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启东中学高二英语期中复习四(M6U1单词拼写及动词填空四)一、单词拼写(M6U1)1. You must start by getting rid of all your p_ bad habits if you really want to improve your skills.2. The supermarket near his school offers a wide v_ of goods to choose from.3. The teacher said the article needed improving, so I spent the whole afternoon p_ it. 4. We will repair the TV set free of charge for you because it is still under g_.5. An offer of a reward has caused many students in our school to p_ actively in the competition.6. Scientists are convinced of the p_ effect of laughter on physical and mental health.7.You can see the stars on a clear night, but in the daytime they are i_.8. Always read the i_ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.9. A Russian might fail to see anything a_ in a joke which would make an Englishman laugh to tears.10. As a civil servant, we must follow the laws and be strict in p_ our official duties.11.The police b_ in through the door and arrested the bad man.12.The waitress t_ over the stairs and the plate on her hand went flying through the air.13.Their marriage appeared to work well and each showed respect and a_ for the other.14.They have been s_ their border defences(边界防御工事) in preparation for war. 15. Shortly afterwards, Dawson received an i_ to speak at a scientific conference. 二、动词填空(非谓语中分词作定语及补语)1. A stand-up comedian might decide to tell different jokes _(depend) upon how the audience reacted to his or her precious jokes.2. He looked around and caught a man _(put) his hand into the pocket of a passenger.3. John raised his voice to make himself _(hear).4. He has the ability _(bring) out the best in others.5. This kind of humour usually only works if both the comedian and the audience admire the person _(make) fun of.6. Many buildings in the city need repairing, but the one _(repair) first is the library.7. There are three problems _(remain)_(settle).8. When he came to, he found himself _(seat) on a chair, with his hands _(tie) back.9. He told himself jokes while _(stand) in front of the mirror, _(brush ) his teeth.10. You cant expect _(learn ) a foreign language in a few months.11. Everything _(considered ),it wasnt a bad holiday.12. It was getting dark; I found a car _(stick) in a pool by the side of the road.13. I looked up and noticed a snake _(wind) its way up the tree to catch its breakfast.14. _(see) the front door _(paint), he had to enter the room through the back door.15. Im going to Beijing next week; I have a lot of things _(take) with me.启东中学高二英语期中复习四(M6U1单词拼写及动词填空四)答案一、单词拼写(M6U1) 1. previous 2. variety 3. polishing 4.guarantee 5. participate 6. positive7. invisible 8. instructions 9. amusing 10. performing 11. burst 12. tripped13. affection 14. strengthening 15. invitation二、动词填空(分词作定语及补语)1. depending 2. putting 3. heard 4. to bring 5. being made fun of 6. to be repaired 7. remaining to be settled 8. seated; tied 9.standing ;brushing 10. to learn 11. considered 12. stuck 13. winding 14. seeing; being painted 15. to take3
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