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Unit 2 Mockys Bad DayThe third periodI、Review the verbsBrainstorm the verbs they have learned so for with the children. Elicit the word eat. Write the word on the board. Pretend you are eating a banana and then say, “Yesterday, I ” Have the children complete the sentence Yesterday I ate a banana. Write the word ate beside eat. Repeat with other verbs children suggested. Make sure to write the irregular verbs separate from the regular verbs.Model the structuresReview the main story and this time focus on the structures listed on Uncle Bookys blackboard on page 18. Have the children tell the story from their memory then have them open to the story pages and go over the story again. Tell the children that this time you want them to tell the story. Elicit the story from the children with questions. Point to to picture 3 and ask, “Did Mocky eat an apple?” Elicit the answer from the children, “No, he didnt eat an apple. He ate a banana.” Repeat the procedure with other pictures with questions that elicit the negative structures of the past tense. Write the sentences on the board and have the children read each sentence.II 、New lessonUncle Bookys BlackboardTell the children to look at the blackboard on the top of page 18. Model the structures by reading them aloud to the class. Have the children repeat the structures in a class drill. Use all possible combinations. Focus on the use of negeative form of did and was/were at this time. Dont pay much attention to couldnt at this stage yet.Touch and sayDraw the childrens attention to the pictures at the bottom of the page. Explain that these pictures show what Peter did last Sunday. Encourage the children to describe each picture. Point out that the pictures in circle are things Peter didnt do last Sunday.Read and writeComplete the story Have the children open their books at page 19. Draw the childrens attention to the text and pictures on the page. Explain to the children that they will read a short story about Ken. Tell them that there are some words missing from the story and they are all verbs. They must write out each verb in its correct form in the space provided. Have the children read the text and then tell you about Kens experience in the restaurant. Put the children into pairs and have them complete the story with the verbs in their right forms. Then the teacher reads the story slowly with all the children. Make sure they write the correct verbs.Homework:Listen to the tape.Write about your own experience of accident when eating food. 儿童心理发展是有顺序的,这是由遗传决定的,不会因为各种外部环境的影响,或者学习、训练的作用而发生改变,出现心理发展的超越或逆转。人类个体从出生到成熟再到衰老的过程中心理的发生发展。既是个体自身发展成熟的过程,又是一个社会化的过程。1
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