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必修 5,Unit 4 Making the news,Part A模仿朗读,Part B角色扮演,角色:周涛和周扬 情景:周涛在询问儿子周扬第一天上班的情况。 任务:请你扮演周涛,根据中文提示提出问题,请你的同桌扮演周扬,根据课文内容回答你的提问。 1你们部门的负责人是谁? _,2你的工作是什么? _ 3你可以独自去采访吗? _ 4外出采访时你需要摄影吗? _ 5采访中你要注意什么? _,答案:1Q:Who is the boss in your department? A:Hu Xin. 2Q:What is your first job?,答案:A:I am an assistant journalist. 3Q:Can you go out on a story by yourself? A:No. I am an assistant of an experienced journalist. I cant cover a story myself until Im more experienced. 4Q:Do you need to take photographs? A:No. I have a professional photographer to do it. 5Q:What must you keep in mind when covering a story? A:I must be curious and have a good nose for a story. I must listen to the interviewee patiently and take some notes. If the interviewee agrees,I can record what he says.,Part C故事复述,请结合上述问题答案,用自己的话复述课文。 提示词:assistant,cover a story,curious,record,get the wrong end of the stick,答案: It was Zhou Yangs first day to work on a famous newspaper. Hu Xin,his boss,told him that his job was an assistant journalist. As a green hand,he couldnt cover a story himself until he was more experienced. While covering a story,he must be curious and have a good nose for a story. He must listen to the interviewee patiently and take some notes. If the interviewee agreed,he could record what the interviewee said for fear that he would be accused of getting the wrong end of the stick.,.写出下列必考单词 1记者,新闻工作者n._ 2编辑 n_ 3任务,分配 n_ 4最后期限n._ 5约会, 任命n._ 6同事 n_ 7值得赞扬的,令人钦佩的 adj._ 8业余爱好 n_,9精确的, 正确的 adj._ 10过程, 程序, 步骤 n_ 11递交,呈递v._ 12怀疑的 adj._ 13(进退两难的) 困境,窘境 n_,答案: 1journalist 2.editor 3.assignment 4.deadline 5.appointment 6.colleague 7admirable 8.amateur 9.accurate 10.process 11.submit 12.sceptical 13.dilemma,.写出下列单词的变化形式 1职业,专业n._;职业的,专业的adj.& n专业人员_;教授n._ 2赞成,称许,批准v._不赞成,不批准n._ 3犯罪的,有罪的,内疚的adj._;犯罪,内疚n._ 4故意地adv._;故意的 adj._ 5技术上的 adj._;技术上,学术上,工艺上adv. _;技术 n_,6居住、占用,职业n._;与职业有关的adj._;占用,占领,占据vt._ 7热心的,急切的adj._;热心地,急切地adv._;热切,渴望n._,答案:1profession;professional;professor 2approve;disapproval 3guilty;guilt 4deliberately;deliberate 5technical;technically;technology 6occupation;occupational;occupy 7eager;eagerly;eagerness, 活学活用 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1He didnt_ of my leaving school this year. I desperately accepted his_ .(approve) 2His_ was proved beyond all doubt by the prosecution(原告)and he feels_ about not telling the truth to the judge. (guilt) 3I couldnt hide my_ to get back home. (eager),4Building such a bridge is not an easy job;we must have enough_ engineers. (profession) 5It was by accident that he broke the beautiful vase;he didnt do that_ .(deliberate),答案: 1approve;disapproval 2.guilt;guilty 3.eagerness 4.professional 5.deliberately,.翻译下列必背短语 1集中;全神贯注_ 2因指责或控告_ 3应该_ 4使自己了解_ 5为某人辩护_ 6渴望干某事_ 7对敏感_ 8批准;赞成_,9有罪;因内疚_ 10对感到好奇 _ 11职业诀窍_ 12完全搞错了_ 13与某人约会,预约_ 14解释_,答案:1concentrate on 2.accuse.of. 3.be supposed to. 4.inform oneself of 5defend.against 6.be eager to do 7.have a nose for 8.approve.of 9be guilty of. 10.be curious about 11.a trick of the trade 12.get the wrong end of the stick 13.make an appointment with sb. 14.account for, 活学活用,根据括号中的解释,从课文中找出恰当的短语完成下列句子 1She said she was old enough to live_ (by herself) now. 2You_ (should) be here an hour ago. 3In this lecture I will_ (fix ones attention on) Chinas present situation. 4_(to be frank),I dont like the design of the picture.,5As a reporter,Jane _ a story. (have a special ability to find sth.) 6I_ (be ashamed) saying that to my teacher. I couldnt forgive myself.,答案:1on her own 2.were supposed to 3concentrate on 4.To tell the truth 5.has a nose for 6.was guilty of,.重点句型 1Not only am I interested in photograph,but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills(P26) 对摄影我不仅仅是感兴趣,在大学里我还专修过业余摄影课来更新我的技术。 句型:not only.but (also)不仅而且 当not only位于句首时,句子要倒装。 Not only is she clever but she is very diligent. 她不但聪明,而且非常勤奋。, 模仿造句 (1)她不仅工作出色,还很乐于助人呢。 _in her job,but she is always ready to help others. (2)网上购物不仅方便省时,还可以给予优惠呢。 _,答案:(1)Not only does she do well (2)Not only is shopping on the Internet convenient and saves your time,but it can also give you discount.,2This is how the story goes.事情是这样的。 句型:This is h
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