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unit,Unit 3 My Week,中山市小榄福兴学校 周桂梅,周桂梅,GO!,周桂梅,Lu hans week,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday,周桂梅,Jenny and Gogo are on the playground. Lets see what they are talking about !,Listen and Look,story,先看故事再判断对错 ( )1. Jenny plays ping-pong on Sunday. ( )2. Gogo plays basketball on Tuesday. ( )3. Tony plays soccer on Tuesday. ( )4. Moms birthday is on Monday. ( )5. Moms birthday isnt on Saturday.,T or F,先看故事再判断对错 ( )1. Jenny plays ping-pong on Sunday. ( )2. Gogo plays basketball on Tuesday. ( )3. Tony plays ping-pong on Tuesday. ( )4. Moms birthday is on Monday. ( )5. Moms birthday isnt on Saturday.,T or F,T,F,T,F,T,Whats that? Its a,ping-pong ball,What do you do on Sunday?,I _on Sunday.,cook,What do you do on Sunday?,I _on Sunday.,paint,What does LangLang do on Saturday?,He _ _ on Saturday.,plays the piano,周桂梅,What does LiuXiang do on Wednesday?,He _ on Wednesday.,runs,What does he do on Tuesday?,He _ on Tuesday.,plays ping-pong,What do they do on Friday?,They _ on Friday.,swim,Can you retell the story after the tape?,Lets try !,Challenge,practice and act out,role play,以小组为单位,分角色扮演story中的人物. (适当的改编和生动的表演可以加分哦),Activity,Role play,Listen and check, 听录音,根据所听到的内容回答第11页的问题,I,Its show time !,What have you learned today ? 今天你学到了些什么?,summary,discuss,询问在星期几干了些什么? What do you do on _? I _ on _.,Life lies in sports! 生命在于运动! We should do sports and be happy everyday! 我们应该积极运动,开心每一天!,good advice,Thank you ! !,Homework for today,抄写课文并背诵课文. 请你写一篇题为“My Week”的小作文,介绍一下自己每天干了些什么。,
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