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Unit 3 Out of Step,By Bill Bryson,Topics,1. It is said that the United States is a nation on the wheel. How do you understand this? How important is the car for an ordinary American? Do a research on the present traffic situation both in China and America. (Group 1) 2. When do you prefer to walk, and when to drive? Do you think people will become over-reliant on cars in the future? If you want to buy a car, what brand do you prefer? (Group 2),Watch the movie clip and answer the following questions. unit 3.wmv Where is the engine of the 911? In the back of the car. 2. Whats the secret of success of that factory? The product and their manufacturing process are one unit. Automation, technology and skilled human labor combine to build the Porsche 911. And the factory runs like a precision machine.,A German factory builds one of the worlds most famous cars. The 911 is the icon of the sports car industry. Its the shape, its the engine in the back, its the feel it gives you, its the emotion. The factory runs like a precision machine, building hundreds of engines a day. The product and our manufacturing process are one unit, and thats our secret of success. Automation, technology and skilled human labor combine to build 16 versions of the Porsche 911, including the 911 GT3.,Then,lets see some popular cars. popular cars.ppt Which one do you prefer? My favorite car is VOLKSWAGEN NEW BEETLE CABRIOLET,Structural analysis,This is an exposition that presents the absurdity of the Americans dependence on cars. The Americans, being so accustomed to using cars, have almost forgotten the existence of their legs. Wherever they go, they go in their cars. As a result, pedestrian facilities are neglected in city planning or rejected by the inhabitants. Which method does the author employ to make his idea clear and effective? (Book page 43),Read the text Unit 03.mp3 and divide the text into 3 parts,Part 1? P1-6 Part 2? p7-13 Part 3? P14-20,Part I- Comprehensive questions,The writer introduces his idea with an anecdote. Please discuss in groups about the three questions: 1. What kind of town is it? 2. What is considered the authors “eccentric behavior”? 3. Why would drivers “depart reluctantly, even guiltily” when their offer was declined?,Language work,sedate: tending to avoid excitement or great activity and to be calm and relaxed E.g. She is a sedate old lady; she is caring but never talks much. The fight against a nuclear power station site has transformed a normally sedate town into a battlefield. V. to make calm or sleepy, esp. with a drug给服镇静剂 E.g. The patient was heavily sedated and resting quietly in bed. Word derivation: sedately ad. Sedation n. sedative a./n.,curb: a line of raised stones separating the footpath from the road v./n. (to place) a control or limit on sth. Undesirable E.g. Poor nutrition can curb a childs development both physically and mentally. There will be new curbs on drunk-driving from next month.,eccentric: (of people or behavior) unconventional and slightly strange E.g. The old gentleman, who lived alone all his life, was said to have some eccentric habits. n. a person of unconventional and slightly strange views or behavior E.g. The old gentleman enjoyed a colorful reputation as an engaging eccentric.,Part II- Comprehension questions,In this part, the author presents the fact that the Americans are habituated to using cars for everything. Please think about the following questions: 1. What is the main idea of the part? 2. How does the author support this idea in this part? 3. Why are the examples described in detail?,Language work,habituate: to accustom by frequent repetition or prolonged exposure E.g. You must habituate yourself to reading aloud. By the end of the school term, the students had been habituated/accustomed/used to rising at five oclock.,contortion: movement of the body or face into an unusual shape or position E.g. The spectators cannot but admire the contortions of the acrobats. contort: v. (to cause sth.) to twist out of its natural shape Compare: distort, twist, deform, contort, warp,To distort is to alter in shape, as by torsion or wrenching; the term also applies to verbal or pictorial misrepresentation and to alteration or perversion of the meaning of sth: E.g. The human understanding is like a false mirror, which, receiving rays irregularly distorts and discolors the nature of things by mingling its own nature with it (Francis Bacon).(Translate) “人的理解如同一面假镜子,无规律地接收光线,将自己的本质和事物的本质混合起来,从而歪曲和玷污了事物的本质”,Twist applies to distortion of form or meaning: E.g. He accused me of twisting his words to mean what I wanted them to.,Deform refers to change that disfigures and often implies the loss of desirable qualities such as beauty: E.g. Great erosion deformed the landscape.,Contort implies violent change that produces unnatural or grotesque effects: E.g. a face contorted with rage,Warp can refer to a turning or twisting from a flat or straight form: E.g. The floorbo
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