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Unit 2English around the world单元过关测试单项填空1. Shall we go outing this weekend?Oh, with all this work _,I dont know if Ill have time to go out.A. to do B. doing C. done D. do【解析】 “with+n.+to do”意为“有事要做”,不定式表示将来;“with+n.+done”意为“事情做后”,过去分词表动作已完成。【答案】 A2._, the first settlers found in New Zealand many strange birds and animals that exist nowhere else in the world.A. As in Australia B. As AustraliaC. Like in Australia D. Like Australia【解析】 as可用作连词;like通常作介词用。as in Australia“和在澳大利亚一样”。【答案】 A3. The storm died away at last with the golden waves _ the shore in peace.A. beat B. to beat C. beating D. beaten【解析】 “with+n.+doing”在句中作伴随状语。【答案】 C4. You look very pale. You _ very tired.I didnt sleep at all last night.A. must be B. must have beenC. can be D. can have been【解析】 对现在情况的肯定推测,用must be形式。【答案】 A5. One way to understand thousands of new words is to gain _ good knowledge of basic word formation.A. / B. the C. a D. one【解析】 knowledge前有形容词,常与不定冠词连用。【答案】 C6. Where was _ you met with the famous scientist?A. it that B. itC. the place D. there【解析】 此题考查强调句型,当被强调部分为疑问词时,句子用倒装语序。【答案】 A7. John said he would pay _ second visit to China _ next month.A. the; / B. the; theC. a; the D. a; /【解析】 a second“再一次,又一次”;the next month用于间接引语中。【答案】 C8. The cost of the various repairs amounts _ total to just over a hundred pounds.A. to B. in C. by D. for【解析】 amount in total to“总计达到”。【答案】 B9. She would rather have a room _ than sleep with her sister.A. on her own B. of her ownC. of hers D. for her【解析】 a room of ones own“某人自己的房间”。【答案】 B10. You look not a bit older than you did 5 years ago. How do you _so young?A. change B. growC. become D. stay【解析】 系表结构stay+adj.表示“一直保持某种状态”。【答案】 D11. For some reason, it _ all day over the two weeks.A. rained B. rainsC. was raining D. has been raining【解析】 over the two weeks“在过去的两周里”,常与现在完成时或现在完成进行时连用。【答案】 D12. America is an _ country. You can hear _ everywhere.A. English-spoken; English speakingB. English-speaking; English spokenC. speaking-English; English spokenD. spoken-English; English speaking【解析】 “English-speaking country”意为“说英语的国家”,spoken English意为“英语口语”,而You can hear English spoken则为“到处你都可以听到人们在说英语”。【答案】 B13. Mr. Smith is in good health now for it is quite a long time since he _.A. not smoked B. smokedC. has smoked D. began to smoke【解析】 在since从句中瞬间性动词如join, catch是动作从发生时算起;延续性动词如live, work, have是动作从结束时算起。抽烟是延续性的行为习惯,故since he smoked意为“自从他戒烟”。【答案】 B14. You should try to write _ even when youre busy. As you know, practice makes perfect.A. now and then B. more or lessC. sooner or later D. here and there【解析】 从后面句中“熟能生巧”可知,前句的语义为“你应该经常写,即使当你很忙的时候”。【答案】 A15. When Bob woke up he found himself in hospital, but he didnt know how that _.A. came about B. came outC. came along D. came across【解析】 根据句意,Bob不知道“发生”了什么,故用词组come about; come out有“开花,出来,出版”之意,come along意为“过来”,而come across意为“偶然碰到”。【答案】 A完形填空When Pat Jones finished college,she decided to travel around the world and see as many foreign places as she could 1 she was youngPat wanted to visit Latin America 2 ,so she got a job 3 an English teacher in a school in BoliviaPat spoke a little Spanish, 4 she was able to communicate with her students even when they didnt 5 much EnglishA sentence she had read somewhere stuck in her mind:if you dream 6 a foreign languageyou have really mastered(掌握)itPat repeated this sentence to her students and 7 that some day she would dream in Spanish and they would dream in 8 One day,one of her 9 students came up arid explained m Spanish that he had not done his homeworkHe had 1O earlyand had slept 11 “What does this have to do with your 12 ?”Pat asked“I dreamed all night,Miss Jones. and my dream was in English?”“In English?” Pat was very 13 ,since he was such Fl bad studentShe was 14 secretly jealous(嫉妒的)Her 15 was still not in SpanishBut she encouraged(鼓励)her young student“Well, 16 me about your dream”“All the people in nay dream 17 English.” the student said“And all the signs were in EnglishAll the newspapers and magazines and a11 the TV programs were in English”“But thats 18 ,”said Pat“What did all the people say to you?”“Im sorry,Miss JonesThats 19 I slept so badly1 didnt 20 a word they saidIt was a nightmare(噩梦)!”1. A. because B. while C. if D. since【解析】趁着年轻想多到国外看看,用while合适。【答案】B2. Afirst Bat first C1ast D. at last【答案】A3. Afor Bof Cas D1ike【解析】get a job as“获得一份工作”。【答案】C4. A. and B. but C. so D. yet【解析】上下文为因果关系,故用so。【答案】C5. A. say B. know C. read D. write【解析】学生对英语懂得不多。【答案】B6. A. in B. about C. of D. for【解析】如果能用外语思维,你就真正掌握了外语。【答案】A7. A. thought B. realized C. hoped D. wanted【解析】Pat希望有一天能用西班牙语思维,而学生们能用英语思维。【答案】C8. AEnglish B
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