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BY 陈萍 Unit4 Sentence Structure 1. The chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat.鸡甚至猪也太紧张了以至于不吃东西了。句型1: too+ adj/ adv. +(for sb.) to do sth. 太以至于不(1) 当形容词是表心情的ready, glad, happy, eager, willing等时, 表肯定;(2) 和never, not 连用时, 意为“非常, 怎么做也不过分”。(3) 在too前加上only, but, all, simply 或just时,表肯定, 且带有一定的感情色彩。(1) 这个箱子太重了, 我搬不动。The box is too heavy for me to carry it.(2) 我十分渴望见到你。Im too eager to see you.(3) 过马路时再小心都不为过。You can not be too careful when crossing the road.2.It seemed as if the world was at an end. 似乎到了世界末日。句型2:It seems as if/as though. 似乎,好像 也可用it seems that从句表达同样的意思仿写:(1)It seems as if everybody has known about it except me.看上去好像除了我之外别人都知道。(2)It seems as if he has never been away. 好像他从没离开过。(3)好像这个问题没有解决的办法。It seems as if there is no solution to the problem (a solution to )(4) 听她说话的口气她好像去过美国。It seemed as if she had been to America from her words3. The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000.死伤人数达到40多万。句型3:The number of+名词复数+谓语动词单数+其他.的数字/数量仿写:(1)The number of competitors is limited.参赛者的数量是有限的。(2)The number of existing milu deer in China is small.中国现存的麋鹿数量很少。(3)The number of her fans is surprisingly她的歌迷(fans)数量惊人。4. Everywhere they looked nearly everywhere was destroyed. 所见之处几乎一切都被毁了。句型4:everywhere到处,引导状语从句(1)Everywhere he goes, his dog follows him. 无论他走到哪里,他的狗都跟着他。(2)Everywhere they appeared, they were met with strong protests. 他们无论走到(appear)哪里,都面对一片抗议声。(3)There were his signs everywhere he goes 凡是他去过的地方,都会留下他的痕迹。5. All hope was not lost. 不是所有的希望都破灭了。句型5:all. not=not all.并非都说明 all, both, each, always, every及every的合成词与not 连用时表部分否定。(1)不是所有的学生都通过了考试。Not all the students have passed the exam. 并不是每个人都像你那么自私。Not everyone is as selfish as you. 不是你们两个都有机会去美国。Both of you canthave the opportunity to go to America.6. Never in all San Franciscos history were her people so kind as on that terrible night.面对如此可怕的夜晚,旧金山人民从来都没有表现的如此可爱过。句型6:Never+情态动词/助动词/be +主语+其他 从没.(1)Never have I heard of such a thing. 我从来没听过这样的事。(2)Never has he been to China. 他从没来过中国。(3)Never has I lied to my parents. 我从不对父母撒谎(lie)(4)Never has he been away from China , however, he can speak 6 kinds of foreign languages.他虽然从来没离开过中国,却会说6种外语。7.Your speech was heard by a group of five judges,all of whom agreed that it was the best one this year.句型7:,“all, most, some, few, none, three等+of whom /which”引导的定语从句,在写作中非常有用。表示从整体中取部分, .中的多少1. 我们班有50个学生,其中大多数人都对英语感兴趣。There are 50 students in my class, most of whom are interested in English. Vocabulary1. happen 翻译:2008年四川发生了一场大地震A big earthquake happened in Sichuan in 2008.2. burst 翻译:当她在讲话时,老人激动地哭了起来。When she spoke, the old man burst out crying with excitement.3. injure 翻译:撞车事故中三人死亡, 五人受伤。In a car accident, 3 people were killed and 5 were injured.4. shock 翻译:运用 根据汉语意思,完成英文句子。听到这个消息,我十分震惊。(一句多译)a. I am shocked to hear the news. b. I was shocked at the news.c. It shocked me to hear the news. d. The news gave me a shock 5. rescue 翻译: 救生艇(life boat)被派出去救沉船(sinking ship)的水手。The lifeboat was sent out to rescue the sailors from the sinking ship.6. trap 翻译:(1)他们被困在发生火灾的旅馆 (burning hotel)里。They were trapped in the burning fire.(2) 诱捕鸟是很残忍的。It is cruel to trap birds.7. destroy翻译:他说的话摧毁了我们最后的希望。His words / What he said destroyed our last hope.8. bury bury oneself in=be buried in埋头于; 专心于昨晚,他们忙于他们的工作。Last night, they buried themselves in / were buried in their work.9. right away 翻译:他病了, 你应该立即请大夫来He was ill and you should call in a doctor right away.10. in ruins 翻译:整个大楼在一次可怕的地震后变为废墟。The whole building was in ruins after the terrible earthquake.11. at an end 翻译:婴儿哭了很久后爸爸的耐心终于没有了The fathers patience was at an end after the babys long crying The fathers patience was at an end after the baby crying for a long time.12. dig out 翻译:我被困在雪下。我唯一能做的就是希望有人会来把我挖出来。I was trapped under the snow. All I could do was hope that someone would come and dig me out13. a great number of 许多, 大量 翻译:我有许多信要回。I have a great number of letters to answer.(1)The number of the people invited to the party _was_(be)50 last night, but a number of them _were_ (be) absent for different reasons.(2)A great number (许多人)lost their lives in the terrible disaster.14. think little of不重视;没把当成回事(1) 他不重视我的建议。He thought little of my suggestion 她没把每天走30里路当回事She thinks nothing of walking30 miles a day15. judge 翻译:从他的口音来看,他一定来自中国的东北。Judging from his accent, he must be from the northeastern part of China16. honor 他以出色的演讲被授予一等奖。He was honored with the first prize for his excellent speech.我们举行了一个特别的宴会向她致敬。We held a special party to honor her.17. express 很难表达我有多么的感激。Its hard to express how grateful I am.18. the+比较级, the +比较级 越., 越.你读的越多,你就理解的越好。The more you read, the better you understand.请翻译下列句子1. 战争立刻就要结束了。The war would be at an
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