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阅读理解-细节理解一1、 Jimmy Doolittle was a scientist, an airplane engineer and a general in the United States Army. At one time, he held the record for flying faster than any other person. He was the first pilot to cross the United States in less than twenty-four hours. He was the first pilot to fly “ blind,using only instruments to guide his airplane. And, when his country entered World War Two, he led one of the first successful attacks against the enemy. Jimmy Doolittle was bom on December, 14th, 18%,in the western state of California. His family soon moved to Nome,Alaska. Jimmy was a small boy. He never grew to be very big. Yet larger boys made a mistake if they thought being small also meant being weak. Jimmy would fight if someone tried to hurt him. And he almost never lost. As a young man he became a boxing champion. When the United States entered World War One, young Jimmy Doolittle joined the army. He also asked to be trained as a pilot. On March 18th, 1918, Jimmy passed the tests and graduated from flight school. He had hoped to go to France and fight in the war. The army, however, had him train other pilots. When the war ended, Jimmy chose to stay in the army. He thought this would give him a chance to combine his flying skills and his interest in engineering. For most of the years between World War One and World War Two, Jimmy Doolittle was involved in the growth of the airplane industry. He helped test new airplanes. He flew longer and longer distances. He also entered the world-famous air races of the time. On September 27th, 1993, the scientist, racing pilot, aviation pioneer and military leader Jimmy Doolittle died.1.Which of the following statements about Jimmy is NOT true?A.He was the first pilot to fly with his eyes covered.B.He held the record for the flying speed at one time.C.He was the first pilot that crossed America in less than 24 hours.D.He was the first pilot to fly only by using instruments to guide his airplane.2.What did Jimmy do during the First World War?A.He went to France to fight.B.He trained other pilots in the army.C.He became a boxing champion.D.He led the army to attack against the enemy.3.Why did Jimmy choose to stay in the army when the war ended?A.He liked the army very much.B.He wanted to train more pilots in the army.C.He thought the army could provide better salary.D.The army was a good place to combine his skills and interest.4.The last paragraph but one mainly tells Jimmys_.A.achievementsB.contributionsC.developmentD.strengths2、 One day,I received a call from a colleague.He was about to give a student a zero for his answer to a physical problem,while the student claimed a perfect score.I was elected as their arbiter(仲裁人).I read the examination problem,“Show how it is possible to determine the height of a tall building with the aid of a barometer(气压计).”The student had answered,“Take the barometer to the top of the building,attach a long rope to it,lower it to the street,and then bring it up and measure the length of the rope.The length of it is the height of the building.” The student had really answered the question completely,but the answer didnt confirm his competence in physics.I suggested the student try again.I gave him six minutes to answer the question,warning that the answer should show some knowledge of physics.Five minutes later,he said he had many answers and dashed off one,which read “Take the barometer to the top of the building and lean over the edge of the roof.Drop the barometer,timing its fall with a stopwatch.Then,use the physical formula(公式)to calculate the height of the building.” At this point,my colleague had to accept it,and then the student made almost full marks.I couldnt help asking the student what the other answers were.He listed many others,and then added,“Probably the best one is to take the barometer to the administrator and say to him,Sir,here is a fine barometer.If you tell me the height of the building,I will give it to you.” Then,I asked the student if he really did not know the conventional answer to this question.He admitted that he did,but said that he was fed up with high school and college instructors trying to teach him how to think. The name of the student was Bohr who later was famous all over the world.He won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922.1.The student got a zero at the beginning because _.A.the teacher wasnt satisfied with himB.his answer wasnt complete or correctC.the teacher didnt fully understand his answerD.his answer didnt show his knowledge of physics2.We know from the passage that _.A.the student knew the expected answerB.the administrator told Bohr the heightC.the author preferred Bohrs last answerD.the teacher was a very stubborn person3.We can learn from the passage that _.A.instructors can teach students how to thinkB.arbiters can help s
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