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,2015年度工作总结及2016年工作展望,汇报人:xxx 2016年xx月xx日,工作内容概述,转眼间2016年过去了这一年在工作上有好有坏、有成功也有失败。 在上半年,作为一名刚刚走出学校的学生,对于未来有着太多的憧憬。在进入公司以后,我努力地学习各种专业知识并培训自己的业务技能。我在思想上严于律己,热爱自己的工作。虚心向师傅们学习。严格要求自己、鞭策自己、力争在平常的工作中做的更好。积极参加公司及销售部组织的各项学习活动。在这一年来,我已经成为了一名正式销售顾问。我相信在以后的工作中,我会在领导的关怀下,在同事们的帮助下,通过自己的努力,克服缺点,取得更大的进步。在即将到来的2013年,我将更加努力工作、勤学苦练,使自己真正成为一个合格的销售人员!,积极主动地完成交代下来的工作,并且当交代下来的工作完成时,应该主动询问是否有其他的需要,并主动地进行业务知识的学习与完善。,Text,缺乏积极 主动性,The End,Company LOGO,PowerPoint Template,Company Logo,Contents,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Company Logo,Hot Tip,How do I incorporate my logo to a slide that will apply to all the other slides? On the View menu, point to Master, and then click Slide Master or Notes Master. Change images to the one you like, then it will apply to all the other slides.,Company Logo,Diagram,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Title Add your text,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Company Logo,Cycle Diagram,Company Logo,Diagram,Company Logo,Diagram,Company Logo,Diagram,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Company Logo,Diagram,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Title,Company Logo,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Diagram,Text,Text,Text,Company Logo,Diagram,Add Your Title,Company Logo,Diagram,Click to add Title,Text,Text,Company Logo,Diagram,Company Logo,Diagram,Your Text,Your Text,Your Text,Your Text,Your Text,Your Text,Your Text,Your Text,Company Logo,Table,Company Logo,Block Diagram,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,Company Logo,Table,Company Logo,3-D Pie Chart,Company Logo,Marketing Diagram,Company LOGO,Thank You !,跨出校门,我该去向何方?,思考人生,如何定位?,mou,是我迈出的第一步!,初来乍到,原来我很渺小!,怎样才能摆脱困境?,团结向上的企业文化,宽松融洽的工作环境,和谐而又富有激情的团队,我看到了希望!,自身知识的拓展,灵活的方法,合理有效的分工,快速成长,出现差错,感谢领导及时指出,做优秀的mou人 !,
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