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Table manners at a dinner party,Read the text quickly and match A with B,A (paragraph) B(main idea) Part1(Para1) a table manners changing over time and places Part2(Para2-5) b laying the table and good table manners Part3(Para6) c the order of dishes and good table manners,Read Para1 carefully and answer the questions.,1. How is the table laid ? 2. What are good table manners?,How is the table laid ?,8,9,10,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,1,1,bread plate,dinner plate,In 1930 a Chinese official visited America. An American friend invited him to have a western dinner. After he sat down at the table , he used the napkin to clean the knives and forks . The host was embarrassed(尴尬) .So the host asked the waiter to take away all the tableware (餐具)on the table and bring other pairs.,Why was the host embarrassed?,What are good table manners ?,You can take your napkin , unfold it and put it on your lap when you sit down at the table .,Read Para2-5 carefully and answer the questions.,1. Find out the right order of dishes and number them . dessert drinks main course starter soup 2. What are good table manners?,starter,soup,main course,drinks,dessert,steak,roast chicken,ice cream,cake,What are good table manners ?,Pray and keep silent for a moment .Then say “enjoy your meal”to each other and start eating . Keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left . Never ask for a second bowl of soup. Use your fingers when eating chicken or other birds. Finish eating everything on your plate . Speak quietly and smile a lot . Raise your glasses and take only a sip.,Read Para6 carefully and answer the questions.,1. What will you do if you are not sure what to do? 2. Why is it difficult for people to follow good table manners?,what can you do if youre not sure what to do ?,You can always follow your hosts.,A. They follow the fashion of the day. B. I couldnt follow what he said. C.Follow this road until you get to the church. D. May follows April .,The word Follow has the same meaning as the one in _.,A,Why is it difficult for people to follow good table manners?,Table manners change over time and places.,A friend from Britain named Jack invites you to have a dinner at his home at 7:00 pm. What will you do if you want to leave a good impression?,Discussion,Arrive on time .,Say thanks and goodbye,Follow table manners,Knowing the manners will help you make,a good impression,Homework,2. Write a short passage to compare Chinese table manners with Western table manners.,1. Word Study 2 on P40,Bye-bye,
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