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英语词汇-数学词汇abbreviation 简写符号;简写 abscissa 横坐标absolute complement 绝对补集 absolute error 绝对误差absolute inequality 绝不等式 absolute maximum 绝对极大值absolute minimum 绝对极小值 absolute monotonic 绝对单调absolute value 绝对值 accelerate 加速acceleration 加速度 acceleration due to gravity 重力加速度; 地心加速度accumulation 累积 accumulative 累积的accuracy 准确度 act on 施于action 作用; 作用力 acute angle 锐角acute-angled triangle 锐角三角形 add 加addition 加法 addition formula 加法公式addition law 加法定律 addition law(of probability) (概率)加法定律additive inverse 加法逆元; 加法反元 additive property 可加性adjacent angle 邻角 adjacent side 邻边adjoint matrix 伴随矩阵 algebra 代数 algebraic 代数的algebraic equation 代数方程 algebraic expression 代数式algebraic fraction 代数分式;代数分数式algebraic inequality 代数不等式algebraic number 代数数 algebraic operation 代数运算algebraically closed 代数封闭 algorithm 算法系统; 规则系统alternate angle (交)错角 alternate segment 内错弓形alternating series 交错级数alternative hypothesis 择一假设; 备择假设; 另一假设altitude 高;高度;顶垂线;高线ambiguous case 两义情况;二义情况amount 本利和;总数 analysis 分析;解析analytic geometry 解析几何angle 角 angle at the centre 圆心角angle at the circumference 圆周角angle between a line and a plane 直与平面的交角angle between two planes 两平面的交角angle bisection 角平分 angle bisector 角平分线;分角线angle in the alternate segment 交错弓形的圆周角angle in the same segment 同弓形内的圆周角angle of depression 俯角angle of elevation 仰角angle of friction 静摩擦角; 极限角angle of greatest slope 最大斜率的角angle of inclination 倾斜角angle of intersection 相交角;交角angle of projection 投射角angle of rotation 旋转角angle of the sector 扇形角 angle sum of a triangle 三角形内角和angles at a point 同顶角 angular displacement 角移位angular momentum 角动量 angular motion 角运动angular velocity 角速度annum(X% per annum) 年(年利率X%)anti-clockwise direction 逆时针方向;返时针方向anti-clockwise moment 逆时针力矩 anti-derivative 反导数; 反微商anti-logarithm 逆对数;反对数anti-symmetric 反对称apex 顶点 approach 接近;趋近approximate value 近似值 approximation 近似;略计;逼近Arabic system 阿刺伯数字系统 arbitrary 任意arbitrary constant 任意常数 arc 弧arc length 弧长 arc-cosine function 反余弦函数arc-sin function 反正弦函数arc-tangent function 反正切函数area 面积 Argand diagram 阿根图, 阿氏图argument (1)论证; (2)辐角argument of a complex number 复数的辐角argument of a function 函数的自变量arithmetic 算术arithmetic mean 算术平均;等差中顶;算术中顶arithmetic progression 算术级数;等差级数arithmetic sequence 等差序列arithmetic series 等差级数 arm 边array 数组; 数组 arrow 前号 ascending order 递升序ascending powers of X X 的升幂 assertion 断语; 断定associative law 结合律 assumed mean 假定平均数assumption 假定;假设asymmetrical 非对称asymptote 渐近asymptotic error constant 渐近误差常数at rest 静止augmented matrix 增广矩阵auxiliary angle 辅助角auxiliary circle 辅助圆auxiliary equation 辅助方程average 平均;平均数;平均值average speed 平均速率 axiom 公理axiom of existence 存在公理axiom of extension 延伸公理axiom of inclusion 包含公理axiom of pairing 配对公理axiom of power 幂集公理axiom of specification 分类公理axiomatic theory of probability 概率公理论axis 轴axis of parabola 拋物线的轴axis of revolution 旋转轴axis of rotation 旋转轴axis of symmetry 对称轴 back substitution 回代bar chart 棒形图;条线图;条形图;线条图 base (1)底;(2)基;基数base angle 底角 base area 底面base line 底线 base number 底数;基数base of logarithm 对数的底 basis 基Bayes theorem 贝叶斯定理bearing 方位(角);角方向(角)bell-shaped curve 钟形图belong to 属于Bernoulli distribution 伯努利分布Bernoulli trials 伯努利试验bias 偏差;偏倚biconditional 双修件式; 双修件句bijection 对射; 双射; 单满射bijective function 对射函数; 只射函数billion 十亿bimodal distribution 双峰分布binary number 二进数binary operation 二元运算binary scale 二进法binary system 二进制binomial 二项式 binomial distribution 二项分布binomial expression 二项式 binomial series 二项级数binomial theorem 二项式定理 bisect 平分;等分bisection method 分半法;分半方法bisector 等分线;平分线 Boolean algebra 布尔代数boundary condition 边界条件boundary line 界(线);边界bounded 有界的bounded above 有上界的;上有界的bounded below 有下界的;下有界的bounded function 有界函数bounded sequence 有界序列brace 大括号 bracket 括号breadth 阔度 broken line graph 折线图calculation 计算calculator 计算器;计算器calculus (1) 微积分学; (2) 演算 cancel 消法;相消canellation law 消去律 canonical 典型; 标准capacity 容量 cardioid 心脏Cartesian coordinates 笛卡儿坐标Cartesian equation 笛卡儿方程Cartesian plane 笛卡儿平面Cartesian product 笛卡儿积category 类型;范畴
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