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It was my birthday on Saturday,M1 U1,dear,Dear mommy/daddy .,well,How are you?,-Im very well. -Im good.,tell,love,of a pen of Amy ,a photo of Lingling a photo of my family a photo of my birthday party,birthday party,lives in 住 He lives in England I live in Zhongyuan school.,love,tell,dear,well,It is =Its,1.Read the words &dialogs 到小组长那读单词和对话 2.Copy the words x 3 抄写单词1遍 3.Write AaZz 认真书写AaZz,M1 u1,It was my birthday on Saturday.,It is there.现在 It was here.过去式,Review,1.Where is my desk? 2.It was here. 3.Its there. Here-there,He was fat. She was thin. She was a teacher. ,-What are you doing? Im eating a hamburger. Im running. Im swimming/sleeping. Im making a cake. Im writting/drinking.,1.-Where does she live? -She lives in London. 2.-Where does your grandpa live? -He lives in ,It was my birthday on Saturday. It is my birthday today. we are in Canada now. we were in Canada. 现在 过去 is -was are-were,1.-Where was he? - He was in Beijing. 2.-Where was my sister? -She was in Hongkong. 3.-Where was my Bamax? -It was in the room. 4.-Where were you in summer holiday?,1.Dear后面可以直接跟人名,人名后面用逗号,美国人用小圆点. Dear Amy, 2.每段的句子不需要空两个,应该靠顶格写: How are you? 3.落款在左下角 Love, Lucy,Buckingham Palace,London Eye,-Where was he?他暑假在哪 -He was in Beijing.,1.she / Shanghai 2.Jenny/ Canada 3.Amy/ England 4.Tonny/ Wuyishang 5.Daming/ Anhui,I was in Xiamen in summer holiday. 我暑假在厦门 And you?你呢? I was in.,was单数,一个人 were复数,两个人或两个人以上 I was She was He was It was We were you were They were,了解两位班主任的住处并造句子: 1.Where does Miss Zhang live? She lives in. 2.Where does Mr. Fang live? He lives in,
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