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A Lets talk,Unit3 Look at me!,人教PEP三年级上册,Review,Review,Hello/Hi, boys and girls. Good morning/afternoon, .,句子接龙,Game,How are you?,Im fine, thank you.,Lets talk,What can you see in the picture? Where are they?,Lets talk,How is Mike?,What are they going to do?,He is fine.,They are going to school.,school,Lets talk,Listen and imitate,Show time,Good,Great,Excellent,三人一组,练习对话并表演,其他同学评价。,Lets play,Pair-work,活动,找朋友,A: How are you? B: Im fine, thank you. Lets go to school! A: OK.,Sing a song,How are you? Im fine, thank you.,怎样询问并回答某人最近怎么样?,Lets go to school.,怎样表达“我们一起上学吧!”?,1. 观看课文动画并跟读,按照正确的语音、语调朗读并表演课文对话。 2.总结已经学过的问候语。 3. 预习A Lets learn中的单词。,
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