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(节假日活动)李仕才 Valentines Day导读:瓦伦丁节,即情人节,是一个浪漫的节日。本文介绍了瓦伦丁节的来历及习俗。Every February 14, across the United States and in other places around the world, candy, flowers and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. But who is this mysterious saint, and where did these traditions come from? The history of Valentines Day is shrouded in mystery. But we do know that February has long been a month of romance. St. Valentines Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentines actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death. According to another legend, Valentine actually sent the first valentine greeting himself. While in prison, it is believed that Valentine fell in love with a young girl his jailors daughter who visited him during his confinement. Before his death, it is alleged that he wrote her a letter, which he signed From your Valentine, an expression that is still in use today. Although the truth behind the Valentine legends is murky, the stories certainly emphasize his appeal as a sympathetic, heroic, and, most importantly, romantic figure. Valentines Day is not a public holiday. Government offices, stores, schools and other organizations are open as usual. Public transit systems run on their regular schedule. Restaurants may be busier than usual as many people go out for an evening with their spouse or partner. Valentines Day is also a very popular date for weddings.The most common Valentines Day symbols are the heart, particularly in reds and pinks, and pictures or models of Cupid. Cupid is usually portrayed as a small winged figure with a bow and arrow. In mythology, he uses his arrow to strike the hearts of people. People who have fallen in love are sometimes said to be struck by Cupids arrow.瓦伦丁节每年2月14日,在美国,以及世界各地的一些地方,相爱的人互赠糖果、鲜花和礼物,这一切都是以圣瓦伦丁的名义。但是这个神秘的基督徒是谁呢?这些传统又是从哪里起源的呢?圣瓦伦丁节的历史是一个谜。但是我们确实知道二月一直就是一个浪漫的月份。圣瓦伦丁节,正如我们今天所知,既含有基督教又含有古罗马传统的痕迹。 有一个传说认为瓦伦丁是公元3世纪罗马的一位神父。当时罗马皇帝克劳迪乌斯二世认为单身男子比那些有妻子家庭的男人更适合作战士,于是剥夺了年轻人结婚的权利。瓦伦丁,认为这项法令不公平,违抗克劳迪乌斯的旨意继续偷偷地为相爱的年轻人举行婚礼。当瓦伦丁的行为被发现后,克劳迪乌斯下令将他处死。根据另一个传说,瓦伦丁实际上是第一个送出情人节礼物的人。在狱中的时候,人们认为瓦伦丁爱上了一个女孩典狱长的女儿在他被囚禁期间她常来看望他。据称,瓦伦丁死前写了一封信,署名是“寄自你的瓦伦丁”,直到今天人们仍在使用这种说法。虽然关于瓦伦丁传说背后的真相令人困惑,这些故事却都强调了他作为一个有同情心、英勇、最重要的,浪漫的人物的吸引力。瓦伦丁节并不是一个公共假日。政府机关、商店、学校和其他机构照常开放。公共交通系统也照常运行。餐馆可能要比平时忙碌些因为很多人会和配偶或者伴侣外出就餐。瓦伦丁节也是一个非常受欢迎的婚礼日期。瓦伦丁节最常见的象征物是心形,尤其是红色或者粉色的心形,还有丘比特的图片或者模型。丘比特被描因绘成一个长着翅膀的小人儿,手拿弓箭。在神话故事中,他会用箭射中人心。因此陷入爱河的人经常被说成“被丘比特的箭射中了”。重点单词:1. shroud rad vt. 覆盖2. contend kntend vt. 主张3. priest prist n. 牧师;神父4. decree dkri n. 法令5. defy dfa vt. 藐视;公然反抗6. confinement knfanmnt n. 监禁7. allege led vt. 宣称,断言8. murky mk adj. 令人困惑的;含糊的;不明确的9. mythology mld n. 神话重点短语 / 亮点句式:1. in secret秘密地;私下地。如:The two young lovers decide to marry in secret, which they do the very next day.这一对年轻的恋人决定秘密结婚,就在第二天他们就这么做了。The general ordered that the soldiers (should) fire at once.将军命令士兵立即开枪射击。We suggested that he (should) go and make an apology to his teacher. 我们建议他去向老师道歉。3. fall in love with 爱上。如:No one is perfect until you fall in love with them.直到你爱上了一个人才发现原来有人是完美的。4. in use 在使用中。如:Many are loans from churches where they are still in use.许多作品是从教堂借来的,在那里它们仍在使用之中。名句背诵:Knowledge is power. (Bacon, British philosopher) 知识就是力量。(英国哲学家 培根) 【话题解读】节假日活动是高中英语新课标话题之一,也是高考英语常考话题之一。它包括世界各地的文化节日、宗教节日、个人的庆祝活动及其庆祝这些活动的经历和感受等。节假日活动作为一个有效的文化载体,在高考英语中常以阅读理解、短文改错和书面表达的形式出现,如2017年新课标卷I阅读理解C篇、2016年全国卷阅读理解C篇、2016年四川卷和全国卷的短文改错、2015年全国卷II书面表达、2013年辽宁卷的书面表达等。【相关词汇】 .写作必记单词1.award n.奖品;奖;vt.授予;给予2.cheer v.& n.欢呼,喝彩cheerful adj.愉快的,高兴的3.compete vi.比赛;竞争competitive adj.竞争的;比赛的4.event n.事件;大事5.gather v.搜集;集合;聚集6.mark n.记号;标志;v.标志;做记号于7.match vt.使相配,使成对;n.比赛,竞赛;火柴8.national adj.国家的;民族的;全国性的nationality n.国籍9.participate vi.参加;参与participation n.参加10.permission n.许可;允许;n.许可证permit vt.& vi.允许11.prepare vt.准备;预备12.treat vt.& vi.招待;款待treatment n.治疗;处理.阅读识记单词13.adventure n.冒险;奇遇14.amusement n.娱乐amuse vt.以自娱,逗乐15.balloon n.气球16.cancel vt.取消17.candle n.蜡烛18.cater vt.& vi.提供饮食及服务19.celebration n.庆祝;庆祝会celebrate vt.& vi.庆祝,祝贺20.ceremony n.典礼;仪式;礼节21.champion n.冠军22.concert n.音乐会23.criterion n.标准;准则24.courage n.勇气;胆略25.decorate vt.装饰,修饰decoration n.装饰,装饰品26.director n.导演27.Easter n.复活节28.feast n.盛宴,宴会;(宗教的)节日29.festival n.节日;庆祝活动30.firework n.焰火;(pl.)烟火31.firecracker n.鞭炮32.flame n.火焰;光辉33.invitation n.邀请;请柬34.lantern n.灯笼;提灯35.
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