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车间包胶工艺流程Procedure for Lagging Pulleys with Nilos Adhesives in the Workshop 工具准备Tools Required4mm Stitcher 4mm的订书丁40mm Roller 40mm压紧轮Knife with sharp blade (Stanley Knife) 小刀(锋利的)600mm Square 600mm方板2000mm Straight Edge 2000mm长的方锲Rubber Mallet or Pnuematic Hammer 橡皮锤等1ltr and 2ltr Plastic containers(solvent, brushes & glue) 塑料桶100mm Paint Brushes(good quality) 100mm长刷子Bannister Brush 短刷子 以上工具必须单独存放,以避免接触油等受污染All these should be kept separate so as not to get contaminated with oil etc 工艺流程/Lagging Procedure1. 滚筒需喷沙以确保表面的污染物已全部清除。Sandblast the Pulley ensuring all surface contaminates have been removed2. 放置滚筒到一定高度确保它能方便旋转,且表面不会接触到其他物体。Set pulley up on stands so it can be easily rotated without anything coming in contact with the face of the pulley3. 在滚捅端部设置500瓦的灯来加热筒体和滚筒周围的空气避免筒体受潮。(主要在天气寒冷或雨天施工) Set up 500wt lights at either end of the pulley to heat the shell and the air around the pulley to prevent moisture (mainly in cold weather or when overcast or raining)4. 用刷子清理滚筒的表面。不要用清洗剂清洗,除非滚筒表面有油脂等。如有,只清洗有油脂的地方而不是整个滚筒。Clean the face of pulley with a banister brush. Do not wash with solvent unless grease or oil is present and then only wash the contaminated area not the entire pulley face5. 充分搅拌SH 底胶后,均匀平整地涂在整个滚筒表面上。Thoroughly stir a tin of SH Primer and apply an even coat to the entire pulley face6. SH底胶至少需干透至少40分钟以上。Allow this to dry for a minimum of 40 minutes7. 同时,用刷子清理要包胶的胶板,胶板必须比滚筒表面长100mm以上,方便施工。Whilst this drying cut sufficient strips of lagging to cover the pulley and clean with a banister brush. These should be 100mm longer than the pulley face to allow for handling and pattern matching8. 充分混合TL-T60胶水后,涂刷在胶板和滚筒面二次Thoroughly mix enough TL-T60 Adhesive to cover the pulley and the lagging TWICE9. 第一次涂刷TL-T60胶水后,允许干透约40分钟以上(恶劣情况下时间应更长)。(带CN层的胶板可不先刷第一遍胶水。属选择性的)Apply an even 1st coat of TL-T60 to the pulley and lagging and allow this to dry for a minimum of 40 minutes (longer in adverse conditions) CN BACKED LAGGING DOES NOT REQUIRE THIS FIRST COAT ON THE LAGGING (OPTIONAL) 10. 使用角尺和长尺划线。Using a square and a straight edge mark a line along the face of the pulley11. Apply a coat of adhesive to 1 strip of lagging and an equivalent area from your square line on the pulley and allow to only tack dry12. 确认胶板沿着画好的垂直线粘贴。Carefully lay the strip of lagging along the square line13. 用锤子从中心往两侧慢慢贴合胶板。Stitch and roll the lagging, working from the centre out to the edge of the pulley then hammer with the mallet or pneumatic tool14. 第二片胶板粘接时需确认表面图案是顺延第一片的图案的,然后依第13步骤进行。2nd coat another strip and when ready lay this strip ensuring the pattern of the lagging is matched up and it fits neatly up against the 1st strip. Stitch, roll & hammer as before15. 重复14步骤直到最后的3片。Repeat step 14 until there is 3 strips left to apply16. 在这时,留下最后3片,宽度在20mm的胶片,在滚筒表面上先试粘并画好线确认需裁减掉的部分,使得有一个良好的封口。At this point cut 3 pieces 20mm wide off the edge of the lagging already on the pulley and lay these into the area still to be lagged and mark where each strip needs to be trimmed in order to achieve a perfect cut in and closing joint.17. 这样比要在最后填充30mm宽的缝隙好多了。THIS IS MUCH BETTER THAN TRYING TO FILL A 30MM GAP AT THE END18. 最后,裁减掉边缘多余的胶板,和筒体成30度角。When this is completed trimmed the lagging around the edge of the pulley on a 30 deg chamferBRUSHES SHOULD BE THOROUGHLY BRUSHED OUT OF ADHESIVE AND PLACED IN CONTAINERS WITH ENOUGH TOLUENE TO COVER THE BRISTLES THIS WILL ENSURE THE LONG LIFE OF THE BRUSHES
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