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Modules 56(限时:35分钟)(对应学生用书第373页).阅读理解A(2017合肥市高三调研)Social networks are a big part of nearly every teenagers life in this day and age.Many teens have QQ,WeChat,or Weibo but little do a lot of teens know that they can be held responsible for everything they post for the rest of their lives.Everything you post online is part of a digital footprint that can always be traced (追踪)back to you.That includes every post,even every like,comment,favorite and forward that you have ever committed.All pictures youve posted or will post have been stored in a digital database,and it is the companies right to keep all of these documents that you believe to have been deleted or hidden.With every post comes a consequence;whether it is good or bad,what you post could be seen by anyone.That is why you have to be very careful of what you decide to post or comment.If you think you are safe from Servite finding out about one funny comment you made six months ago on a meaningless picture,you are probably wrong.Recently,a senior,Aaron,at Servite learned this lesson the hard way this year.He wrote a series of ugly comments towards Connelly girls on a web page,ignoring potential consequences.This student,however,did have to face consequences from Servite as he was removed from all of his leadership roles in the school.Surprisingly enough,he fully agreed with his punishment handed down by the administration and fully understood why he was given such severe discipline(处罚)“When you agree to come to Servite,you are agreeing to defend what Servite stands for,”the young man said.“That continues from 8 am to 2 pm.Its at all times.”So,next time youre about to post something you think could be received as offensive or inappropriate,think twice,or dont press the “Send”【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文。当下很多青少年拥有微信、QQ、微博等网络社交工具,但是他们很多人都不知道要对自己所发布的内容负责。文章通过一名高中生的事例说明,在网上发布信息应当慎重。1What does the author think the teens should do in the first paragraph?AAvoid using social media.BRemove their own digital documents.CBe responsible for what they put online.DLearn to balance their online and offline time.C考查细节理解。根据第一段第二句“Many teens have QQ,WeChat,or Weibo but little do a lot of teens know that they can be held responsible for everything they post for the rest of their lives”可知,很多青少年都有QQ、微信或微博,但很多人都不知道,他们应当对自己在网上发布的任何信息负责;据此可知,作者认为,青少年应当对他们发布在网上的信息负责,故C项正确。2What mistake did Aaron make online?ADrawing some meaningless pictures.BMaking some bad comments.CFailing to take his lesson.DBreaking down a special web page.B考查细节理解。根据第三段尾句“He wrote a series of ugly comments towards Connelly girls on a web page,ignoring potential consequences”可知,Aaron在一个网页上写了一系列针对康纳利女孩的难听的评论。故B项正确。3What did Servite do with Aarons case?AIt reached an agreement with Connelly girls.BIt helped Aaron get rid of ill effects.CIt gave Aaron a severe punishment.DIt stood on Aarons side.C考查细节理解。根据第四段第二句中的“he was given such severe discipline(处罚)”可知,由于在网站上的不负责行为,他在学校受到了严重处罚,故C项正确。4For whom is the text probably intended?ATeenagers. BTeachers.CParents.DNetwork engineers.A考查推理判断。通读全文内容可知,本文第一段第一句“Social networks are a big part of nearly every teenagers life in this day and age.Many teens have QQ,WeChat,or Weibo but little do a lot of teens know that they can be held responsible for everything they post for the rest of their lives”为文章主旨句;结合下文内容可知,本文主要论述了青少年应当对自己在网上发布的任何信息负责的问题,据此可以判断,本文的阅读对象是青少年,故A项正确。 【导学号:44040225】B(2017南昌模拟)People who possess high selfesteem are able to commit better and produce a greater bond in relationships with others.Dr.Douglas feels that most people do not value themselves,but with love and selfrespect anyone can be above normality and grasp success with the family,the office,or others.We have become too reliant on intelligence,beauty,and money for our own selfesteem.The loss of esteem reduces the will and ability to set and reach goals.In a series of reading Douglas teaches how to avoid negative statements,how to change them into selffacing behavior,and how to take charge of your mental attitude.Where other motivational and selfhelp work stops with the theoretical plan for success,Douglas takes everyday examples and puts them into his books.From raising children who believe in themselves to using selfesteem to help bridge the gap in the workplace,he gives readers concrete solutions to the problems that might ruin their interpersonal relations.Selfesteem building comes from filling your thoughts with positive affirmations(肯定) and learning to react to failures with motivation instead of selfdestruction.These lessons are valuable for anyone who feels that life is even slightly out of control.People who feel they have adequate esteem can learn to use it to make their success grander,faster,and more beneficial for others.Douglas approaches this process of selfdevelopment as a means of more than creating good things for the individual but also for setting up keys for
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