned her head away from him.她扭过头,不看他。Hisheadrestedonmyshoulder. 他的头靠在我的肩上。17 yeah je adv (口语)是的;嗯 比较:yesjesn. 是(表示肯定)adv. 是, 是的 Bring us something to drink.Yeah, yeah.“给我们拿点儿喝的来。”“好,好。”Yeah,metoo. 对啊,我也是。18 know nu v 知道,懂得,了解 k看now耨nou“看”“耨”,你“知道”这是干什么的吗?I dont know the name of the place.我不知道那个地方的名称。People like doing things for nothing.I know they do.“人们喜欢白忙活。”“我知道他们是那样。”19 radio reidiu n 收音机;无线电广播 ra绕ra(o)dio地哦“收音机”的播音可以“绕”“地哦”,整个地球都可以听得到的。A lot of people listen to the radio in the mornings.很多人早上收听广播节目。He sat down in the armchair and turned on the radio.他在扶手椅上坐下来,打开了收音机。20 clock klk n 时钟 谐音:克劳克“时钟”总是“克劳克”“克劳克”不停地走着,一刻也不停息。Clock错了哦错看“时钟”可不就是“错了哦错看”,人家错了,你还能看对?Thisclockneithergainsnorloses. 这钟走得既不快也不慢。Thisclockcan onlyring thehours. 这座钟只能每小时报时一次。21 tape teip n 磁带 tape他撇p(i)e“磁带”已经快过时了,你不看“他撇”得那么有劲吗?The recordingcan beerasedand thetapeusedagain. 录音可以抹去,磁带可以再用。22 player plei n 比赛者,选手,播放机 play比赛er的人“比赛”“的人”正是“比赛者”。She was a good golfer and tennis player.她曾是一名优秀的高尔夫球手和网球运动员。23 tape player 录音机 Weputatapeplayer, thena computer,ontheirdesks. 我们只在他们的书桌上放上一个收音机和一台电脑。24 model mdl n 模型;模范 ;样式 谐音:模特Mode蓦地(突然地)L立;来“蓦地”“立”起一个“模型”,吓人一跳。I made a model out of paper and glue.我用纸和胶水做了一个模型。25 plane plein n 飞机 plane扑啦呢“飞机”正在跑道上“扑啦呢”,扑啦一会就飞上天啦。He had plenty of time to catch his plane.他有足够多的时间赶飞机。Her mother was killed in a plane crash.她的母亲死于一次飞机失事。26 model plane飞机模型 I am abletomakeamodelplane. 我会制作飞机模型。27 tidy taidi adj 整洁的;整齐的;井井有条的tidy天阳地阴世间万物“天阳地阴”,都是“整洁的”“整齐的”而且还是“井井有条的”。The roomissmall,butits keptquitetidy. 屋子不大,收拾得倒还干净。28 but bt conj 但是 but布头“布头”虽然小,“但是”多了,也是一笔财富。Please excuse me, but there is something I must say.请原谅,不过有件事我必须说一下。Im sorry, but its nothing to do with you.对不起,不过这和你无关。Imaygo there,butthatde
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