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,Do you like bananas?,Period 4,Look and say,broccoli,strawberries,pears,ice cream,tomatoes,carrots,French fries,bananas,hamburgers,eggs,chicken,记忆大挑战,A:Do you like?,No, I dont.,B:Yes, I do./,Work in pairs,Work in pairs,A:Does she/he like? B: Yes, she/ he does. No, she /he does.,For dinner, I like.,for breakfast,for lunch,for dinner,For breakfast, I like,For lunch,I like ,Listen and underline(划线) the fruits and circle(圈出) the vegetables,Sandra Clark,Runner eats well Running star Sandra Clark eats lots of healthy food. For breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas,and apples. For lunch,she likes hamburgers, salad,and pears. And for dinner, she has chicken, tomatoes, French fries and ,for dessert,ice cream.,_,_,_,Make a survey:(做调查) Tick yes( ) or no( ),Whats your name? Do you like?,You can answer like this:,Survey report(调查报告),He/ She likes _, but he/she doesnt like _. ,For breakfast, Tom likes eggs, oranges, and bananas.For lunch,he likes _ And for dinner, he likes _,hamburgers,carrots and oranges.,chicken,salad and broccoli.,Fill in the blanks,Tom,List (清单) bananas.,Task,Goodbye,
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