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Unit 1 My Classroom,Part A Lets learn Lets do,丁庄镇王道小学 姜元昌,classroom,classroom,w,p,b,d,l,T,window,5 windows,Close the window,blackboard,blackboard,s,Clean the blackboard,light,light,s,Turn on the light,picture,Put up the picture,door,door,s,Open the door,TV,Tips ( 提示 ),请一名同学到讲台上来,背对着其他同学。老师将词卡藏在某一同学的课桌内,藏好后开始寻找。同学们一起读出该单词,负责找的同学离词卡越近,读声越高,离词卡越远,读声越低。,sharp eyes“火眼金睛”,Window picture door light blackboard,A,C,B,F,E,D,Guessing game(猜一猜),C,B,F,E,D,Guessing game(猜一猜),A,C,F,E,D,Guessing game(猜一猜),A,B,F,E,D,Guessing game(猜一猜),A,C,B,F,E,Guessing game(猜一猜),A,C,B,F,D,Guessing game(猜一猜),A,C,B,E,D,Guessing game(猜一猜),door,light,window,classroom,picture,blackboard,A: Whats in the classroom? B: One board, one TV, many desks and chairs.,Pair work,chant,Light,turn on the light .,light ,Door,door ,open the door.,Window,window ,close the window.,Picture,Blackboard,picture ,blackboard ,put up the picture.,clean the blackboard.,chant,Light light , turn on the light,Door door , open the door,Picture picture , put up the picture,Blackboard blackboard , clean the blackboard,Window window , close the window,Open the door,Turn on the light,Clean the board,Put up the picture,Close the window,Do as I say,Our classroom is our home We should keep it clean and tidy.,1、向家长说一说今天学到的单词:door,light,window,classroom,picture, blackboard. 2、用今天所学的句型跟小伙伴描述一下“我们的教室里有什么”。,Homework,Good Bye!,
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