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高二英语导学案 必修5-Unit 2Unit 2 The United Kingdom(Warming-up and Reading)Step 1. warming up1. What is the full name of the UK?The UK2. Please do the quiz on page 9 and find out how much you know about the United Kingdom(UK).Step 2. Pre-readingFrom the quiz we know that the UK consists of four countries. What are they? Can you write the countries names on the map? Step 3.Reading1: Read paragraph 1 quickly and find out the “Puzzles”.2. Read the following paragraphs in groups and finish the following tasks.The tasks of Group 1Task 1: Read para.2 and try to explain “How UK was formed?”whencountriesfirstIn the thirteenth centuryIn the seventeenth centuryIn the early twentieth centuryTask 2: The Union Jack flag unites the flag of three countries in the United Kingdom. Which country is left out? Why?The tasks of Group 2Task 3:How many zones is England divided into? They are , , .Most population settled in_.Most of the large industrial cities are in_.The tasks of Group 3Task 4:In the England history, there are_(how many?) sets of invaders. They are: _, _, _, _.What did they leave?The invadersthey leftStep 4. Role-playing The following samples may help you. (of course you can use you own words if you like)The formation of the UKWelcome to England!My name is . Im very glad to be your local guide for todays visit.First, Id like to give you a brief introduction of the UK. The full name of England is the _ _ of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It consists of four parts, they are _, _, _ and _, people always think _ is a part of England. The flag of the UK is called the _ _.I hope you will have a wonderful journey in this beautiful country! Thank you!Similarities and differences of the four countriesWelcome to England!My name is . Im very glad to be your local guide for todays visit. The UK consists of countries. They act like one country in and , but they have different .They even have different for the World Cup! I hope you will have a wonderful journey in this beautiful country! Thank you! LondonWelcome to England!My name is . Im very glad to be your local guide for todays visit. London is the of England, the Great Britain and the UK. It is the centre of and its . It has the oldest , and . I hope you will have a wonderful journey in this beautiful country! Thank you!Step 5.Disscusion(选做题)England is a beautiful country. If you have a chance to go there, do you want to ? Which places do you prefer to go?Step6. Homework1.To Finish Exercise 1 & 2 on page 11.2. Read the text carefully and underline the sentences you dont understand.2
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