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main,Unit 1 Lets Go Somewhere! Unit 2 Indoors and Outdoors Unit 3 Life Is All About Change Unit 4 Health Unit 5 Student Life Unit 6 Telecommunications Unit 7 Sports and Hobbies Unit 8 Men and Women,unit1,An English Video Course 3 视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3,Unit 3 Life Is All About Change,In the neighborhood,Vocabulary Link,LA_VL_A1,The stages of life,Use the words below to complete the information on the timeline.,infancy,adolescence,adulthood,old age,e.,f.,child,youth/,c.,d.,adult/,senior citizen,elderly,a.,b. / baby,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,childhood,grown-up,infant,middle-aged,teenager,young,_,_,_,_,_,_,Vocabulary Link,LA_VL_A1,The stages of life,At what age do these events usually happen? Write the ages when most people first experience these events. Then write the ages when you first did them.,_,1. say your first words,_,2. vote,_,3. get gray hair,_ _,_ _,_ _,_ _,People,_ _,_ _,_ _,_ _,People,Me,_,_,_,_,6. buy a house/apartment,5. get your first job,4. take a trip with friends,_,Me,Vocabulary Link,LA_VL_A1,The stages of life,Pair work. Compare your answers with a partner. Ask questions about your partners experiences.,LA_VL_A1,Activity 1 The terrible twos,Listening,Proper names Brandon Ellie Lee New words He just turned two. 他刚过两岁。 Hey there! 你好! It will pass. 一切会过去的。 the terrible twos “讨厌的”两岁小鬼 well-behaved 表现好的,乖的,Language Notes,Listen to Ellie and Lees conversation and answer the questions.,LA_VL_B1,II,Listening,Activity 1 The terrible twos,1. Who is Brandon? 2. How many children does Ellie have? 3. What does the phrase “the terrible twos” mean? 4. How to deal with “the terrible twos” according to Lee?,Brandon is Ellies son.,_,She has only one child Brandon.,_,Two-year-old children are less well behaved because their personalities change.,_,Remember that it will pass and try to be patient.,_,Listening,LA_L_1,II,Activity 1 The terrible twos,T F T F T F,1. Brandon has a brother. 2. Brandon had a birthday last week. 3. Brandon was a good boy before.,Listen again. Circle T for true or F for false.,T F T F T F,4. Brandon has changed. 5. Lee has two infants. 6. Lee tells Ellie to be patient.,Listening,LA_L2,Activity 2 An accomplished woman,Proper names High Commissioner on Refugees (联合国)难民署高级专员 Sadako Ogata (日本)绪方贞子 The United Nations 联合国 UC Berkeley (美国)加州大学伯克利分校 New words accomplished a. 有造诣的 escape v. 逃避,逃脱 Good luck! 祝你好运! honey n. 宝贝,亲爱的 incredible a. 了不起的 Just why .? 可为什么? supervise v. 管理,指导 Wow! 哇!(表示惊奇、欢乐等),Language Notes,Listening,LA_L1_A1,1. Sadako Ogata worked for (1) years in the job as the High Commissioner on Refugees and supervised (2) people. 2. Refugees are people who leave their (3) to escape (4) or other problems. 3. Worldwide, there are about (5) refugees today.,ten,Mandy is working on a report for school. Her mother is helping her. Listen and complete the sentences below.,Activity 2 An accomplished woman,II,_,2,200,_,countries,_,war,_,17 million,_,Listening,LA_L2,1. worked at the United Nations 2. hosted a TV show 3. moved to the United States 4. graduated from college,5. got married 6. got divorced 7. wrote books 8. had children,II,Activity 2 An accomplished woman,Listen again. Check ( ) the events Ms. Ogata experienced in her life.,Listening,LA_L2_B,Proper names Carol Jackie Jeff Kaitlyn New words accounting firm 会计师事务所 at the age of . 到岁的时候 business economics 商业经济学 career n. 职业,谋生之道 If everything goes smoothly 若一切顺利 look for 寻找 most probably 非常可能 savings n. 积蓄,存款 to start a family 成家,Language Notes,Activity 3 Im going to .,Now,20,23,28,30,50,study abroad,get married,Listening,LA_L2_A,II,Activity 3 Im going to .,Listen to Mike talking about his future plan and fill in the timeline.,return and get a job,_,become a father,_,retire early,_,on Friday at 2 p.m.,Listening,LA_L2_B,1. Time of arrival at the airport: 2. How to get away from the airport: 3. Time of arrival at Jackies home: 4. What to do in the evening: 5. What to do on Saturday: 6. Weather:,II,_,Activity 3 Im going to .,Listen to Kaitlyns voicemail to Jackie. Write down what Kaitlyn says.,by taxi,_,about 3 p.m.,_,have dinner at a restaurant,_,go to the beach and swim,_,sunny and beautiful,_,Listening,LA_L2,Proper names City Hall
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