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Unit 3 School Sport DayThe first periodStructures:Did Ken win the race?No, he didnt. Yes, he did.He was third. Ann came last.Review Review the flashcards for Unit 1 and 2. Review all the verbs learned so far. Review the song from Unit 2.Set the scene Have the children look at the title of this Unit. Explain the meaning of sports day. Ask the children to talk the sports day they had last year. You can ask what sports they were in, if they won a prize and what their positions were in race. Present the words race, won a prize, first, second, third etc. When they are mentioned by the cildren. Ask individual child, “Did you run?” Present the answer Yes, I did. No, I didnt. Have them repeat after you.Get preparedTell them that in this Unit they are going to read about the sports day at Ken and Anns school. Have them open their books at page 26 and 27.Have the children look at the pictures and read the story first. Then ask them to say what the story is about. Play the tape for the story. Have the children listen. Then play the tape again. This time you can ask the children to repeat the key structures.Tell the storyNow draw the childrens attention to the text at the bottom of the pages. Explain that the text tells more about the story. Have the children read the text.When they finished ,have the children talk about the story. Elicit the main point from the children while pointing each picture on the page. Play the tape. Have the children listen.Play the tape again, or the teacher tells the story again. Ask questions to check the childrens understanding.HomeworkExtend the game by having the children talk about runners from their class. What were their positions in school sports day last year?儿童心理发展是有顺序的,这是由遗传决定的,不会因为各种外部环境的影响,或者学习、训练的作用而发生改变,出现心理发展的超越或逆转。人类个体从出生到成熟再到衰老的过程中心理的发生发展。既是个体自身发展成熟的过程,又是一个社会化的过程。1
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