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Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?,Section A,1a-2d,police station 警察局,post office 邮局,bank n. 银行,restaurant n. 餐馆,New words,street n. 大街,hotel n. 旅馆,hospital n. 医院,pay phone 付费电话,post office post office police police station hotel restaurant bank hospital street,n. 邮政 n. 办公室 邮局 n. 警察 警察局 n. 旅馆;酒店 n. 餐馆 n. 银行 n. 医院 n. 大街,Words and expressions,pay pay phone near across across from front in front of behind town around,v.&n. 付费 付费电话 prep. 在附近 adv.&prep. 过;穿过 在对面 n. 前面 在前面 prep. 在的后面 n. 镇;市镇 adv.&prep. 到处;大约,Words and expressions,BRIDGE STREET,A: Is there a hospital near here? B: Yes, there is. Its on Bridge Street.,presentation,on Bridge Street,A: Is there a near/around here/in the neighborhood? B: Yes, there is. Its,between and ,A: Where is the ? B: Its ,The police station is between the restaurant and the hospital,There be 句型 一、There be .句型表示的是“某处有(存在) 某人或某物”, 句式结构: 1.肯定句式:There be (is,are) +名词+地点状语 _ _ two erasers in my pencil box.在我的铅笔盒里有两块橡皮. _ _ a tall tree in front of the house.在房子前有一棵大树。,There is,There are,2. 否定句:There isnt / arent 例如: _ _ a bank on Bridge Street.大桥街上没有银行。 _ _ any basketballs in the classroom.在教室里没有篮球。,There isnt,There arent,3. 一般疑问句:Is/ Are + 主语 +? 肯定回答:Yes, there is/are. 否定回答:No, there isnt/arent. _ _ a restaurant near here?这附近有餐馆吗? _ _ any students in the classroom?,教室里有学生吗?,Is there,Are there,二、There be 句型中的主谓一致原则 There be句型中be动词的形式要和其后面的主语在人称和数上保持一致。 (1) 如果句子的主语是单数的可数名词,或是不可数名词,be动词用“is”。 e.g. 紧挨着邮局有一个投币电话。 _ _ a pay phone next to the post office.,There is,(2) 如果句子的主语是复数名词,be动词就用“are”。 e.g. _ _ many trees in the park.在公园里很多树。,There are,(3) 如果有两个或两个以上的名词作主语,be动词要和最靠近它的那个主语在数上保持一致,也就是我们常说的 “就近原则”。 e.g. 在桌子上有一只桔子和一些香蕉。 _ _ an orange and some bananas on the table. 在桌子上有一只桔子和一些香蕉。 _ _ some bananas and an orange on the table.,There is,There are,三、There be 句型与have的区别 There be句型表示 “存在的有”, havehas表示 “拥有”、 “所有”, 两者不能同时使用。 例如: _ _ a model plane on the desk. 桌子上有一架模型飞机。 _ _ a model plane. 我有一架模型飞机。,I have,There is,但表示某物的组成部分时,二者可以互换。 1. _ _1200 students in our school. = Our school _1200 students. 我们学校有1200名学生。 2. Do you _flowers in your room? 你的房间里有花吗? = _ any flowers in your room?,四 There be 句型的附加疑问句(反意疑问句) (1)There is/are,isnt/arent +there? (2) There isnt/arent, is/are +there? 1.There are lots of people over there,_? 2.There is a mouse in the house,_? 3.There arent two books on the desk, _? 4.There isnt any bread in the plate, _?,There are,has,arent there,isnt there,are there,is there,Are there,have,Bridge street,Center street,Long street,1. post office _ 2. police station_ 3. hotel _ 4. restaurant _ 5. bank _ 6. hospital _ 7. street _ 8. pay phone _ 9. park _,f,a,b,c,d,e,h,i,g,Match the words with the places in the picture.,Listen and circle the places you hear.,1a,1b,Conversation 3 A: Is there a hospital on Center Street ? B: No , there isnt .,Conversation 2 A: Is there a post office near here? B: Um , yes, there is. Theres one on Long Street.,Conversation 1 A: Is there a restaurant on Bridge Street? B: Yes, there is.,Yes, there is. Its on Bridge Street.,Is there a hospital near here?,Practice the conversation with your partner. Then ask and answer questions about the other places in 1a.,1c,Is there a post office near here?,Yes, there is. Its on Long Street.,Is there a restaurant on Bridge Street?,Yes, there is.,- Wheres the ball?,- Its _ the box.,in front of,Look and say,- Its _ the box.,across from,- Wheres the ball?,- Wheres the ball?,- Its _ the box.,behind,- Wheres the ball?,- Its _ the box.,next to,big small,- Where is the ball ?,- Its _ the big box_ the small box.,between,and,Where is the pay phone ?,The pay phone is,on Green Street.,The pay phone is behind the library.,Where is the pay phone ?,The pay phone is next to the library.,Where is the pay phone ?,The pay phone is between the post office and the library.,Where is the pay phone ?,The pay phone is in front of the library.,Where is the pay phone ?,The pay phone is across from the library.,Where is the pay phone ?,4,5,2,1,3,6,1. The pay phone is across from the library. 2. The pay phone is next to the library. 3. The pay phone is between the post office and the library. 4. The pay phone is on Green Street. 5. The pay phone is in front of the library. 6. The pay phone is behind the library.,Match the sentences with the pictures. Write each number in the box.,2a,The police station is between the restaurant and the hospital. The park is _ the bank. The hospital is _ Bridge Street. The pay phone is _ the post office. The restaurant is _ the post office. The hotel is _ the police station.,across from,on,next to,Listen and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.,in front of,behind,next to, in front of, between, behind, across
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