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Unit3 school sports day课时进度(第2课时)课型特点新授课教学目标技能目标1能用英语简单描述过去的事情。2.能够用用人称代词的主格I,we,you,she,he,they and it .And it描述人物做过什么事。3. Unit2通过Mocky一天的遭遇来讲述(人称代词的主格,一般过去时态和肯定形式)。知识目标1.人称代词的主格I,we,you,she,he,they and it2.一般过去时态的运用3.语音:-a and -i情感、文化、策略目标1.创设情景,营造轻松愉悦的学习氛围,让Ss乐学,并在活动中学会合作。2.Mocky一天的遭遇来讲述(人称代词的主格,一般过去时态和肯定形式),让学生养成做事细心的习惯。教学重点能够运用日常词汇讲述一些日常发生的事情。重点句型的认读如:He ate a banana .etc.模仿跟读。教学难点重点句型(一般过去时态)的认读、理解教具准备录音机、挂图、实物教 学 过 程活动进程学生活动教师引 导设计意图重点关注Step1Greetings and warm-upStep2Set the sceneStep3Listen and numberStep4Talk togetherStep5Sounds and letters学生与教师问候S:Good morning Im fine,thank youHow are you? Elicit :I had a dream last night.In my dreamI was Ss:look and listen carefully.Then class work to practice the “high and low voice”Talk about the space story using these New wordsSs look and talk about the pictures Just do it Try to understand the listening Look and talk in groupsGroup show-offSslook firstly.Then Ss Information gap to deal with themSs:listen and write these words in airSs:Assessment to each other教师热情地和学生打招呼,与学生问候T:Good morning, boys and girls. How are you? Flashcard cativityT:Use a picture about ate,present the wordsT:Ask Ss to work in groupsLook firstlyPlay the tapeCheck the answersShow the picture assessmentPlease look firstly.Play the tape通过师生、生生相互问候创设英语学习气氛,活跃课堂,拉近师生间距离复习一课的内容短时间机械操练词汇巩固词汇自学能力训练听力体验成功用旧知换新的时态来训练一般过去时态掌握语音ea and i 的发音坚持书空的习惯培养小组合作习惯和正确评价他人的能力学生能积极参与活动学生的思维习惯学生参与说了没有合作学习习惯学生交流没有?听的习惯中差生会使用ate and wathed ,etc verbs.听读和认读是否公正,公平作业设计1.Listen to the tape with their parents.2.write the new words onP4 3 times and tell their parents.3.Preview P18-P19板书设计Unit3 School sports day Lesson2 words to learn , listen to thisNew words:visited,went,cleaned,watched,hit,cough Assessmen What did you do yesterday? T1 T2 T3Yesterday I visited a friend. Mocky ate a banana too quickly.He couldnt breathe.Sounds:-ea -i 教学反思儿童心理发展是有顺序的,这是由遗传决定的,不会因为各种外部环境的影响,或者学习、训练的作用而发生改变,出现心理发展的超越或逆转。人类个体从出生到成熟再到衰老的过程中心理的发生发展。既是个体自身发展成熟的过程,又是一个社会化的过程。5
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