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,Fruit,Fruit,apple,Fruit,pear,Fruit,orange,Fruit,banana,Fruit,peach,Guess(猜一猜),Whats it?,Guess(猜一猜),Whats it?,Guess(猜一猜),Whats it?,Guess(猜一猜),Whats it?,Guess(猜一猜),Whats it?,Fruit,lychee,Fruit,cherry,Fruit,watermelon,Fruit,grape,fruit salad,Words,apple 苹果 banana 香蕉 pear 梨子 lychee 荔枝 orange 橘子 fruit 水果 salad 沙拉 peach 桃子 cherry 樱桃 grape 葡萄 watermelon 西瓜,.,根据显示的图片,说出相应的英文单词。,看图配对,grape cherry peach watermelon ,Fruit 第二课时,Words,apple 苹果 banana 香蕉 pear 梨子 lychee 荔枝 orange 橘子 fruit 水果 salad 沙拉 peach 桃子 cherry 樱桃 grape 葡萄 watermelon 西瓜,Listen and say. ( 听老师示范,然后练习。),an apple,some apples,a pear,some pears,an orange,some oranges,Dialogue,Mary: What is this? Linda: This is an apple。 Mary: What are these? Linda: These are some apples.,1.我想要一些香蕉。 I want _ _. 2.这里是十个苹果。 These are _ _. 3. 那是一个大西瓜。 That is a _ _. 4.这是一份水果沙拉。 This is a _ _.,根据中文意思,将相应的英文句子补充完整。,Bye!,
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