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unit4,Period 1a-2b,学习目标:,1.能正确使用下列单词: table, bed, bookcase, sofa, chair,desk, room, hat, head. 2.能够正确使用 where 引导的特殊疑问句。 3.能够正确使用介词 in, on, under描述物品所在的位。 4.掌握下列句型: Wheres my schoolbag?Its under the table. Where are my books? Theyre on the sofa。,Game,0.08秒的挑战说出单词,Whats this? Its a ,a table,sofa,a bed,a bookcase,a chair,learn the new words,a desk,Lets learn.,in on Under,在里面,在上面,在下面,介词短语:介词+限定词+名词,in the bookcase on the table under the bed in my schoolbag on your chair under his desk,Wheres Tom?,Its in the box.,Im Tom.,wheres = where is,Wheres Tom?,Its on the box.,Wheres Tom?,Its under the box.,in,on,under,Where is Tom?,把下列单数名词迅速变为复数名词 table bed chair bag tables beds chairs bags boy photo family box boys photos families boxes,Wherere the rulers? Theyre on the sofa.,Wherere the books? Theyre in the bookcase.,Pairwork Wherere the ?,Theyre .,1a. Match the words with the pictures. 1.table_ 2.bed_ 3.bookcase_ 4.sofa_ 5.Chair_ 6.schoolbag_ 7.books_ 8.keys_,b,d,a,c,e,g,f,h,b,e,h,g,f,c,d,a,Where are my books?,Wheres my pencil box?,Wheres my computer game?,Theyre on the sofa.,Its in your schoolbag.,Its under your bed.,b,d,a,c,e,g,f,h,Where are my books?,Wheres my pencil box?,Wheres my computer game?,Theyre on the sofa.,Its in your schoolbag.,Its under your bed.,1b. Listen and number the things in the picture1-4.,2,3,4,Pair work,A: Wheres the ? B: Its in/on/under/ ,Wherere the ?,They are in/ on /under the,Where _ the keys ? _ _ the pencil box.,are,Theyre,under,Wheres the _? Its _ the _.,dictionary,on,sofa,Wheres the _? Its _ the _.,bed,schoolbag,on,Where _ the books ? _ in the _.,are,Theyre,bookcase,Memory challenge(记忆挑战),Memory challenge(记忆挑战),Memory challenge(记忆挑战),2a,Listen and number the things 1-6 when you hear them.听录音,按听到的顺序给这些物品编号1-6。,1,2,3,6,5,4,2,6,1,3,Listening (P20 2a): Where are the things? Number the things in the picture. (听力:将这些物品的序号(1-6)标在图上),4,5,1,2,3,4,Listening (P20 2b): Number the things in the picture. (听力:将这些物品的序号(1-6)标在图上),1,2,3,4,6,6,5,5,Tapescript,Tom : Hey, Helen. Helen : Yes? Tom: Is my computer game on the table? Helen : No, it isnt. Its on the bookcase. Tom: Oh, OK. How about my books? Are they in the bookcase, too?,Helen : No, they arent .Theyre on the chair.,Tapescript,Tom: Oh. So, wheres my pencil box? Helen : Hmm-its under the sofa. Tom: And wheres my schoolbag? Helen : Its under the table. And your ruler is under the chair. Tom: Oh, I see. And where are Moms keys? Helen : The keys? Theyre on the table.,The baseball is on the sofa.,Yes, it is.,Is the baseball on the sofa?,No,it isnt. Its under the chair.,Your books are under the chair.,Are your books under the chair?,Yes,they are.,No,they arent.They are under the table.,Summary,Wheres +单数可数名词 ? Its +介词短语 例如:Wheres the pen? Its in /on /under the desk.,Wherere+复数可数名词? Theyre+介词短语,例如:Wherere the rulers? Theyre in on under the chair.,Writing,Look at the picture ,make some sentenses using “-Where + be + n ? -Its/Theyre+介词短语。“,Homework,熟读 2d 对话。 2. 完成同步31页和32页。,Thank you Good bye,Period 2,2C3C,学习目标:,1.能正确使用下列单词或短语: desk, room, hat,head,know, come, come on,think,their, yeah, 2.能够熟练使用where 引导的特殊疑问句。 3. 能够熟练使用介词 in, on, under描述物品所在的位置。 4.掌握下列句型: Wheres my/his your schoolbag? Its under/on the table. Where are my/their books? Theyre on the sofa Are the keys on the sofa? Yes, they are ./No, they arent. They are on the table. Is the schoolbag on the sofa? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.,Wheres Sally? Shes the box.,Wheres Sally? Shes in/on/under/behind/near the box.,on,in,under,behind,near,Challenge your memory,记忆挑战,方位介词: on in under behind in front of near 在-附近,在上面,在里面,在下面,在后面,在前面,Where are the books? Theyre on the table.,Where is the dog? Its under the tree.,Practice,Where are the keys?,Its on the sofa.,Theyre under the table.,Where is the baseball?,Practice,Guessing Game:,Wheres the clock? Is it on / in / under / ?,Its on the desk/table.,Its near the table.,Wheres the chair ? Is it on / in / under / ?,Wheres the bag ? Is it on / in / under / ?,Its behind the sofa.,Wheres the baseball? Is it on / in / under / ?,Its under the chair.,Where are the plants? Are they on / in / under / ?,Theyre on the table.,Where are the books? Are they on / in / under / ?,Theyre in the bookcase.,Where are the cats?,Theyre on the bike.,Are they on/in/under/behind?,Is the schoolbag on the sofa? Is the clock on the table?,Yes, it is.,No, it isnt.,Are the books on the sofa? Are they in the bookcase?,No, they arent.,Yes, they are.,Is the schoolbag on the sofa? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.,Are the books in the bookcase? Yes, they are./No, they arent.,Be + 主语 +地点介词短语?询问某物在某处吗? Be动词的变化随主语的单复数而变化。 回答为Yes, it is. No, it isnt. 当某物是复数时, be动词用are;
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