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Chapter 2 Mathematical FoundationsIn this chapter, we will give some mathematical foundations for the sequential chapter.一開始我們先考慮一階的微分方程中的初始值問題(initial value problem: IVP):, with x(0) given, 先從time-domain 開始,一直做到frequency-domain,把訊號與系統的精神講完。Theorem 1 (Existence and Uniqueness)There exists one and only one solution for the initial value problem with x(0) given.Proof(Existence)Let (Uniqueness)Let z(t) be another solutionConsiderThat is 除此之外還有一個性質是continuously dependent on the initial condition,這個性質主要是在說明如果系統的initial condition 有些微的改變,那IVP的解應該也不會變很多。在第一章題到任何高階微分方程都可以化成一階向量方程,可以寫成 的形式, 因此也預期它的解應該和一階微分方程類似。Theorem 2 For a state differential equation with X(0) Given, where A is a 2 x 2 matrix, there exists one and only one solution Proof This is similar with the scalar case and leave to the reader.到目前為止我們已經知道initial value problem 的解,然而有時候系統會加上一個input,例如加上voltage source或是current source,equation的form就改寫成:,因此接下來要考慮加了input後會有什麼變化。Theorem 3For a first order differential equation with x(0) given, the solution of this equation is ProofHomeworkLet A be an 2 x 2 matrix. Please show that the solution to the state differential equation with X(0) given is 由theorem 1知道initial value problem有存在且唯一的解,然而在最初是如何知道它的解是?有許多方法可以知道,例如可以用Laplace transform可以猜到,因此接著我們討論由frequency domain( Laplace transform: , Fourier transform: )求IVP的解Note什麼時候Fourier transform 和 Laplace transform會一樣?當x(t)在t0的時候沒有值,亦即x(t)=0 for t aFrequency response:如果a0,h(t)的 Fourier transform Step response:input u(t) is unit step *PS*from a(scalar) A(matrix) A (operator) finite dimension infinite dimension*IVP and BVP*把跟空間位置有關的部份吸收到A,跟時間有關的部份吸收到x,最後都可以一階向量方程的形式表示: *output equation: y = cx,通常是用在只想看某個state時,如1 0 0x*controllability: 對於某個系統是否可以控制它 observability: 是否可以看到系統裡面有沒有問題 stability: 系統到底穩不穩定,如果不穩定,要設計使電路穩定,並且使performance 滿足 一些條件identifiability: 對於某些系統的現象有時候不太清楚
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